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Last active May 7, 2023 12:24
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  • Save TheMevent/e2b053475dd2a7c99784498d5441fd93 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
"Commands": [
"Enable money transfers between players??": true,
"Enable logging to the console?": true,
"Enable logging to the file?": true,
"Load images when logging into the server?": true,
"Work with Notify?": true,
"Can admins edit? (by flag)": true,
"Block (NoEscape)": false,
"Wipe Block": false,
"Wipe Cooldown": 3600.0,
"Respawn Block": true,
"Respawn Cooldown": 60.0,
"Blocking the opening in duels?": false,
"Delay between loading images": 1.0,
"Economy": {
"Type (Plugin/Item)": "Plugin",
"Plugin name": "Economics",
"Balance add hook": "Deposit",
"Balance remove hook": "Withdraw",
"Balance show hook": "Balance",
"ShortName": "scrap",
"Display Name (empty - default)": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Lang Key (for Title)": "LangTitle",
"Lang Key (for Balance)": "BalanceTitle"
"Additional Economics": [
"ID": 1,
"Enabled": true,
"Type (Plugin/Item)": "Plugin",
"Plugin name": "ServerRewards",
"Balance add hook": "AddPoints",
"Balance remove hook": "TakePoints",
"Balance show hook": "CheckPoints",
"ShortName": "scrap",
"Display Name (empty - default)": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Lang Key (for Title)": "sr_title",
"Lang Key (for Balance)": "sr_balance"
"Shop": [
"Enabled": true,
"Title": "Attire",
"Permission": "",
"Sort Type": "None",
"Items": [
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 0,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hat.wolf",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 11.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 11.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 1,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "diving.fins",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 100.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 2,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "diving.mask",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 70.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 70.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 3,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "diving.tank",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 106.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 106.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 4,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "diving.wetsuit",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 75.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 5,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "boots.frog",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "barrelcostume",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "cratecostume",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 8,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hat.gas.mask",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 35.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 35.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 5.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 10,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "burlap.gloves",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 21.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 11,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "roadsign.gloves",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 23.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 23.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 12,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "tactical.gloves",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 30.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 30.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 13,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "ghostsheet",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 102.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 102.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 14,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "halloween.mummysuit",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 15,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "scarecrow.suit",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 16,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "scarecrowhead",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
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"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 17,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 71.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 18,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "attire.hide.helterneck",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 10.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 19,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hat.beenie",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 15.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hat.boonie",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 10.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "bucket.helmet",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 35.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "burlap.headwrap",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 10.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hat.candle",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 20.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 20.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hat.cap",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 5.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 5.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "clatter.helmet",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 35.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "coffeecan.helmet",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 76.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 76.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"en": "",
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "deer.skull.mask",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 45.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 45.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"ID": 28,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "heavy.plate.helmet",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 5.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"ID": 29,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hat.miner",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "partyhat",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "riot.helmet",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 60.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 32,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "wood.armor.helmet",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 215.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 33,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hoodie",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 41.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "bone.armor.suit",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 85.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "heavy.plate.jacket",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 6.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "jacket.snow",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 61.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 61.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "jacket",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 52.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 52.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "wood.armor.jacket",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 301.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "lumberjack hoodie",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 41.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 41.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "mask.balaclava",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 15.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "mask.bandana",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 5.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 5.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "metal.facemask",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 71.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 71.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "metal.facemask.icemask",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 71.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 71.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "nightvisiongoggles",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 12.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 45,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
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"ShortName": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 62.0,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"ID": 46,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "burlap.trousers",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 20.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "heavy.plate.pants",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 5.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"ID": 48,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "attire.hide.pants",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 10.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 10.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 49,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "roadsign.kilt",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,