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Reinier Kaper TheDutchCoder

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TheDutchCoder / Center YouTube
Created December 7, 2012 22:04
Google decided to left align YouTube, which is terrible. Fix it by dragging this script to you bookmarks and click it while you're on YouTube to center the page again.
javascript:(function(){var a=document.getElementsByTagName("body");a[0].className=a[0].className.replace("site-left-aligned","")})();
TheDutchCoder / gist:dffc7a4e79c63bf3cfed
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
Normalizing 'click'-like events
* Normalize 'click'-like events on different media.
* We keep track of a touch events, which start out as 'clicks',
* but will be cancelled on (e.g.) moves.
var _click,
// Very basic media query mixin with the option to disable the entire
// media query, which will result in compounded styles for IE8.
// The cascade will let you end up with the "biggest" styles. This is
// far from perfect (e.g. if you have queries for much larger/wider
// media, IE8 will end up using that).
@mixin mq($media) {
@if $no-mq == true { @content; }
@else {
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TheDutchCoder / gist:3914fef3a6989851acff
Last active January 5, 2016 20:22
Hot Reloading reducers
// This is how I setup my store, but I'm unsure how to enable Hot Reloading for reducers.
// I feel it might have something to do with the middleware.
// Setup the middleware and create the store.
const loggerMiddleware = createLogger()
let middleWare = [thunkMiddleware, loggerMiddleware]
const finalCreateStore = compose(
<article class="product" transition="test" stagger="200">
<div class="product__name">
{{ }}
<div class="product__price">{{ getTotal | currency }}</div>
<!-- <span class="product__price" v-if="product.pricing.length === 1">{{ product.pricing[0].price | currency }}</span>
<select class="product__price" v-else>
<option v-for="(index, price) in product.pricing">{{ getTotal | currency }}</option>
</select> -->
Hi there,
I'm a customer of Teksavvy, an internet provider who (in my area) uses the Rogers network to provide their services.
Recently Teksavvy was hit for a large number of outages (7) in a short period of time (5 days), some of which required their vendor (Rogers) to fix, or help fix, the actual issues.
However, Rogers is a direct competitor of Teksavvy and because there are no existing SLA's, they have very little to no incentive to help out their competitors, even though they have sold their network capacity to them.
This is not only an unfair situation to a company like Teksavvy (being dependant on your competitor without the competitor having incentive to assist in issues on their own network, affecting their competitor), but more importantly, it means that I as a consumer experience a lower quality of service.
As I am free to chose my service provider, but I am still in large part dependant on one of their much larger competitors, I need to be protected as a consumer from this problem.
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
import VueResource from 'vue-resource'
import App from './App'
import view from './components/view'
Vue.config.debug = true
TheDutchCoder / formInput.vue
Created April 29, 2016 14:37
Form Input element for Vue
<div class="input" :class="classList">
<label for="{{ id }}" class="input__label" @click="activate">{{ label }}<span class="required" v-if="required"> *</span></label>
<input id="{{ id }}" type="{{ type }}" class="input__input" required="{{ required }}" v-model="value | formatInput" @focus="activate" @blur="deactivate" :value="val"></input>
<div class="input__error" v-if="hasValue && !isValid" transition="input-error">{{ error }}</div>
// Helpers.