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Created February 12, 2024 14:17
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Perform RAGatuille search and postprocess using an LLM
from ragatouille import RAGPretrainedModel
import json, cmd, ollama # pip install ollama
# first, install ollama:
# curl -fsSL | sh
# second, download llama2:chat:
# ollama run llama2:chat
llm = "llama2:chat"
llm_context_size = 8192
# index_src = ".ragatouille/colbert/indexes/obsidian_index"
index_src = ".ragatouille/colbert/indexes/wiki_index"
RAG = RAGPretrainedModel.from_index(index_src)
def perform_ollama_request(inp: str) -> str:
Performs a LLM request on some input
messages = [
"role": "user",
"content": inp,
fulltext = ""
for chunk in, messages=messages, stream=True, options={"temperature": 0.2, "num_ctx": llm_context_size}):
fulltext += chunk["message"]["content"]
return fulltext.strip()
def perform_search_request(query: str, sources_count = DEFAULT_SOURCES_COUNT) -> str:
Performs a serch to the document database
results =, k=sources_count)
return results
def perform_full_request(query: str) -> str:
Performs a query enhanced with documents retrieved from the database and runs it through a LLM for analysis
results = perform_search_request(query)
# build prompt
prompt = "Please answer ONLY the following question by taking information only from the information sources after the query. If the required information is not contained in the query, answer that you don't know the resolution. If the sources contain similar information, explain them in regards to the query.\n\nQUERY: " + query + "\n\nINFORMATION SOURCES: \n\n"
sources = ""
for i,r in enumerate(results, start=1):
prompt += f"{i}. " + r["content"] + "\n\n"
sources += f"{i}. " + r["document_metadata"]["path"] + "\n"
prompt = prompt.strip()
# perform llm analysis
response = perform_ollama_request(prompt) + "\n\n"
# add sources
response += sources
return response.strip()
class RAGQuery(cmd.Cmd):
def __init__(self, completekey: str = "tab", stdin = None, stdout = None) -> None:
super().__init__(completekey, stdin, stdout)
self.prompt = "RAG> "
self.stdout.write("Use this command line to enter a search query. \n\nIf prepending the query with 'ollama ', the query will only be ran through the attached large language model. \nPrepending 'rag ' will skip postprocessing of the resulting documents via a LLM.\n\n")
def precmd(self, line: str) -> str:
if line.startswith("ollama "):
response = perform_ollama_request(line[7:])
elif line.startswith("rag "):
documents = perform_search_request(line[4:], sources_count=10)
response = json.dumps(documents, indent=2)
response = perform_full_request(line)
self.stdout.write(response + "\n")
return ""
if __name__ == "__main__":
# user_input = "What is the average hair length of cats?"
# results = perform_search_request(user_input)
# for r in results[:3]:
# print(r["document_metadata"]["path"])
# print(r["content"])
# answer = perform_full_request(user_input)
# print(answer)
interpreter = RAGQuery()
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