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Created March 31, 2023 17:44
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#include <CobolScript.h>
program-id.JavaLua++ contains VisualBasic JavaScript;
working-storage section.
01 ScreenSize type CGFloat.
01 CellSize type CGFloat.
javaClass Snake {
dataType Apple;
dataType SnakeSegment;
dataType Direction;
usingBrowser(method directionHandler);
direction keyPressed value null;
procedure division.
set ScreenSize to 500;
set CellSize to 25;
Apple ::generateApple {
x = randomInt(0, ScreenSize ÷ CellSize);
y = randomInt(0, ScreenSize ÷ CellSize);
return (x, y);
SnakeSegment init value [function] {
constructor(positionX, positionY) {
this.xPos = positionX;
this.yPos = positionY;
void updatePosition(nX, nY) {
this.xPos = nX;
this.yPos = nY;
createObject (snake, Apple, [ ]);
snake.push(new SnakeSegment(ScreenSize ÷ 2, ScreenSize ÷ 2));
loop while snakeIsAlive
if ::Apple.eatenBy(snake.head) {
snake.length += 1;
// Perform Movement
Direction nextDir = keyPressed || snake.currentDir;
xPos, yPos = snake.head.getPosition();
if (nextDir.up) yPos -= CellSize;
if (nextDir.down) yPos += CellSize;
if (nextDir.left) xPos -= CellSize;
if (nextDir.right) xPos += CellSize;
// Collision with borders or snake segment
if yPos < 0 || yPos >= ScreenSize ||
xPos < 0 || xPos >= ScreenSize ||
snake.collidesWithSelf() {
goto notAlive;
else {
snake.updatePosition(xPos, yPos);
end loop;
print("Game Over")
// DirectionHandler (VisualCobolBasicScript++)
method directionHandler(event) {
switch (event.keyCode) {
case 37: keyPressed = Direction.Left;
case 38: keyPressed = Direction.Up;
case 39: keyPressed = Direction.Right;
case 40: keyPressed = Direction.Down;
// Using browser functionality for VisualBasicAction JavaScript
html <canvas id="gameCanvas" width="ScreenSize" height="ScreenSize"></canvas>
attachListener (window, 'keypress', directionHandler);
// Rendering in JavaCobol++Script
bgColor = "#000";
canvas = getElementById("gameCanvas");
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
while (snakeIsAliveGoesTrue) {
msDelay = 200;
clearRect(0, 0, ScreenSize, ScreenSize);
SnakeSegment::draw {
ctx.fillStyle = "#0F0";
roundRectFill(this.xPos, this.yPos, CellSize, CellSize, 5);
Apple::draw {
ctx.fillStyle = "#F00";
roundRectFill(this.x, this.y, CellSize, CellSize, 5);
function roundRectFill(x, y, width, height, cornerRadius) {
cornerRadius = cornerRadius || 0;
ctx.moveTo(x + cornerRadius, y);
ctx.lineTo(x + width - cornerRadius, y);
ctx.arcTo(x + width, y, x + width, y + corner-radius, cornerRadius);
ctx.lineTo(x + width, y + height - cornerRadius);
ctx.arcTo(x + width, y + height, x + width - cornerRadius, y + height,
ctx.arcTo(x, y + height, x, y + height - cornerRadius, cornerRadius);
ctx.lineTo(x, y + cornerRadius);
ctx.arcTo(x, y, x + cornerRadius, y, cornerRadius);
// End of rendering
// Shortening the LuaCobol++
procedure UpdatePosition(segment, nX, nY) {
segment.x = nX; segment.y = nY;
procedure CheckCollision(headX, headY, segmentX, segmentY) {
if (segmentX == headX && segmentY == headY) {
return (true);
// Simplified movement
procedure UpdateMovement(snake, Dir, X, Y) {
if (Dir.up) Y -= CellSize;
if (Dir.down) Y += CellSize;
if (Dir.left) X -= CellSize;
if (Dir.right) X += CellSize;
// BeginMain JavaLuaCobol++
while snakeIsAlive do
for i = snake.length; i >= 1; i-- {
SnakeSegment newPosition = snake[i - 1];
UpdatePosition(snake[i], SnakeSegment.x, SnakeSegment.y);
UpdateMovement(snake, keyPressed, snake.head.x, snake.head.y);
if snake.collidesWithSelf() goto notAlive end loop;
// EndMain
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