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Last active January 20, 2024 06:22
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An implementation of bitfields in Jai
// Tries to implement bitfields in the most ergonomic way I can think of.
// Inspired in part by what D's standard library did before the language supported bitfields.
#insert #run bitfields_struct(
bf("a", u32, 4),
bf("b", u32, 4),
bf("c", s32, 4),
bf("d", u32, 4),
main :: () {
t: Thing;
print("size: %\n", size_of(Thing));
print("raw: %\n", dump_bits(*t));
Thing.set_a(*t, 2);
print("raw: %\n", dump_bits(*t));
print("a get: %\n", Thing.get_a(t));
Thing.set_b(*t, 3);
print("raw: %\n", dump_bits(*t));
print("b get: %\n", Thing.get_b(t));
Thing.set_c(*t, 1);
print("raw: %\n", dump_bits(*t));
print("c get: %\n", Thing.get_c(t));
Thing.set_c(*t, -1);
print("raw: %\n", dump_bits(*t));
print("c get: %\n", Thing.get_c(t));
Thing.set_c(*t, -2);
print("raw: %\n", dump_bits(*t));
print("c get: %\n", Thing.get_c(t));
Thing.set_c(*t, -3);
print("c get: %\n", Thing.get_c(t));
Thing.set_c(*t, -16);
print("c get: %\n", Thing.get_c(t));
size: 4
raw: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
raw: 00000010 00000000 00000000 00000000
a get: 2
raw: 00110010 00000000 00000000 00000000
b get: 3
raw: 00110010 00000001 00000000 00000000
c get: 1
raw: 00110010 00001111 00000000 00000000
c get: -1
raw: 00110010 00001110 00000000 00000000
c get: -2
c get: -3
dump_bits :: (val: *$T) -> string {
as_array: [] u8; = xx val;
as_array.count = size_of(T);
return dump_bits(as_array);
dump_bits :: (bytes: [] u8) -> string {
builder: String_Builder;
for bytes {
print_to_builder(*builder, "% ", formatInt(it, base = 2, minimum_digits = 8));
return builder_to_string(*builder);
Bitfield_Flags :: enum_flags u32 {
USING; // Needed to emulate C structs containing anonymous structs, including those with bitfields inside
Bitfield_Def :: struct {
name: string;
type: Type;
size: int;
flags: Bitfield_Flags;
// A bit superfluous, but for the purpose of not needing to specify all of the members of Bitfield_Defs
bf :: (name: string, type: Type, size: int = 0, flags: Bitfield_Flags = .NONE) -> Bitfield_Def {
return .{ name = name, type = type, size = size, flags = flags };
bitfields_struct :: (type_name: string, defs: ..Bitfield_Def, post_defs: string = "") -> string {
builder: String_Builder;
// Allow anonymous structs to be generated
if type_name.count {
print_to_builder(*builder, "% :: struct {\n", type_name);
else {
print_to_builder(*builder, "struct {\n");
total_bits := 0;
largest_align := 1;
bitfield_array_count := 0;
bitfield_block_start := -1;
for defs {
ti := cast(*Type_Info) it.type;
base_type_byte_size := ti.runtime_size;
base_type_bit_size := base_type_byte_size * 8;
base_is_valid_type := ti.type == .INTEGER || ti.type == .BOOL || ti.type == .ENUM;
size_is_normal := !base_is_valid_type || it.size == 0 || it.size == base_type_bit_size;
if !base_is_valid_type && it.size != 0 {
compiler_report(tprint("The base type of bitfield '%' is not an integer, bool, or enum (%).",, it.type), mode = .ERROR);
return "";
else if base_is_valid_type && it.size > base_type_bit_size {
compiler_report(tprint("Field '%' was given a bit size larger than its base type (%).",, it.type), mode = .ERROR);
return "";
if size_is_normal {
// Finish preceding block of bitfields if need be
if bitfield_block_start != -1 {
*builder, type_name, array_view(defs, bitfield_block_start, it_index - bitfield_block_start),
*bitfield_array_count, *total_bits, *largest_align,
bitfield_block_start = -1;
// Emit field by itself
*builder, " %0%0%: %;\n",
ifx it.flags &.AS then "#as " else "",
ifx it.flags &.USING then "using " else "",, it.type
total_bits += base_type_bit_size;
else if bitfield_block_start == -1 {
bitfield_block_start = it_index;
// Emit the block of bitfields at the end of the definiton list
if it_index == defs.count-1 && bitfield_block_start != -1 && !size_is_normal {
*builder, type_name, array_view(defs, bitfield_block_start, it_index - bitfield_block_start + 1),
*bitfield_array_count, *total_bits, *largest_align,
// If supplied, insert some desired extra code into the struct
// Indentation won't be great, however...
if post_defs.count {
print_to_builder(*builder, " %\n", post_defs);
// Force the struct to be aligned to at least the largest type in all bitfield blocks
print_to_builder(*builder, " __%_align: void #align %;\n", type_name, largest_align);
print_to_builder(*builder, "}\n");
return builder_to_string(*builder);
emit_bitfield_block :: (
builder: *String_Builder, containing_type: string, defs: [] Bitfield_Def,
bitfield_array_count: *int, total_bits: *int, largest_align: *int
) {
block_bits := 0;
block_align := 1;
for defs {
base_type_byte_size := (cast(*Type_Info) it.type).runtime_size;
base_type_bit_size := base_type_byte_size * 8;
if base_type_byte_size > block_align block_align = base_type_byte_size;
// If this bitfield would be placed straddling the boundary of its base type's alignment, pad things out a bit
if (total_bits.* + block_bits) % base_type_bit_size + it.size > base_type_bit_size {
block_bits = ((total_bits.* + block_bits + base_type_bit_size - 1) & ~(base_type_bit_size - 1)) - total_bits.*;
cur_bit_block := block_bits;
cur_byte_block := cur_bit_block / 8;
print_to_builder(builder, #string DONE
set_%1 :: inline (t: *%2, val: %3) {
bitfield_set(t.__bitfields_%2_%4, %5, %6, val);
get_%1 :: inline (t: %2) -> %3 {
return bitfield_get(t.__bitfields_%2_%4, %5, %6, %3);
DONE,, containing_type, it.type,
bitfield_array_count.*, cur_bit_block, it.size,
block_bits += it.size;
bytes_needed := (block_bits + 8 - 1) / 8;
print_to_builder(builder, " __bitfields_%_%: [%] u8;\n", containing_type, bitfield_array_count.*, bytes_needed);
if block_align > largest_align.* largest_align.* = block_align;
total_bits.* += block_bits;
bitfield_array_count.* += 1;
// @Speed: How well will the compiler optimize these when the arguments are runtime? Should they be compile-time?
bitfield_set :: inline (bytes: [] u8, pos: int, size: int, value: $V) #no_aoc #no_abc {
#if V == bool {
Write_Type :: u8;
else {
Write_Type :: V;
val_ptr := (cast(*Write_Type) + (pos / (size_of(V) * 8));
old_whole: Write_Type = val_ptr.*;
mask: Write_Type = xx ((1 << size) - 1);
pos_in_whole := pos % (size_of(Write_Type) * 8);
value_masked: Write_Type = ((cast(Write_Type)value) & mask);
#if #run is_signed(V) {
if sign_extend(value_masked, size-1) != value {
// Should these setters and getters be macros so I can do #file and #line of the calling code?
// @Bug: No matter what I set the type size in pre_flags and post_flags, the error message won't be right.
// So, just set the signedness and don't bother with the rest, I guess...
bitfield_panic(xx,no_check value, true, size);
else #if V != bool {
if value_masked != value {
bitfield_panic(xx,no_check value, false, size);
val_ptr.* = xx,no_check (old_whole & ~(mask << pos_in_whole)) | (value_masked << pos_in_whole);
bitfield_get :: inline (bytes: [] u8, pos: int, size: int, $V: Type) -> V #no_aoc #no_abc {
// Because the bitfield must never cross the alignment of its base type, we can do a single read of the base type's
// size and simply mask/shift what we don't need.
val_ptr := (cast(*V) + (pos / (size_of(V) * 8));
whole_value: V = val_ptr.*;
pos_in_whole: u64 = xx (pos % (size_of(V) * 8));
temp: u64 = ((cast(u64) whole_value) >> pos_in_whole) & (cast(u64) (1 << size) - 1);
#if #run is_signed(V) {
temp = xx,no_check sign_extend(cast,no_check(s64) temp, size-1);
return xx,no_check temp;
// Modified from __cast_bounds_check_fail
bitfield_panic :: (value: s64, signed: bool, size: int, line_number: int = #line, filename: string = #file) #no_context {
write_string("Bitfield bounds check failed. Number must be in [", to_standard_error = true);
if signed {
high_value := (1 << (size - 1)) - 1;
low_value := ~high_value;
write_number(low_value, to_standard_error = true);
write_string(", ", to_standard_error = true);
write_number(high_value, to_standard_error = true);
} else {
high_value: u64;
if size == 64 {
high_value = 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff;
} else {
high_value = ((cast(u64)1) << size) - 1;
write_string("0, ", to_standard_error = true);
write_nonnegative_number(high_value, to_standard_error = true);
write_string("]; it was ", to_standard_error = true);
if signed {
write_number(value, to_standard_error = true);
} else {
write_nonnegative_number(cast,no_check(u64) value, to_standard_error = true);
write_string(". Site is ", to_standard_error = true);
write_string(filename, to_standard_error = true);
write_string(":", to_standard_error = true);
write_number(line_number, to_standard_error = true);
write_string(".\n", to_standard_error = true);
write_string("Panic.\n", to_standard_error = true);
OVERFLOW_CHECK_BEHAVIOR :: #run get_build_options().cast_bounds_check;
is_signed :: (t: Type) -> bool {
ti := cast(*Type_Info) t;
if ti.type != .INTEGER return false;
return (cast(*Type_Info_Integer) ti).signed;
sign_extend :: inline (val: $T, bit_index: int) -> T {
result := val;
sign_bits: s64 = (((1 << bit_index) & (cast(s64) val))
<< (64 - (bit_index+1))) >> (64 - (bit_index+1));
result |= xx,no_check sign_bits;
return result;
#import "Basic";
#import "Compiler";
#import "String";
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