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Last active September 27, 2023 17:42
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  • Save TheExpertNoob/06358fba4de0c7346b912ae48771fdb3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TheExpertNoob/06358fba4de0c7346b912ae48771fdb3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Random backgrounds in Tinfoil theme:

Call the png in Tinfoil theme settings.json:

Create a .htaccess file on the hosting server inside a folder called "images":

RewriteEngine On  
RewriteRule ^halloween\.png$ halloween.php [L]

Inside that same "images" folder, create a folder named "halloween" and a text file named "halloween.php"
Dump all your png images into that halloween folder.
Edit the "halloween.php" file to include:

// Define the directory where your PNG images are stored
$imageDirectory = 'halloween/';

// Get a list of all PNG files in the directory
$pngFiles = glob($imageDirectory . '*.png');

// Check if there are any PNG files in the directory
if (count($pngFiles) > 0) {
    // Select a random PNG file from the list
    $randomImage = $pngFiles[array_rand($pngFiles)];

    // Set the appropriate Content-Type header
    header('Content-Type: image/png');

    // Output the selected image
} else {
    // If no PNG files are found, display an error message
    echo 'No PNG images found in the directory.';

Restart the server to pick up the new htaccess file (may or may not be necessary).

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