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Last active March 2, 2023 17:18
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Make unused Python generators Pickle-able!
Simply little utility function to make it possible to pickle generators.
While generator instances can not actually be pickled, this saves the generator
function and only creates a generator instance when the first value is accessed.
The goal is to make it possible to pass generators, with arguments, through multiprocessing
which uses pickling internally to move objects between Python processes.
import multiprocessing
def gen_squares(a, b):
for n in range(a, b):
yield n * n
def worker_run(iterable):
for i in iterable:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Because "fork" doesn't necessarily use pickling
p = multiprocessing.Process(target = worker_run, args = (gen_squares(1, 9),))
from functools import wraps
__author__ = "Matthew Schweiss"
class PickleableGenerator:
Internal class to represent a wrapped generator.
def __init__(self, generator, *args, **kwargs):
self.generator = generator
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.generator(*self.args, **self.kwargs))
def pickleable_generator(generator):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return PickleableGenerator(generator, *args, **kwargs)
generator.__qualname__ += ".__wrapped__"
return wrapper
def gen_doe():
yield "doe"
yield "ray"
yield "me"
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Using generator directly:")
for num in gen_doe():
import pickle
# Pickle the generator function
pkl_gen_due = pickle.dumps(gen_doe)
# Create instance from pickled generator
gen_doe_inst = pickle.loads(pkl_gen_due)()
# Pickle the generator instance
pkl_test_gen_inst = pickle.dumps(gen_doe_inst)
# Unpickle the generator instance and use
print("Using pickled generator:")
for num in pickle.loads(pkl_test_gen_inst):
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