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Created January 14, 2020 22:18
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IdleScape - Overnight Cave Drop Log - January 14th, 2020
[1:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[1:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[1:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[1:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 40 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:43] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[1:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 77 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[1:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[1:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 77 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[1:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[1:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[1:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[1:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:44] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[1:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 11 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[1:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[1:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 65 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[1:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[1:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 60 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[1:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[1:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[1:45] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[1:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[1:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 15 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[1:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[1:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[1:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[1:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 94 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[1:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[1:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 56 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[1:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 59 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[1:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 59 x Gold as loot.
[1:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[1:46] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[1:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 48 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[1:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[1:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[1:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[1:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:47] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[1:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[1:47] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[1:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[1:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[1:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[1:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 37 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[1:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[1:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[1:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 20 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[1:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 60 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[1:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 87 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[1:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 81 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[1:49] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[1:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[1:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[1:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[1:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[1:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Cooked trout as loot.
[1:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 76 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[1:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[1:50] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[1:50] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[1:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[1:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[1:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[1:50] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[1:50] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[1:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[1:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[1:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold as loot.
[1:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[1:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:51] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[1:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[1:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[1:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[1:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[1:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[1:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[1:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 15 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[1:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[1:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[1:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[1:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[1:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:52] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[1:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[1:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 35 x Gold as loot.
[1:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[1:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[1:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[1:53] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[1:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[1:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 47 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[1:53] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[1:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[1:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[1:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Satchel as loot.
[1:54] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[1:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[1:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[1:54] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[1:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[1:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[1:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[1:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[1:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[1:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[1:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 30 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[1:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[1:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[1:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 58 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[1:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[1:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 72 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[1:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[1:56] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[1:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[1:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[1:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[1:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[1:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[1:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[1:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[1:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[1:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[1:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[1:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[1:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[1:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[1:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[1:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[1:57] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[1:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 25 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[1:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 70 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[1:58] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[1:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[1:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[1:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[1:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[1:58] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[1:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 83 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[1:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[1:59] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[1:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[1:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 85 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[1:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[1:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[1:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[1:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 19 x Gold as loot.
[2:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 36 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:00] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 27 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Cooked trout as loot.
[2:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[2:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 43 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:01] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:02] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[2:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:03] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 20 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:03] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar, 1 x Bronze boots as loot.
[2:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 73 x Gold as loot.
[2:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 99 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[2:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[2:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[2:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[2:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[2:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[2:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 62 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[2:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 61 x Gold as loot.
[2:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 81 x Gold as loot.
[2:06] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[2:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[2:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[2:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:07] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[2:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 60 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 62 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[2:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 37 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:09] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[2:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 74 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:10] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:10] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 51 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 62 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[2:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:10] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[2:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[2:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 38 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:11] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[2:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[2:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:12] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 77 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:12] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:13] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Gold as loot.
[2:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[2:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 34 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[2:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 67 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 95 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[2:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 41 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[2:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 82 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:15] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 14 x Gold as loot.
[2:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 70 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 58 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 61 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[2:17] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cooked trout as loot.
[2:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 78 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 33 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[2:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 14 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:18] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 50 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:18] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 13 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[2:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[2:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 93 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 26 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 42 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 74 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:20] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:20] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[2:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Air rune as loot.
[2:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 48 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 46 x Gold as loot.
[2:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[2:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:23] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[2:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 91 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[2:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[2:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 30 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 37 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:24] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 94 x Gold as loot.
[2:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[2:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[2:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:25] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:25] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 97 x Gold as loot.
[2:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 85 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 13 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 57 x Gold as loot.
[2:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 71 x Gold as loot.
[2:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 53 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 26 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[2:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[2:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[2:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[2:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[2:28] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:28] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[2:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 36 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 71 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[2:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[2:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[2:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 21 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 71 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:30] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:30] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[2:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[2:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:31] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 22 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 27 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold as loot.
[2:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 89 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 85 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[2:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:33] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[2:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:33] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:34] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked trout as loot.
[2:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[2:34] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 89 x Gold as loot.
[2:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[2:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 100 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[2:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:35] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:36] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 67 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 28 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:36] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:36] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 83 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:36] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:36] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[2:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:37] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 40 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:37] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:37] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[2:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked trout as loot.
[2:38] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 32 x Gold as loot.
[2:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 96 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[2:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 74 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:40] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 60 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:40] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 93 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:40] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:40] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:41] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 49 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[2:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[2:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:42] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 97 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 52 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 84 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[2:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 52 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[2:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 58 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 59 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar, 1 x Lesser ladle as loot.
[2:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[2:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[2:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:45] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[2:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 71 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 11 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:46] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[2:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 24 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 30 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[2:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 97 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 82 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 82 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 39 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 26 x Gold as loot.
[2:48] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[2:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:49] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[2:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[2:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 90 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[2:50] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:50] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[2:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[2:51] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 80 x Gold as loot.
[2:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[2:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 38 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:51] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 20 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[2:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[2:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 16 x Gold as loot.
[2:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 51 x Gold as loot.
[2:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 13 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:53] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 36 x Gold as loot.
[2:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 56 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 68 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 96 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 35 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:55] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 19 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[2:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:55] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:55] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:55] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[2:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[2:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[2:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[2:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[2:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 78 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:56] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 41 x Gold as loot.
[2:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[2:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[2:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 29 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 82 x Gold as loot.
[2:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 82 x Gold as loot.
[2:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 21 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 65 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[2:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:58] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[2:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 59 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[2:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[2:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 41 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[2:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[2:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[2:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[2:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[2:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[3:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 32 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:00] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold as loot.
[3:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[3:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[3:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 47 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:00] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 84 x Gold as loot.
[3:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 73 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[3:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:01] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[3:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 60 x Gold as loot.
[3:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[3:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 2 x Cooked trout as loot.
[3:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[3:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 35 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cooked shrimp, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[3:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 46 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[3:02] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 48 x Gold as loot.
[3:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 84 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:03] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[3:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[3:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 80 x Gold as loot.
[3:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar, 1 x Bronze boots as loot.
[3:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 70 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[3:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 18 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[3:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 49 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:05] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 72 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 89 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:05] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 77 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 16 x Gold as loot.
[3:06] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:06] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 52 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:06] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 80 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:06] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:06] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 23 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 48 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 79 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[3:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[3:07] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:07] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:08] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Death rune, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[3:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 74 x Gold as loot.
[3:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:09] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 12 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[3:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[3:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold as loot.
[3:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 29 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[3:10] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[3:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[3:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:10] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 16 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[3:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:12] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 30 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 80 x Gold as loot.
[3:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 25 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 87 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[3:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:14] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 65 x Gold as loot.
[3:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[3:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:14] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 24 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 14 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 15 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[3:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 73 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[3:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[3:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[3:15] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 97 x Gold as loot.
[3:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[3:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 28 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[3:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[3:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[3:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[3:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[3:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[3:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 18 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 99 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[3:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 50 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 64 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Gold as loot.
[3:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 100 x Gold as loot.
[3:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[3:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 89 x Gold as loot.
[3:18] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:18] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:19] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:19] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:19] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[3:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[3:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[3:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[3:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 84 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 82 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[3:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[3:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[3:21] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[3:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[3:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:21] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[3:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[3:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[3:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 19 x Gold as loot.
[3:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked trout as loot.
[3:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 47 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[3:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 15 x Gold as loot.
[3:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 45 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 53 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[3:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[3:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[3:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:24] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[3:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[3:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 85 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:25] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[3:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 97 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 35 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 11 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[3:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[3:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[3:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 28 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 36 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[3:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 15 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[3:27] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:27] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 68 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[3:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[3:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[3:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:28] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 35 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[3:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 38 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 25 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[3:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:30] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[3:30] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[3:30] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 87 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 35 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[3:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[3:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 25 x Gold as loot.
[3:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[3:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:32] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[3:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 89 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold as loot.
[3:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[3:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 25 x Gold as loot.
[3:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[3:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 65 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 63 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 100 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:34] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 67 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[3:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:34] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 96 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[3:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 63 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:34] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:35] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[3:35] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[3:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 51 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[3:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:36] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 65 x Gold as loot.
[3:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 55 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[3:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:37] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[3:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[3:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[3:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[3:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:38] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:38] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[3:38] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:38] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:39] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[3:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[3:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 83 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[3:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 24 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 34 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[3:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[3:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 53 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:41] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 23 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 58 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:42] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:42] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 25 x Gold as loot.
[3:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[3:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[3:43] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 28 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:43] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:44] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[3:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:44] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 33 x Gold as loot.
[3:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[3:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 13 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:45] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[3:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 76 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:46] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:47] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 66 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:47] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[3:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[3:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:47] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 70 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[3:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[3:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 31 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:48] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Air rune as loot.
[3:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[3:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[3:49] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 45 x Gold as loot.
[3:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[3:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 60 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 84 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[3:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:50] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 54 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[3:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 79 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[3:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 52 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[3:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[3:51] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[3:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 16 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:51] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[3:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 51 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[3:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 16 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 55 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 66 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 57 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Fire rune, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[3:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[3:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[3:54] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[3:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 47 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[3:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[3:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[3:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 31 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[3:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 60 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[3:56] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 94 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:56] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[3:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:57] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:57] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 64 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:57] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:57] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[3:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[3:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[3:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[3:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[3:58] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 54 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 59 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[3:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[3:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[3:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[3:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[3:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Cooked trout as loot.
[3:59] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[3:59] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[4:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:00] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[4:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[4:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 13 x Gold as loot.
[4:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 96 x Gold as loot.
[4:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[4:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:02] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 27 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 80 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 64 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[4:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:03] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 35 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:03] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[4:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[4:04] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:04] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 18 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[4:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 14 x Gold as loot.
[4:05] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 25 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[4:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 71 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 72 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[4:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 57 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[4:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 31 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 19 x Gold as loot.
[4:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[4:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:08] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 38 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:08] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 97 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Cooked trout as loot.
[4:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:09] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 23 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[4:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 80 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 33 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[4:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 81 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 32 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 38 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:11] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:11] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 2 x Cooked trout as loot.
[4:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:11] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[4:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 100 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 21 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[4:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[4:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:12] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[4:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[4:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[4:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:14] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 1 x Iron boots as loot.
[4:14] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[4:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[4:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[4:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 19 x Gold as loot.
[4:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold as loot.
[4:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:15] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 97 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[4:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:16] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:17] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:17] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 78 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[4:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:17] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 70 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 57 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[4:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 21 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 99 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:19] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:19] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[4:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 79 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[4:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:21] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[4:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[4:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[4:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 77 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:21] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[4:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 49 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 20 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[4:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[4:23] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cooked anchovy, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[4:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[4:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 93 x Gold as loot.
[4:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 89 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[4:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 97 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[4:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 45 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:25] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 18 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 33 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[4:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 29 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[4:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 62 x Gold as loot.
[4:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:29] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 71 x Gold as loot.
[4:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[4:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[4:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[4:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[4:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[4:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[4:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 14 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:31] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:32] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 99 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 61 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[4:33] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[4:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:33] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 66 x Gold as loot.
[4:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[4:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[4:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 54 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 24 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 73 x Gold as loot.
[4:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[4:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 19 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:36] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[4:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 65 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 53 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked trout as loot.
[4:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[4:36] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[4:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:37] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[4:37] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[4:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[4:38] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[4:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[4:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[4:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[4:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 76 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 71 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[4:40] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 23 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 55 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[4:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 23 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[4:41] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:41] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:41] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 83 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 90 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:42] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:42] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 90 x Gold as loot.
[4:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[4:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 39 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:43] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 25 x Gold as loot.
[4:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[4:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[4:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 26 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:45] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:45] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Gold as loot.
[4:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:46] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:46] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:46] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 54 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:46] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[4:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 28 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[4:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 63 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 100 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[4:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[4:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 94 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:48] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[4:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:49] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[4:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 35 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 58 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[4:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:49] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:49] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[4:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 20 x Gold as loot.
[4:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:50] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[4:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:50] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Air rune as loot.
[4:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:51] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 21 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 41 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:52] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 47 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 90 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[4:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:53] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 62 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:54] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[4:54] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:54] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 14 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:55] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[4:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[4:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:55] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[4:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[4:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[4:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[4:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[4:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 81 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:57] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:57] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[4:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[4:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[4:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:57] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[4:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[4:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 91 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[4:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[4:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[4:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[4:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 26 x Gold as loot.
[4:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[4:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[4:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 77 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[4:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[4:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 59 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[4:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[5:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:00] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[5:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:00] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[5:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 32 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[5:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[5:01] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:01] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 69 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 47 x Gold as loot.
[5:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:02] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:02] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[5:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[5:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[5:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[5:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[5:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[5:03] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[5:04] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:04] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 30 x Gold as loot.
[5:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[5:04] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[5:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[5:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 27 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:06] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:06] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 74 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 98 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:07] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:07] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[5:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[5:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[5:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[5:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:08] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[5:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[5:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[5:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[5:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[5:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[5:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[5:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:09] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:09] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[5:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:09] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 42 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 80 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:10] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:10] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[5:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[5:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[5:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[5:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Gold as loot.
[5:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[5:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 67 x Gold as loot.
[5:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 58 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:12] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[5:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:12] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[5:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:12] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[5:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 28 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[5:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[5:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 68 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[5:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[5:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[5:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 54 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:14] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[5:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[5:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 37 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[5:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[5:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[5:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[5:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 91 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[5:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[5:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[5:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 15 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[5:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[5:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[5:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 99 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 19 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 59 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 34 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 64 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[5:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[5:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[5:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[5:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked trout as loot.
[5:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 58 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[5:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[5:21] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 32 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[5:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[5:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 46 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:22] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:22] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[5:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[5:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[5:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:23] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 71 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 16 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Cooked anchovy, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[5:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 42 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[5:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 61 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[5:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:25] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[5:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[5:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[5:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 87 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[5:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:27] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[5:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Air rune as loot.
[5:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked anchovy, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[5:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[5:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[5:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[5:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 12 x Gold as loot.
[5:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 59 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[5:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[5:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 77 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[5:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:29] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 13 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:30] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[5:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[5:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[5:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 23 x Gold as loot.
[5:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:31] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:31] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 67 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:31] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[5:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[5:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 85 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 83 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[5:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[5:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 98 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[5:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 42 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[5:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 62 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[5:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 28 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 35 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:33] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 33 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[5:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[5:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[5:34] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 78 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 52 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold as loot.
[5:35] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 80 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[5:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 44 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[5:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[5:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 43 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[5:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:36] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[5:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[5:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[5:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:37] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[5:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[5:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:38] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[5:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[5:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[5:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 66 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[5:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[5:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[5:40] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 96 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 43 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[5:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp, 1 x Air rune as loot.
[5:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[5:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[5:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[5:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[5:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[5:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 65 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[5:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[5:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 22 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:43] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[5:43] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[5:43] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[5:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[5:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 50 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[5:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 39 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 82 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[5:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[5:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 26 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[5:45] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[5:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 44 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 70 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 32 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[5:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 37 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[5:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 84 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[5:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:47] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[5:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[5:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[5:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[5:47] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[5:48] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[5:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[5:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:48] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:49] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[5:49] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 71 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[5:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 47 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 64 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[5:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:51] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[5:51] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 74 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 71 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[5:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 42 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[5:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[5:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 97 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:52] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 21 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 56 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[5:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:53] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 33 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:53] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:53] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:53] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 99 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 39 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 89 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:54] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[5:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 67 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 29 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[5:55] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[5:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 14 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[5:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[5:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Gold as loot.
[5:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[5:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[5:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:57] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[5:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[5:58] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:58] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:58] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[5:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[5:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 94 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[5:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[5:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[5:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[5:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 30 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[5:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[5:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[5:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 69 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[6:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[6:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:01] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:01] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:01] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 57 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 35 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[6:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[6:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:02] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[6:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 71 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 45 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[6:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 42 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 83 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:03] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 23 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:03] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[6:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:04] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 22 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:04] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[6:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 93 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 47 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[6:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[6:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[6:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[6:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 83 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 42 x Gold as loot.
[6:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[6:07] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 63 x Gold as loot.
[6:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 36 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked trout as loot.
[6:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:08] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 80 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:08] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[6:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[6:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:09] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Air rune as loot.
[6:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 42 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 39 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:09] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[6:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 69 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 41 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 61 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 85 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 15 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[6:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:11] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 78 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 97 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:11] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:11] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:12] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[6:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 78 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:12] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 35 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 93 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:13] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[6:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:14] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[6:14] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:14] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[6:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 41 x Gold as loot.
[6:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:15] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[6:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 12 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[6:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 23 x Gold as loot.
[6:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:16] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:16] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[6:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 96 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:17] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 48 x Gold as loot.
[6:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 43 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 68 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[6:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 64 x Gold as loot.
[6:18] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 65 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:18] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:19] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[6:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 16 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[6:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:20] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[6:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:20] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 14 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[6:20] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:20] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 83 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 19 x Gold as loot.
[6:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:21] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:21] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[6:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[6:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:23] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 43 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 24 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[6:24] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[6:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[6:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 85 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:24] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:24] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[6:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:25] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:25] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[6:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[6:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[6:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[6:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 100 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 41 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:28] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[6:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 30 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 12 x Gold as loot.
[6:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Cooked trout as loot.
[6:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:29] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[6:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:30] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 49 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[6:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[6:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 81 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:32] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[6:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[6:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp, 3 x Cooked anchovy, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[6:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Cooked trout as loot.
[6:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[6:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[6:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[6:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 65 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 77 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:34] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked trout as loot.
[6:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 39 x Gold as loot.
[6:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[6:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:34] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:35] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[6:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 41 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 76 x Gold as loot.
[6:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 57 x Gold as loot.
[6:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 91 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[6:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:36] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 20 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 100 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:38] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 78 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[6:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[6:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 47 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Air rune, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[6:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 44 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:39] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked trout as loot.
[6:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 35 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:40] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:40] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:40] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 31 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:40] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 43 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[6:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:42] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[6:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 27 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:42] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:42] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:42] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:43] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[6:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[6:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 14 x Gold as loot.
[6:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 68 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[6:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 20 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:44] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:44] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[6:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:45] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 81 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 12 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[6:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 89 x Gold as loot.
[6:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Gold as loot.
[6:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 63 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[6:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[6:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 39 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:47] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:47] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[6:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[6:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 69 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 33 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:48] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:48] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[6:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[6:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 22 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:49] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:49] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[6:50] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:50] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:50] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 37 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[6:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[6:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 13 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[6:51] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 55 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:51] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[6:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:52] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[6:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:52] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 90 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:53] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 91 x Gold as loot.
[6:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 96 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[6:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[6:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 45 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[6:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[6:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 95 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[6:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[6:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 23 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:55] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 38 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:55] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[6:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[6:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Air rune as loot.
[6:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[6:56] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:56] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[6:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:57] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[6:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold as loot.
[6:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[6:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[6:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[6:57] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:57] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[6:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked trout as loot.
[6:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[6:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 49 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:58] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[6:58] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 40 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:58] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 34 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[6:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[6:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 22 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:59] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:59] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[6:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[6:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 13 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[6:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[7:00] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:00] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[7:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 37 x Gold as loot.
[7:00] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 39 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[7:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 47 x Gold as loot.
[7:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[7:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 79 x Gold as loot.
[7:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:01] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 41 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:01] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:02] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[7:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[7:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[7:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[7:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 41 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[7:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 94 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[7:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[7:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 19 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:04] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 18 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[7:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 16 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[7:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:05] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:05] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:06] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Cooked trout, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[7:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 89 x Gold as loot.
[7:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[7:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 98 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[7:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[7:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[7:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 44 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[7:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[7:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[7:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[7:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 62 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:08] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[7:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[7:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[7:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[7:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 69 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Cooked trout as loot.
[7:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:09] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[7:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:10] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 31 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[7:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 99 x Gold as loot.
[7:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:11] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[7:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 38 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[7:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 83 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 63 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:12] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold as loot.
[7:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[7:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[7:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[7:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[7:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 94 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 16 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[7:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 14 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[7:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Death rune, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[7:15] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[7:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[7:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 66 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 31 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[7:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[7:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 94 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:16] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:16] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 15 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Gold as loot.
[7:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 98 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 63 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:17] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[7:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[7:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 79 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 63 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 54 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:18] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:18] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 73 x Gold as loot.
[7:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[7:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[7:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[7:19] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[7:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 27 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 32 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Air rune as loot.
[7:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 21 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[7:20] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[7:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[7:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 99 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[7:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:21] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:21] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 62 x Gold as loot.
[7:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[7:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 42 x Gold as loot.
[7:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:23] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[7:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:23] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 78 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 90 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[7:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 63 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 12 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[7:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Air rune as loot.
[7:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:24] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 30 x Gold as loot.
[7:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[7:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 50 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[7:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[7:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[7:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[7:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[7:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[7:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 80 x Gold as loot.
[7:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 57 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:27] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 95 x Gold as loot.
[7:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 55 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 45 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:28] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[7:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[7:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[7:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 13 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[7:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[7:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 12 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[7:31] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 83 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[7:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 48 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Fire rune, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[7:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 69 x Gold as loot.
[7:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:32] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:33] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 85 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[7:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[7:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 44 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:33] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 97 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Blood rune, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[7:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 90 x Gold as loot.
[7:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 16 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[7:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 31 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 98 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[7:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 47 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:35] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 87 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[7:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 84 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[7:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 62 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 77 x Gold as loot.
[7:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 73 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[7:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:37] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 46 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[7:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:38] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[7:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[7:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:38] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 48 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 55 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:39] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[7:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 31 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[7:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[7:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 47 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[7:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 30 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[7:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:42] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:42] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:42] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:42] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[7:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 87 x Gold as loot.
[7:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 34 x Gold as loot.
[7:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 97 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[7:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 98 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:43] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[7:43] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 87 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[7:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[7:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:44] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[7:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:44] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[7:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[7:45] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[7:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 70 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 22 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 68 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[7:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[7:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 32 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[7:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[7:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 30 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:47] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:47] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[7:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[7:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:48] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:48] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[7:48] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[7:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[7:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:49] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[7:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[7:49] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp, 2 x Cooked anchovy, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[7:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 65 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 45 x Gold as loot.
[7:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[7:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 15 x Gold as loot.
[7:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 64 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[7:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[7:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 87 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:51] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[7:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[7:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[7:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[7:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[7:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 42 x Gold as loot.
[7:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:52] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 76 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:52] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 96 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[7:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 49 x Gold as loot.
[7:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[7:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 45 x Gold as loot.
[7:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[7:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:54] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[7:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:55] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 62 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[7:55] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[7:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:56] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:56] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 67 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 55 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 39 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 93 x Gold as loot.
[7:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[7:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 66 x Gold as loot.
[7:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[7:57] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Air rune as loot.
[7:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[7:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 28 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 90 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[7:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[7:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[7:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[7:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[7:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[7:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[7:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[7:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[7:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[7:59] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[7:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[7:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[7:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 74 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 76 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 48 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 34 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 12 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 93 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[8:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Cooked trout as loot.
[8:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:01] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:02] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 47 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[8:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[8:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:02] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 94 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:03] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[8:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 35 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 77 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[8:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 67 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 24 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[8:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[8:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 40 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 83 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[8:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 76 x Gold as loot.
[8:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[8:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:06] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[8:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[8:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[8:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[8:06] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[8:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 78 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[8:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[8:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 19 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 56 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 64 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:08] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[8:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[8:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold as loot.
[8:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[8:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 36 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 38 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[8:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 36 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 42 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:10] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 34 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[8:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[8:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 40 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 79 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 40 x Gold as loot.
[8:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[8:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[8:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:12] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[8:12] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[8:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[8:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[8:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[8:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 21 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[8:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 49 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[8:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 80 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[8:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[8:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[8:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[8:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[8:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 25 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:16] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 52 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 79 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 55 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:17] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 73 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:17] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 57 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[8:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[8:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[8:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 59 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:18] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold as loot.
[8:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 94 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[8:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:19] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:19] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:19] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 34 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[8:20] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:20] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 69 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[8:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[8:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[8:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[8:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[8:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 43 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[8:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:21] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[8:21] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 91 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 58 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[8:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 2 x Cooked shrimp, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[8:23] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:23] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[8:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[8:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[8:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 45 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 85 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:24] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 99 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:25] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 73 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:25] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 99 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 15 x Gold as loot.
[8:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[8:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:26] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:27] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[8:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[8:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 56 x Gold as loot.
[8:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 39 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 45 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[8:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 52 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[8:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[8:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[8:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[8:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 61 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:29] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 47 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[8:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[8:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[8:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:29] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 57 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 73 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 100 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[8:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 51 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[8:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:31] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Gold as loot.
[8:31] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:31] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 37 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[8:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 62 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Air rune, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[8:32] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:32] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:32] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[8:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[8:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:33] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[8:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[8:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 14 x Gold as loot.
[8:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 33 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[8:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 84 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[8:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 65 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 22 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:36] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 28 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[8:36] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 25 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 18 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:37] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[8:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[8:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 56 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 60 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[8:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[8:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[8:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:39] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:39] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 28 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[8:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[8:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[8:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 22 x Gold as loot.
[8:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:40] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[8:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[8:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[8:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 91 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[8:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[8:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 83 x Gold as loot.
[8:42] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[8:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:43] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:43] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[8:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:43] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 80 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 14 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[8:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[8:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 100 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 81 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[8:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[8:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 18 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 40 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[8:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 74 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[8:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:47] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[8:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[8:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[8:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 33 x Gold as loot.
[8:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Cooked trout as loot.
[8:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 97 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:48] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[8:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[8:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[8:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[8:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 47 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[8:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 70 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 26 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[8:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:50] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[8:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 79 x Gold as loot.
[8:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[8:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 69 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[8:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 70 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[8:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 25 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 68 x Gold as loot.
[8:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 41 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 42 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[8:53] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:53] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 66 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[8:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[8:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 14 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:54] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[8:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:54] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 35 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 76 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[8:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 85 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:55] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 72 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 100 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[8:56] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:56] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[8:56] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[8:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[8:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[8:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[8:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[8:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[8:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[8:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[8:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[8:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 39 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[8:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:59] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[8:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[8:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[8:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 77 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[8:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[8:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[8:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:00] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[9:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 15 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 64 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 83 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:01] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Earth rune, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[9:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[9:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 49 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[9:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:03] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[9:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[9:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[9:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 35 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[9:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:04] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:04] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 90 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 89 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[9:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[9:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 45 x Gold as loot.
[9:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[9:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:05] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:05] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 38 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[9:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 87 x Gold as loot.
[9:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 34 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[9:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[9:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 59 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 33 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:07] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:07] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:07] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[9:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 26 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked trout as loot.
[9:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 14 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 74 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 82 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[9:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 74 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[9:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:09] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 52 x Gold as loot.
[9:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[9:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 43 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[9:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 12 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:12] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 15 x Gold as loot.
[9:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[9:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 27 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[9:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[9:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[9:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[9:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 46 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 38 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[9:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[9:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 55 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 51 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[9:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[9:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[9:15] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[9:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[9:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[9:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[9:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[9:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:19] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[9:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 72 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:19] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[9:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:20] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[9:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:20] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 71 x Gold as loot.
[9:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[9:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 71 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:21] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[9:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[9:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 30 x Gold as loot.
[9:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 24 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 19 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:23] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Cooked anchovy, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[9:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 82 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[9:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:24] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Air rune as loot.
[9:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 58 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 13 x Gold as loot.
[9:25] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[9:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:25] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[9:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 39 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 72 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 99 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 100 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[9:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[9:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 82 x Gold as loot.
[9:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:27] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp, 1 x Cooked trout as loot.
[9:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:28] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 26 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Gold as loot.
[9:28] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:29] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:29] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[9:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 38 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 27 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[9:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[9:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Gold as loot.
[9:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[9:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 82 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[9:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 36 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 85 x Gold as loot.
[9:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 79 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 39 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[9:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[9:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Cooked trout as loot.
[9:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 63 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 23 x Gold as loot.
[9:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 67 x Gold as loot.
[9:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[9:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 20 x Gold as loot.
[9:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[9:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 36 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[9:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 38 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 58 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:35] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[9:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[9:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[9:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[9:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[9:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold as loot.
[9:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[9:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:37] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 95 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:38] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 66 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 59 x Gold as loot.
[9:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 56 x Gold as loot.
[9:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked trout as loot.
[9:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[9:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:40] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:40] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:40] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 71 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:40] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[9:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[9:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:41] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 41 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[9:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 69 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[9:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[9:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:42] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:42] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[9:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:43] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[9:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:43] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[9:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[9:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 56 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 28 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:44] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:44] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[9:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[9:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 14 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[9:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:45] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[9:45] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:46] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 60 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[9:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 58 x Gold as loot.
[9:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[9:47] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[9:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:47] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[9:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:48] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[9:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[9:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Air rune as loot.
[9:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 93 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:49] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 80 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[9:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 96 x Gold as loot.
[9:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 71 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:51] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[9:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 58 x Gold as loot.
[9:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[9:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 18 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 81 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 41 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[9:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:54] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 93 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 20 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 44 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:55] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 18 x Gold as loot.
[9:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 51 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:56] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 57 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:56] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[9:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:57] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 68 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Blood rune, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[9:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[9:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[9:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 50 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[9:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:58] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:58] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 97 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 41 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 89 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[9:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[9:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[9:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[9:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[9:59] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:59] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[9:59] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[9:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 79 x Gold as loot.
[10:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 71 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[10:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[10:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[10:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar, 1 x Bronze boots as loot.
[10:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[10:01] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[10:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[10:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[10:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[10:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 77 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[10:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 41 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:03] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 33 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 62 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[10:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[10:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:04] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:04] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 99 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 66 x Gold as loot.
[10:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 69 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 44 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[10:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 61 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 19 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 50 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:06] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 98 x Gold as loot.
[10:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:07] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[10:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 53 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 96 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[10:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[10:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 26 x Gold as loot.
[10:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 31 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 70 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Nature rune, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[10:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[10:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[10:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[10:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 48 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 79 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:10] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[10:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 35 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[10:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[10:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 100 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 72 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:12] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 33 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Air rune as loot.
[10:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 99 x Gold as loot.
[10:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[10:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[10:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:13] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 85 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 59 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:14] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:14] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[10:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold as loot.
[10:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[10:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 70 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[10:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 56 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:15] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 47 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:15] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[10:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 47 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[10:16] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 44 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:17] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[10:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 64 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:17] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 74 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 98 x Gold as loot.
[10:18] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[10:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[10:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 34 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:19] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[10:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 40 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:20] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:20] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 70 x Gold as loot.
[10:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[10:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:21] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[10:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[10:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 97 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 74 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[10:22] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:22] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 57 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 63 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 14 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 95 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[10:23] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[10:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[10:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[10:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Air rune as loot.
[10:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[10:24] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[10:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[10:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[10:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[10:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 71 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 18 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[10:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[10:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[10:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 84 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[10:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 65 x Gold as loot.
[10:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:27] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 55 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 46 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[10:27] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:27] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Cooked trout as loot.
[10:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:28] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 78 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[10:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:29] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:29] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 89 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:30] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[10:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 54 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[10:31] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 33 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:31] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[10:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 63 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:32] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 91 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[10:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[10:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:33] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 51 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 31 x Gold as loot.
[10:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 46 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 90 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:34] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[10:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 26 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[10:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 91 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[10:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 29 x Gold as loot.
[10:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 89 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[10:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold as loot.
[10:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 83 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[10:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:37] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 73 x Gold as loot.
[10:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[10:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:38] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[10:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:38] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[10:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 84 x Gold as loot.
[10:38] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 44 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 72 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:39] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[10:39] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:39] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 23 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[10:40] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 47 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[10:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 29 x Gold as loot.
[10:40] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 74 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[10:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[10:41] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 64 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[10:42] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:42] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:42] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[10:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[10:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:43] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:43] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[10:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 42 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[10:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Cooked trout as loot.
[10:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[10:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[10:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[10:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 66 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[10:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[10:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[10:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[10:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 32 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:47] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[10:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[10:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 34 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[10:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 51 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:48] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 11 x Gold as loot.
[10:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[10:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:50] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 29 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:51] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 68 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:51] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[10:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:51] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:52] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:52] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 81 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:52] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:52] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:52] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[10:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[10:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[10:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[10:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:53] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[10:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 48 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[10:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 93 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:55] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 94 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[10:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold as loot.
[10:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[10:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[10:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[10:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 68 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[10:56] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[10:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked trout as loot.
[10:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[10:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[10:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:57] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[10:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[10:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:57] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[10:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[10:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[10:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[10:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[10:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[10:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[10:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[10:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:59] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[10:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[10:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[10:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 87 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[10:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[11:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:00] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[11:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[11:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:01] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:01] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[11:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[11:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[11:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[11:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:02] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 26 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 11 x Gold as loot.
[11:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[11:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 18 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[11:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 85 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[11:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[11:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 36 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[11:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore, 1 x Lesser ladle as loot.
[11:04] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[11:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[11:05] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 52 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[11:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked trout as loot.
[11:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 2 x Cooked shrimp, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[11:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 65 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[11:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:06] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[11:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:06] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 11 x Gold as loot.
[11:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[11:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 94 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 37 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:07] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:07] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 91 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:08] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[11:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:08] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[11:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 30 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 93 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 56 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:09] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 51 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:10] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[11:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:10] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[11:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[11:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:11] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 33 x Gold as loot.
[11:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 43 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:12] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:12] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 50 x Gold as loot.
[11:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 100 x Gold as loot.
[11:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[11:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[11:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:12] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[11:13] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 45 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[11:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[11:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[11:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 68 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[11:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 55 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 60 x Gold as loot.
[11:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Air rune as loot.
[11:15] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[11:15] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 52 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[11:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 60 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[11:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[11:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 13 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[11:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[11:18] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 69 x Gold as loot.
[11:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[11:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[11:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked trout as loot.
[11:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[11:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 51 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[11:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 51 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[11:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 33 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Air rune as loot.
[11:20] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:20] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[11:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:21] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 72 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[11:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[11:22] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:22] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 32 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 51 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[11:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:23] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 39 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:23] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 72 x Gold as loot.
[11:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:23] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:24] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Air rune as loot.
[11:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[11:24] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 25 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:25] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 29 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:25] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 48 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:25] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[11:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 33 x Gold as loot.
[11:26] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 82 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:26] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:26] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 53 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[11:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:27] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[11:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:27] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:27] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 45 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[11:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 36 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:28] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 45 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 94 x Gold as loot.
[11:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[11:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 78 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[11:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 76 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Cooked trout as loot.
[11:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 73 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 46 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:31] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 30 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:31] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 95 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[11:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:32] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 43 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[11:33] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[11:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 47 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[11:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 90 x Gold as loot.
[11:34] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[11:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[11:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 32 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold as loot.
[11:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[11:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 77 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:35] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:35] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:36] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[11:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:36] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:36] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[11:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 63 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 25 x Gold as loot.
[11:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:37] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[11:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 80 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Air rune as loot.
[11:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[11:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:38] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 87 x Gold as loot.
[11:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[11:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[11:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[11:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[11:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:39] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 53 x Gold as loot.
[11:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 45 x Gold as loot.
[11:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[11:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 50 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 30 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[11:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[11:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:42] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[11:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:43] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[11:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[11:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[11:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked trout as loot.
[11:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:44] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 46 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:45] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:45] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[11:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 89 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Air rune as loot.
[11:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[11:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 26 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[11:47] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[11:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 43 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[11:47] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[11:47] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:48] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:48] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 19 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[11:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:49] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[11:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[11:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[11:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[11:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 49 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[11:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 39 x Gold as loot.
[11:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[11:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[11:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 31 x Gold as loot.
[11:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[11:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[11:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 85 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[11:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:53] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[11:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 61 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[11:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[11:54] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:54] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[11:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[11:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:55] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[11:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 59 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[11:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 80 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 45 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[11:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 32 x Gold as loot.
[11:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 48 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[11:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[11:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[11:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 40 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[11:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[11:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 80 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[11:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 22 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:59] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[11:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[11:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[11:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[11:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[11:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[11:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[11:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 57 x Gold as loot.
[12:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 11 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[12:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 25 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[12:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[12:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Gold as loot.
[12:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[12:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[12:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:02] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[12:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 12 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:02] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[12:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 56 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:03] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 22 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[12:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 94 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 57 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 54 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 13 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[12:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 99 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 73 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 50 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 84 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[12:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[12:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:07] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[12:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 54 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:07] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 61 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 72 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:08] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[12:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[12:08] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 62 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[12:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 15 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[12:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 11 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 64 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[12:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[12:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:10] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 79 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:10] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[12:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 54 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[12:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 90 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[12:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:11] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 60 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:12] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 63 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:12] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[12:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 31 x Gold as loot.
[12:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 33 x Gold as loot.
[12:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[12:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:13] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:13] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[12:14] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[12:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:15] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 53 x Gold as loot.
[12:15] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 40 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:15] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[12:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 77 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[12:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:17] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:17] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 79 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:17] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 33 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[12:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[12:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 66 x Gold as loot.
[12:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 57 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[12:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 78 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[12:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[12:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[12:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[12:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[12:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[12:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:20] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[12:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Gold as loot.
[12:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[12:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[12:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[12:21] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[12:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[12:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 14 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[12:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[12:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[12:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[12:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[12:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 57 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[12:23] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[12:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[12:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 60 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[12:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:24] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[12:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 100 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 98 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[12:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 48 x Gold as loot.
[12:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[12:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[12:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cooked trout as loot.
[12:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[12:26] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 29 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:26] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold, 1 x Iron boots as loot.
[12:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[12:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 53 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:27] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 65 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[12:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 80 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:27] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:27] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 52 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:28] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[12:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:29] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:29] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 59 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[12:29] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[12:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 90 x Gold as loot.
[12:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 22 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[12:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[12:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 54 x Gold as loot.
[12:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:31] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:32] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[12:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[12:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 65 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[12:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[12:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 95 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[12:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 21 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[12:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[12:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 40 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:33] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 78 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:33] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 87 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:34] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 49 x Gold as loot.
[12:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 20 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 38 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[12:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 79 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 80 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 96 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 64 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:36] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:36] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 82 x Gold as loot.
[12:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 19 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[12:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[12:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Cooked trout as loot.
[12:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[12:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 37 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 51 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:39] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:39] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:39] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 12 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[12:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 22 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:41] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[12:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:41] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[12:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[12:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[12:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 94 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 11 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:43] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:43] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[12:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 32 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[12:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:44] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 55 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:44] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[12:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:45] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:45] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:46] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:46] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 15 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 77 x Gold as loot.
[12:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 47 x Gold as loot.
[12:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:46] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 93 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[12:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:47] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[12:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:47] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[12:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[12:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[12:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:48] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[12:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[12:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:49] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[12:49] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 57 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:49] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[12:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 30 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[12:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 14 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:50] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[12:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[12:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[12:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 80 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 97 x Gold as loot.
[12:51] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:51] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[12:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[12:53] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[12:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[12:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 61 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[12:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 64 x Gold as loot.
[12:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:54] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[12:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[12:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[12:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[12:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 30 x Gold as loot.
[12:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 81 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[12:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 94 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 57 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 69 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[12:57] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:57] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:57] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 90 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 82 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[12:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[12:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked trout as loot.
[12:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[12:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 30 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold as loot.
[12:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:58] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[12:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[12:59] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:59] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[12:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 59 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[12:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 34 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[12:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[12:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 100 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 93 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[13:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[13:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 65 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 61 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:01] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[13:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[13:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[13:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 46 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 38 x Gold as loot.
[13:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 57 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 21 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked trout as loot.
[13:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 90 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[13:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[13:03] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 90 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:03] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[13:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[13:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:04] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[13:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 27 x Gold as loot.
[13:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 18 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[13:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 40 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:06] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[13:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 72 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 84 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[13:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 93 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 47 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:07] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:08] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 44 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 99 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[13:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 90 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 91 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 73 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[13:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[13:09] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 44 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 67 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:09] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 72 x Gold as loot.
[13:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[13:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 57 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[13:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:11] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 42 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 49 x Gold as loot.
[13:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 72 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:12] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 36 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 53 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[13:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 65 x Gold as loot.
[13:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Air rune, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[13:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 74 x Gold as loot.
[13:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 48 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:13] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked trout as loot.
[13:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 68 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 44 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[13:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:15] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:15] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[13:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[13:15] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:15] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 35 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:16] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[13:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 68 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 65 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:16] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[13:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:16] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 63 x Gold as loot.
[13:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[13:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[13:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 83 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[13:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:18] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[13:18] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[13:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[13:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[13:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 90 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 19 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 27 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 54 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[13:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 42 x Gold as loot.
[13:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 83 x Gold as loot.
[13:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 48 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[13:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:21] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:21] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[13:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 68 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[13:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 34 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[13:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[13:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked trout as loot.
[13:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[13:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 43 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:23] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 72 x Gold as loot.
[13:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[13:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[13:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[13:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[13:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 24 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[13:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[13:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 40 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[13:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 90 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[13:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[13:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[13:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 24 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 72 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 13 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 38 x Gold as loot.
[13:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:28] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[13:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 50 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 11 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[13:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[13:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[13:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 85 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[13:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[13:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[13:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 65 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[13:32] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 89 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 79 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 96 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[13:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:34] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 16 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[13:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 87 x Gold as loot.
[13:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 43 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:34] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:34] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[13:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[13:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 85 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:35] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 57 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[13:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked trout as loot.
[13:35] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:36] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:36] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[13:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 46 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:36] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:36] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[13:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Cooked trout as loot.
[13:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:37] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[13:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[13:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 35 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked trout as loot.
[13:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[13:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[13:38] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 60 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[13:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 63 x Gold as loot.
[13:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:39] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[13:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 55 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 97 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 46 x Gold as loot.
[13:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 91 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[13:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 64 x Gold as loot.
[13:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[13:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 48 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:43] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[13:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[13:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[13:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[13:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:44] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[13:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 56 x Gold as loot.
[13:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[13:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 84 x Gold as loot.
[13:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[13:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[13:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[13:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 99 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:46] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 48 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[13:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 28 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[13:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[13:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[13:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[13:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[13:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[13:48] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[13:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 82 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 83 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:50] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:50] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[13:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 54 x Gold as loot.
[13:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 67 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[13:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp, 1 x Air rune as loot.
[13:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 47 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[13:52] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 69 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:52] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Air rune, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[13:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 16 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 46 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[13:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 13 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 24 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 55 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[13:54] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[13:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[13:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:54] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:54] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:55] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:55] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:55] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 67 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 58 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[13:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[13:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[13:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[13:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 95 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:57] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 40 x Gold as loot.
[13:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 29 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 78 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:58] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[13:58] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[13:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[13:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 62 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[13:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:59] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[13:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[13:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[13:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[13:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 61 x Gold as loot.
[13:59] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[13:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:00] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:00] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 39 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[14:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 73 x Gold as loot.
[14:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 30 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked trout as loot.
[14:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:01] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:01] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[14:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 79 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[14:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:02] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[14:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[14:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:04] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 40 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 50 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 53 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:05] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 69 x Gold as loot.
[14:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 63 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[14:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 19 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[14:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:07] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 59 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[14:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[14:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 63 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 81 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[14:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:08] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked trout as loot.
[14:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 38 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:08] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[14:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 49 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[14:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[14:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:10] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:11] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:11] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 27 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 64 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 2 x Cooked trout as loot.
[14:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:13] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 27 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[14:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[14:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[14:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 80 x Gold as loot.
[14:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[14:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 98 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 68 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[14:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 76 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 27 x Gold as loot.
[14:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[14:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:16] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Cooked trout as loot.
[14:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 21 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 80 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:16] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[14:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[14:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[14:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 66 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[14:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 15 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:17] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 42 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:18] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 19 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[14:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:19] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 97 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[14:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[14:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 40 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 66 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 18 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[14:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[14:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[14:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:22] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:22] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 52 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold as loot.
[14:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 50 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 40 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[14:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 26 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 90 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 94 x Gold as loot.
[14:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 93 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[14:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[14:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 23 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 35 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:25] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[14:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 12 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[14:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 72 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 98 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[14:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Air rune as loot.
[14:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 26 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 53 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[14:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 96 x Gold as loot.
[14:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[14:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 29 x Gold as loot.
[14:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 44 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:28] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 54 x Gold, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[14:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:28] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[14:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[14:29] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 70 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[14:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[14:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 53 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[14:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 27 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[14:30] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:30] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 74 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 18 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 91 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:31] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 65 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 74 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:32] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[14:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:32] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 36 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[14:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 87 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[14:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[14:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[14:34] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 33 x Gold as loot.
[14:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[14:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[14:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 42 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[14:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 65 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 93 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[14:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[14:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 53 x Gold as loot.
[14:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[14:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Gold as loot.
[14:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[14:38] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:38] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[14:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 94 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 94 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 84 x Gold as loot.
[14:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[14:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 73 x Gold as loot.
[14:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[14:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Gold as loot.
[14:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:40] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 44 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 70 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[14:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 97 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:41] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[14:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 23 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[14:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 69 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 18 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[14:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[14:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[14:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[14:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[14:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[14:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:43] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[14:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 71 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:44] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:45] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 57 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[14:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 60 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:45] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 52 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 41 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 37 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[14:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 33 x Gold as loot.
[14:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[14:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 43 x Gold as loot.
[14:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[14:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 33 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[14:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 74 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Gold as loot.
[14:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 88 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[14:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[14:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 76 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 58 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 53 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 89 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[14:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:50] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:50] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Fire rune, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[14:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 42 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:50] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[14:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[14:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:51] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[14:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[14:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:52] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[14:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 57 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:52] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[14:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[14:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[14:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[14:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 25 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[14:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[14:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:54] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 58 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[14:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 84 x Gold as loot.
[14:54] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 63 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[14:54] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 56 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 77 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:54] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[14:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Chaos rune as loot.
[14:55] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:56] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[14:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:56] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[14:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[14:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[14:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 100 x Gold as loot.
[14:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 36 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 60 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 58 x Gold as loot.
[14:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[14:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Cooked trout as loot.
[14:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 61 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[14:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 68 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[14:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[14:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[14:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 47 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[14:59] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[14:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[14:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 55 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[14:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[14:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[14:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[14:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[15:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:00] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 97 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:00] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 18 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[15:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[15:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 66 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[15:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 93 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[15:02] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 17 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[15:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 90 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[15:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:03] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 46 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:04] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[15:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[15:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[15:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[15:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:05] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[15:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[15:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[15:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:06] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 82 x Gold as loot.
[15:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[15:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 15 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:06] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 61 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[15:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[15:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 76 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 86 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 19 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 93 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[15:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 32 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 67 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 23 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 100 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:09] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:10] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[15:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[15:10] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:10] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:10] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[15:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[15:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 68 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:11] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:11] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[15:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 51 x Gold as loot.
[15:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:12] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[15:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 55 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:12] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:13] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[15:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 94 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[15:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:13] You just killed a Goblin! You received 43 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[15:13] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[15:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 84 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[15:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[15:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[15:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:14] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:14] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:14] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Water rune, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[15:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[15:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[15:15] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:15] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[15:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 85 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[15:16] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 32 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:16] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[15:16] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[15:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[15:17] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:17] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[15:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[15:17] You just killed a Goblin! You received 41 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:17] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[15:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 29 x Gold as loot.
[15:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received 38 x Gold as loot.
[15:18] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[15:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[15:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked trout as loot.
[15:18] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[15:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[15:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[15:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[15:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:19] You just killed a Goblin! You received 90 x Gold, 6 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:19] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[15:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[15:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[15:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 27 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:20] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:20] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Gold, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:20] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 71 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[15:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 82 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[15:21] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:21] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:21] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 81 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 61 x Gold as loot.
[15:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 48 x Gold, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:22] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:22] You just killed a Goblin! You received 43 x Gold, 8 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[15:23] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[15:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[15:23] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:23] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[15:23] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[15:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[15:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:24] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[15:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:24] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:24] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:25] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:25] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:25] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:25] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 31 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:26] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[15:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[15:26] You just killed a Goblin! You received 43 x Gold as loot.
[15:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:26] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 19 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[15:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Air rune as loot.
[15:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:27] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:27] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 2 x Cooked shrimp, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[15:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:28] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[15:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 49 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[15:28] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[15:28] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:29] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:29] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:29] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:29] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:29] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[15:30] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 46 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:30] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:30] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:31] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[15:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:31] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[15:31] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[15:31] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:31] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:31] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[15:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:32] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[15:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:32] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:32] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:32] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[15:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 95 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 51 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 46 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:33] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:33] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:33] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:34] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 56 x Gold as loot.
[15:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[15:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 40 x Gold as loot.
[15:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:34] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:34] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold as loot.
[15:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 20 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[15:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[15:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Water rune as loot.
[15:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:35] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:35] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:35] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[15:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 100 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[15:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:36] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:36] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:36] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:36] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[15:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 48 x Gold, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 15 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received 37 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:37] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[15:37] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[15:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:38] You just killed a Goblin! You received 84 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:38] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:38] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:38] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:38] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[15:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:39] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 19 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:39] You just killed a Goblin! You received 24 x Gold as loot.
[15:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[15:39] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[15:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[15:40] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:40] You just killed a Goblin! You received 30 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[15:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:40] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Mind rune as loot.
[15:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:41] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:41] You just killed a Goblin! You received 18 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:41] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[15:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 89 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 87 x Gold, 10 x Copper ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[15:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 80 x Gold, 2 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 92 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:42] You just killed a Goblin! You received 25 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:42] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[15:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:43] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:43] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:43] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 57 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:44] You just killed a Goblin! You received 84 x Gold as loot.
[15:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[15:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[15:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:44] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[15:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 18 x Gold as loot.
[15:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:45] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[15:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Nature rune as loot.
[15:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:45] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 97 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[15:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 95 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 77 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:46] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 15 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:46] You just killed a Goblin! You received 54 x Gold as loot.
[15:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[15:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:47] You just killed a Goblin! You received 30 x Gold, 9 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:47] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked trout as loot.
[15:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[15:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 54 x Gold as loot.
[15:48] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 56 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[15:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[15:48] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:48] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Air rune as loot.
[15:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 38 x Gold, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[15:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked trout as loot.
[15:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:49] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 21 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:49] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:49] You just killed a Goblin! You received 29 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[15:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 53 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 4 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[15:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[15:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:50] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[15:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:50] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:50] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 3 x Cooked trout as loot.
[15:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:51] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:51] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:51] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:51] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[15:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[15:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:52] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 49 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:52] You just killed a Goblin! You received 95 x Gold, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:52] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[15:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 82 x Gold as loot.
[15:53] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:53] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:53] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:53] You just killed a Goblin! You received 63 x Gold as loot.
[15:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 72 x Gold, 6 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 68 x Gold, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 73 x Gold, 7 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:54] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[15:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:54] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:55] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:55] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:55] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[15:56] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:56] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[15:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 29 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:56] You just killed a Goblin! You received 18 x Gold, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[15:56] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:56] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[15:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[15:57] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 3 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[15:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 83 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:57] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:57] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[15:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[15:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[15:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Copper ore as loot.
[15:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 20 x Gold as loot.
[15:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[15:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:58] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[15:58] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 9 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:59] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[15:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[15:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[15:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[15:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 46 x Gold, 5 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[15:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[15:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:59] You just killed a Goblin! You received 9 x Copper ore, 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[15:59] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Earth rune as loot.
[16:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[16:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Copper ore, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[16:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[16:00] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[16:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[16:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[16:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[16:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 24 x Gold, 4 x Copper ore as loot.
[16:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore as loot.
[16:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 33 x Gold, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[16:00] You just killed a Goblin! You received 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[16:00] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[16:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 3 x Bronze bar as loot.
[16:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[16:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 29 x Gold, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[16:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[16:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[16:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[16:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[16:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[16:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 5 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[16:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[16:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 91 x Gold, 3 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[16:01] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[16:01] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore as loot.
[16:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 5 x Bronze bar as loot.
[16:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish, 1 x Death rune as loot.
[16:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[16:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[16:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[16:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 75 x Gold, 1 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore, 1 x Bronze bar as loot.
[16:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[16:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 7 x Tin ore as loot.
[16:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[16:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[16:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[16:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[16:02] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[16:02] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[16:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[16:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[16:03] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[16:03] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[16:03] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[16:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[16:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[16:03] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore as loot.
[16:03] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[16:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Cooked shrimp as loot.
[16:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[16:03] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[16:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 77 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[16:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[16:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 89 x Gold, 8 x Tin ore as loot.
[16:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 73 x Gold, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[16:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[16:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[16:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[16:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[16:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[16:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 98 x Gold, 5 x Tin ore as loot.
[16:04] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[16:04] You just killed a Goblin! You received 6 x Copper ore, 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[16:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Cosmic rune as loot.
[16:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[16:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[16:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 4 x Copper ore, 6 x Tin ore as loot.
[16:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Cooked anchovy as loot.
[16:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 10 x Copper ore, 10 x Tin ore as loot.
[16:05] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[16:05] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[16:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[16:05] You just killed a Goblin! You received 57 x Gold as loot.
[16:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[16:05] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[16:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[16:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[16:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 18 x Gold as loot.
[16:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[16:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[16:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Copper ore, 1 x Tin ore as loot.
[16:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[16:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 52 x Gold, 3 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[16:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[16:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold as loot.
[16:06] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Tin ore as loot.
[16:06] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold as loot.
[16:07] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[16:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[16:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 2 x Copper ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[16:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
[16:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore as loot.
[16:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received nothing as loot.
[16:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 1 x Air rune as loot.
[16:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 3 x Tin ore as loot.
[16:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Tin ore, 2 x Bronze bar as loot.
[16:07] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore, 3 x Tin ore, 4 x Bronze bar as loot.
[16:07] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold as loot.
[16:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 2 x Gold as loot.
[16:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[16:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore as loot.
[16:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 5 x Gold, 2 x Gold ore, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[16:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 4 x Gold, 5 x Gold ore, 1 x Fire rune as loot.
[16:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold, 1 x Burnt fish as loot.
[16:08] You just killed a Goblin! You received 1 x Copper ore as loot.
[16:08] You just killed a Imp! You received 1 x Gold as loot.
[16:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 3 x Gold ore as loot.
[16:09] You just killed a Rat! You received nothing as loot.
[16:09] You just killed a Imp! You received 3 x Gold, 4 x Gold ore, 1 x Blood rune as loot.
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