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Created June 10, 2010 22:57
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lua printr
-- this goes in your LUA_PATH, which you can find out by running:
-- lua -e 'print(package.path:sub(22,package.path:sub(22):find("%?%.lua")+20))'
-- first, require("printr")
-- then, use the function printr()
-- this code is public domain
local stringFormat,stringRep,stringChar = string.format,string.rep,string.char
local tableInsert,tableConcat = table.insert,table.concat
local function serializevalue(v, d, n)
local d = d or {}
local t = type(v)
if t == "string" then
v:gsub("\\\n", "\\n"):gsub("\r", "\\r"):gsub(stringChar(26), "\"..string.char(26)..\"")
return stringFormat("%q", v)
elseif t == "number" then
return stringFormat("%d", v)
elseif t == "boolean" then
return stringFormat("%s", tostring(v))
elseif t == "table" then
if d[v] then
return "{...}"
d[v] = true
return stringFormat("%s", serializetable(v, d, n+1))
return '"'..tostring(v)..'"'
function serializetable(table, d, n)
local s,n = {},n or 1
tableInsert(s, "{\n")
for k,v in pairs(table) do
tableInsert(s, stringRep("\t", n))
tableInsert(s, serializevalue(k, d, n).." = ")
tableInsert(s, serializevalue(v, d, n))
tableInsert(s, ",\n")
if s[#s] == ",\n" then
s[#s] = "\n"
tableInsert(s, stringRep("\t", n-1))
tableInsert(s, "}")
return tableConcat(s)
function printr(t)
return print(serializetable(t))
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