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Created May 23, 2010 16:44
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Save TheLinx/411070 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env lua
-- This code is public domain, you may use it however you like.
local md5 = require("md5")
local tonumber = tonumber
local ioOpen,ioRead =,
local osExecute = os.execute
local tableConcat,tableInsert = table.concat,table.insert
if not arg[1] or not arg[2] or not arg[3] then
print("Usage: "..arg[0].." EncodeString OutResolution OutFilename")
print("Requires lua-md5 (luarocks install md5).")
print("Also, you need convert in your path (ImageMagick)")
str = arg[1]
md5sum = md5.sumhexa(str)
out = {}
tableInsert(out, [[
/* XPM */
static char * md5_xpm[] = {
"5 5 5 1",
for n=1,25,6 do
if not colourcode then
colourcode = "a"
elseif colourcode == "a" then
colourcode = "b"
elseif colourcode == "b" then
colourcode = "c"
elseif colourcode == "c" then
colourcode = "d"
elseif colourcode == "d" then
colourcode = "e"
local colour = md5sum:sub(n,n+5)
tableInsert(out, "\""..colourcode.." c #"..colour.."\",\n")
tableInsert(out, [[
fhand = ioOpen("/tmp/md5img.xpm", "w")
osExecute("convert /tmp/md5img.xpm -resize "..arg[2].." "..arg[3])
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