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Tactical Analysis: Paulo Fonseca’s Lille

  • Formation: 4-2-3-1, transitioning to 3-2-5 in attack.
  • In-Possession: Slow build-up from the back, splitting centre-backs with high full-backs.
  • Key Players: Angel Gomes (creative brain), Edon Zhegrova (tricky winger), Jonathan David (free role).
  • Build-Up Play: Calm, patient with midfielders (Bentaleb, Andre) aiding progression.
  • Attacking Phase: Overlapping full-backs, wingers cut inside, positional play with quick 1-2 passes.
  • Pressing: Aggressive high pressing in a 4-2-4 formation, using pressing traps.
  • Weaknesses: Inconsistent pressing, occasional lack of defensive tracking.


  • Possession-Based Play: Emphasises ball control and patient build-up.
  • High Pressing: Aggressively presses opponents high up the pitch.
  • Fluid Attacking: Encourages dynamic forward movements and position interchanges.
  • Overlapping Full-Backs: Utilises full-backs for additional width and attacking options.
  • Tactical Flexibility: Adapts formations based on opponents and situations.
  • Technical Skills: Focuses on ball control, dribbling, and passing accuracy.
  • Youth Development: Integrates young talent into the first team.
  • Defensive Discipline: Maintains structured and collective defensive efforts.

Jonathan David’s role

Plays a versatile and free role:

  • Free Role: Has a lot of freedom to switch positions with the wingers or even rotate with the full-backs, making him unpredictable and difficult to mark.
  • Positional Play: He participates in positional rotations, which are a key principle of Fonseca’s attacking strategy, helping to create spaces and disrupt the opposition’s defence.
  • Attacking Threat: David often moves across to the right side alongside Edon Zhegrova, contributing to Lille’s primary attacking movements.
  • Box Presence: In the final third, David looks for gaps between defenders and shooting angles, making him a constant goal-scoring threat.
  • Combination Play: He is involved in quick 1-2 passes and positional rotations, helping to create chances from wide areas.

Edon Zhegrova’s role

Plays a significant and dynamic role:

  • Tricky Winger: Zhegrova is Lille’s most naturally talented player, known for his flair and creativity on the ball.
  • Shot Taker: He takes 3.22 shots per game, indicating his active role in creating and taking scoring opportunities.
  • Wide Playmaker: Zhegrova often isolates the opposition full-back, using his dribbling skills to create chances from wide areas.
  • Overlapping Support: When the full-back overlaps, Zhegrova typically cuts inside, creating space for the full-back and adding variety to Lille's attacking play.
  • Pressing and Trapping: Zhegrova is involved in Lille’s high pressing strategy, helping to force the ball towards specific areas where Lille can win it back quickly.
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