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Last active March 29, 2022 01:58
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  • Save TheKevinWang/39091c61a286e2ca801537bfa5062474 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Quick and dirty script to generate a random IMEI from an existing one.
<# Takes an IMEI number, randomizes the SNR (unique identifier), calculates the check digit using Luhn algorithm, and returns the resulting IMEI.
function Generate-IMEI([string] $seed) {
#generate random SNR
$str = ($seed.substring(0,8)+ [string](Get-Random -max 999999 -min 0) + $seed[14])
$ca = $str.ToCharArray()
$sum = 0
#calculate check digit
for($i=0; $i -lt $ca.length-1; $i++) {
$digit = [int]([string]$ca[$i])
if(($i % 2) -ne 0) {
$digit = $digit*2
#sum up digits, ie 32 => 3+2 = 5
[int[]](($digit -split '') -ne '') | %{$sum += $_};
return ($str.substring(0,14)+([math]::ceiling($sum/10)*10 - $sum))
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