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Last active February 19, 2016 01:16
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Save TheDarkCode/382179d7d57600f0d3d9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple class for quickly adding dynamic UIImageViews to your application. Create a single or array of Animation objects to assign to your DynamicImage.
// DynamicImage.swift
// Simple class for quickly adding dynamic UIImageViews to your application.
// Create a single or array of Animation objects to assign to your DynamicImage.
// Created by Mark Hamilton on 2/17/16. Updated 2/18/16.
// Copyright © 2016 dryverless. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import UIKit
class DynamicImage: UIImageView {
private var _animation: Animation?
// Uses lots of memory, can crash your app if too many are loaded.
private var _animations: [Animation]?
var animation: Animation {
get {
if let anim = _animation {
return anim
} else {
return Animation()
var animations: [Animation] {
get {
if let anims = _animations {
return anims
} else {
return [Animation]()
convenience init(frame: CGRect, defaultAnimation: Animation?, animationArray: [Animation]?) {
self.init(frame: frame)
if let anim = defaultAnimation {
self._animation = anim
if let anims = animationArray {
self._animations = anims
override init(frame:CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
// Play animation on load
func playRandomAnimation() {
var random: Int = 0
if let count: Int = animations.count {
let rand = arc4random_uniform(UInt32(count))
random = Int(rand)
func playDefaultAnimation() {
if let baseImage: UIImage = animation.defaultImage {
self.image = baseImage
self.animationImages = nil
if let frames: [UIImage] = animation.frames {
self.animationImages = frames
if let duration: NSTimeInterval = animation.duration {
self.animationDuration = duration
if let toRepeat: Bool = animation.isRepeated {
if toRepeat {
if let repeats: Int = animation.repeatCount {
self.animationRepeatCount = repeats
if self.animationImages != nil {
func playCustomAnimation(selectedAnimation: Int) {
if let baseImage: UIImage = animations[selectedAnimation].defaultImage {
self.image = baseImage
self.animationImages = nil
if let frames: [UIImage] = animations[selectedAnimation].frames {
self.animationImages = frames
if let duration: NSTimeInterval = animations[selectedAnimation].duration {
self.animationDuration = duration
if let toRepeat: Bool = animations[selectedAnimation].isRepeated {
if toRepeat {
if let repeats: Int = animations[selectedAnimation].repeatCount {
self.animationRepeatCount = repeats
} else {
self.animationRepeatCount = 0
if self.animationImages != nil {
func unloadAnimations() {
self._animation = Animation()
self._animations = [Animation]()
class Animation {
private var _id: String! = "Animation"
private var _defaultImage: UIImage! = UIImage()
private var _frames: [UIImage]! = [UIImage]()
private var _duration: NSTimeInterval! = 1.0
private var _isRepeated: Bool! = false
private var _repeatCount: Int! = 0
private var _framePrefix: String! = "frame"
private var _frameCount: Int! = 1
private var _playbackRate: Double! = 1.0
var id: String {
get {
if let i = _id {
return i
} else {
return "Animation"
var defaultImage: UIImage {
get {
if let img = _defaultImage {
return img
} else {
return UIImage()
var frames: [UIImage] {
get {
if let frameArray = _frames {
return frameArray
} else {
return [UIImage]()
var duration: NSTimeInterval {
get {
if let length = _duration {
return NSTimeInterval(length * playbackRate)
} else {
return 1.0
var isRepeated: Bool {
get {
if let repeated = _isRepeated {
return repeated
} else {
return true
var repeatCount: Int {
get {
if let count = _repeatCount {
return count
} else {
if isRepeated == true {
return 0
} else {
return 1
var framePrefix: String {
get {
if let pref = _framePrefix {
return pref
} else {
return ""
var frameCount: Int {
get {
if let fTotal = _frameCount {
return fTotal
} else {
return 0
var playbackRate: Double {
get {
if let pRate = _playbackRate {
return pRate
} else {
return 1.0
// Empty Initializer
init() {}
// Pass UIImages to Animation Object
init(id: String?, baseImage: UIImage?, animationFrames: [UIImage]?, animationDuration: NSTimeInterval?, animationRepeated: Bool?, repeatLimit: Int?) {
if let i = id {
self._id = i
if let base = baseImage {
self._defaultImage = base
if let frameArray = animationFrames {
self._frames = frameArray
if let length = animationDuration {
self._duration = length
if let repeated = animationRepeated {
self._isRepeated = repeated
if let count = repeatLimit {
self._repeatCount = count
// Pass Prefix and Frame Count to Animation Object
init(id: String?, baseImage: UIImage?, animationFramePrefix: String?, animationFrameCount: Int?, animationDuration: NSTimeInterval?, animationRepeated: Bool?, repeatLimit: Int?) {
if let i = id {
self._id = i
if let base = baseImage {
self._defaultImage = base
if let animPrefix = animationFramePrefix {
self._framePrefix = animPrefix
if let frameTotal = animationFrameCount {
self._frameCount = frameTotal
if let length = animationDuration {
self._duration = length
if let repeated = animationRepeated {
self._isRepeated = repeated
if let count = repeatLimit {
self._repeatCount = count
func changeId(newId: String!) {
if let nId = newId {
self._id = nId
func stopRepeat() {
self._isRepeated = false
func newRepeatLimit(newLimit: Int!) {
if let lim = newLimit {
self._repeatCount = lim
func newDuration(newDuration: NSTimeInterval!) {
if let newTime = newDuration {
self._duration = newTime
func newPrefix(newPrefix: String!) {
if let newPref = newPrefix {
self._framePrefix = newPref
func newFrameCount(newCount: Int!) {
if let newTotal = newCount {
self._frameCount = newTotal
func populateAllFrames() {
if let newDefault: UIImage = self._frames[0] {
self._defaultImage = newDefault
func populateAnimFrames() {
if frameCount > 0 && framePrefix != "" {
self._frames = [UIImage]()
for var x = 1; x <= frameCount; x++ {
self._frames.append(UIImage(named: "\(framePrefix)\(x)")!)
func appendFrames(newFrame: UIImage!) {
if let newImage = newFrame {
func removeLastFrame() {
if self.frames.count > 0 {
func removeFirstFrame() {
if self.frames.count > 0 {
func removeAllFrames() {
if self.frames.count > 0 {
func removeFrameAtIndex(frameIndex: Int!) {
if self.frames.count > 0 {
if let index = frameIndex {
func removeFrame(frameNumber: Int!) {
if self.frames.count > 0 {
if let frameNum = frameNumber {
if frameNum > 0 {
self._frames.removeAtIndex((frameNum - 1))
func repeatOnce() {
self._isRepeated = true
self._repeatCount = 1
func adjustPlaybackRate(newRate: Double!) {
if let rate = newRate {
self._playbackRate = rate
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