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Last active May 7, 2023 12:24
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
"Commands": [
"Enable money transfers between players??": true,
"Enable logging to the console?": true,
"Enable logging to the file?": true,
"Load images when logging into the server?": true,
"Work with Notify?": true,
"Can admins edit? (by flag)": true,
"Block (NoEscape)": false,
"Wipe Block": false,
"Wipe Cooldown": 3600.0,
"Respawn Block": true,
"Respawn Cooldown": 60.0,
"Blocking the opening in duels?": false,
"Delay between loading images": 1.0,
"Economy": {
"Type (Plugin/Item)": "Plugin",
"Plugin name": "Economics",
"Balance add hook": "Deposit",
"Balance remove hook": "Withdraw",
"Balance show hook": "Balance",
"ShortName": "scrap",
"Display Name (empty - default)": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Lang Key (for Title)": "LangTitle",
"Lang Key (for Balance)": "BalanceTitle"
"Additional Economics": [
"ID": 1,
"Enabled": true,
"Type (Plugin/Item)": "Plugin",
"Plugin name": "ServerRewards",
"Balance add hook": "AddPoints",
"Balance remove hook": "TakePoints",
"Balance show hook": "CheckPoints",
"ShortName": "scrap",
"Display Name (empty - default)": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Lang Key (for Title)": "sr_title",
"Lang Key (for Balance)": "sr_balance"
"Shop": [
"Enabled": true,
"Title": "Attire",
"Permission": "",
"Sort Type": "None",
"Items": [
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 0,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hat.wolf",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 11.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 11.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 1,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "diving.fins",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 100.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 2,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "diving.mask",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 70.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 70.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 3,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "diving.tank",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 106.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 106.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 4,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "diving.wetsuit",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 75.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 5,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "boots.frog",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 6,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "barrelcostume",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 7,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "cratecostume",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 8,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hat.gas.mask",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 35.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 35.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 9,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 5.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 5.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 10,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "burlap.gloves",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 21.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 21.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 11,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "roadsign.gloves",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 23.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 23.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 12,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "tactical.gloves",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 30.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 30.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 13,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "ghostsheet",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 102.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 102.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 14,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "halloween.mummysuit",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 15,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "scarecrow.suit",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 16,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "scarecrowhead",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
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"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 17,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 71.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "attire.hide.helterneck",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 10.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hat.beenie",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 15.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hat.boonie",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 10.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "bucket.helmet",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 35.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "burlap.headwrap",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 10.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hat.candle",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 20.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hat.cap",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 5.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 5.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "clatter.helmet",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 35.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "coffeecan.helmet",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 76.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 76.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "deer.skull.mask",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 45.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 45.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 28,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "heavy.plate.helmet",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 5.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"ID": 29,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hat.miner",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 75.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "partyhat",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "riot.helmet",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 60.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 32,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "wood.armor.helmet",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 215.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 215.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 33,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hoodie",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 41.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 34,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "bone.armor.suit",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 85.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 35,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "heavy.plate.jacket",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 6.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 36,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "jacket.snow",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 61.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 61.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 37,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "jacket",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 52.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 52.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "wood.armor.jacket",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 301.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 301.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 39,
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "lumberjack hoodie",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 41.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 41.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 40,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "mask.balaclava",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 15.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 15.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 41,
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "mask.bandana",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 5.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 5.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "metal.facemask",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 71.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 71.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "metal.facemask.icemask",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 71.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 71.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "nightvisiongoggles",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 12.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 12.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 45,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 62.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"ID": 46,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "burlap.trousers",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 20.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 20.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"ID": 47,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "heavy.plate.pants",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 5.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 5.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"ID": 48,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "attire.hide.pants",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 10.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 10.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 49,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "roadsign.kilt",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 13.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 50,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "pants.shorts",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 30.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "wood.armor.pants",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 201.0,
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"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "pants",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 41.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "attire.hide.poncho",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 15.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 15.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "burlap.shirt",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 20.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "shirt.collared",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 25.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "attire.hide.vest",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 10.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "shirt.tanktop",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 20.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
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"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 36.0,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 10.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
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"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 10.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "attire.hide.skirt",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 10.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "attire.banditguard",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 15.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 15.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "hazmatsuit",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 15.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hazmatsuit.lumberjack",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 15.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 15.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 66,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hazmatsuit.nomadsuit",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 15.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 67,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hazmatsuit_scientist",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 15.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 68,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hazmatsuit_scientist_arctic",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 15.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 69,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hazmatsuit_scientist_peacekeeper",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 15.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hazmatsuit.spacesuit",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 15.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 15.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "scientistsuit_heavy",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 15.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 15.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 72,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 50.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "jumpsuit.suit",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 50.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 50.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "tshirt.long",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 30.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "tshirt",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 25.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 76,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "metal.plate.torso",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 83.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 83.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 77,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "metal.plate.torso.icevest",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 83.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 83.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 78,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "roadsign.jacket",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 24.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 24.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 79,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hat.dragonmask",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 11.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 11.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hat.oxmask",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 11.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 11.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hat.rabbitmask",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 11.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 11.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 82,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hat.ratmask",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 11.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 83,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hat.tigermask",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 11.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "attire.bunnyears",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 20.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "attire.bunny.onesie",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 40.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hat.bunnyhat",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 10.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 10.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "attire.egg.suit",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 62.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 62.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "attire.nesthat",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 11.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 11.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 33.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
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"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 33.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
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"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 33.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 33.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
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"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 51.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "halloween.surgeonsuit",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 62.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
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"": 10
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
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"": 10
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"": 0
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"": 10
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 30.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 20.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Description": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 1.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 10.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "gloweyes",
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"Amount": 1,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
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"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "horse.armor.roadsign",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 6.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
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"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "horse.armor.wood",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "horse.saddle.double",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "horse.saddle",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 50.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "horse.saddle.single",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 6.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "horse.saddlebag",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
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"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 4.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"fr": "Attire"
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
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"ShortName": "fogmachine",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 131.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
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"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
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"ShortName": "strobelight",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 102.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
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"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
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"Amount": 1,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "mlrs",
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"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 100.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 100.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "snowmobiletomaha",
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"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 100.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 125.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 132,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "submarinesolo",
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"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 133,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "locomotive",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 200.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
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"ShortName": "wagon",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "workcart",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "habrepair",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 300.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "door.key",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 25.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "easterbasket",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "rustige_egg_a",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 2.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 2.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "rustige_egg_b",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 2.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "rustige_egg_c",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 2.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 2.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"ID": 142,
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "rustige_egg_d",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 2.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 2.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"fr": ""
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"ID": 143,
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "rustige_egg_e",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 2.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 2.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 144,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "rustige_egg_f",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 2.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 2.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 145,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "easter.bronzeegg",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
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"fr": ""
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"ID": 146,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "easter.goldegg",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 147,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "easter.paintedeggs",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 148,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "easter.silveregg",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "halloween.candy",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "largecandles",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "smallcandles",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 15.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
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"ShortName": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 800.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "cursedcauldron",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "gravestone",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 400.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "woodcross",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 400.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "wall.graveyard.fence",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 325.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 325.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "halloween.lootbag.large",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "halloween.lootbag.medium",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "halloween.lootbag.small",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "pumpkinbasket",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"ID": 161,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "spiderweb",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "spookyspeaker",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 520.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 520.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "note",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 10.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "xmas.present.large",
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "xmas.present.small",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "snowmachine",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 156.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "xmas.decoration.baubels",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 100.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "xmas.decoration.candycanes",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "xmas.decoration.gingerbreadmen",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 150.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 100.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 150.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 100.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 1.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 1.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "keycard_green",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 1.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "sickle",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
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"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
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"Permission": "",
"Sort Type": "None",
"Items": [
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "kayak",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 325.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 300.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
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"en": "",
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"Title": "",
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "rowboat",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "bbq",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 140.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 162.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "campfire",
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"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "cardtable",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 800.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 125.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 125.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 202.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 203.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "dropbox",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 200.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 700.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 200.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "fridge",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 75.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "furnace.large",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1175.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "furnace",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 350.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "hitchtroughcombo",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 200.0,
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"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "jackolantern.angry",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 2.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "jackolantern.happy",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 2.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 2.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
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"ShortName": "lantern",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 40.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 40.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "box.wooden.large",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 300.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "water.barrel",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 251.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "locker",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 150.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
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"ShortName": "mailbox",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 125.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
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"ShortName": "mixingtable",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 300.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 950.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "planter.large",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 202.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
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"ShortName": "planter.small",
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"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 101.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
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"ShortName": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 125.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "research.table",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 220.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 214,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "rug.bear",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 20.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 20.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 215,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "rug",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 25.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 216,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "secretlabchair",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 125.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 217,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "shelves",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 50.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 218,
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "sign.hanging.banner.large",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 120.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 120.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "sign.hanging",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 150.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 150.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 220,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "sign.hanging.ornate",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 100.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 221,
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "sign.pictureframe.landscape",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 110.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 110.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "sign.pictureframe.portrait",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 110.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 110.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "sign.pictureframe.tall",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 160.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 160.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "sign.pictureframe.xl",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 165.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 165.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "sign.pictureframe.xxl",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 205.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 205.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"ID": 226,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "sign.pole.banner.large",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 170.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 170.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 227,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 228,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
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"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
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"ShortName": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"ID": 230,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 150.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 150.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 231,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "sign.wooden.huge",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 250.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 250.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 232,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "sign.wooden.large",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 150.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 233,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "sign.wooden.medium",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 234,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "sign.wooden.small",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 235,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "sleepingbag",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 30.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 30.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "stash.small",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 237,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "sofa",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 130.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 130.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 238,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "sofa.pattern",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 130.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 130.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 239,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "spinner.wheel",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 150.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 150.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 240,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "fishtrap.small",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 205.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 205.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 241,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "table",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 100.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 242,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "workbench1",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 650.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 650.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 243,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "workbench2",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1020.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1020.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 244,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "workbench3",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 2350.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 2350.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 245,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "tunalight",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 31.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 31.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 246,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "vending.machine",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 23.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 23.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
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"en": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "water.purifier",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 26.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "botabag",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 10.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "chineselantern",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "dragondoorknocker",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 20.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "arcade.machine.chippy",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 12.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 20.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "carvable.pumpkin",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 1.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 210.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "skulldoorknocker",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 20.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 101.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 100.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 50.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "hobobarrel",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "xmas.advent",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 120.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "xmas.lightstring",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 45.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "xmas.door.garland",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 25.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "xmas.double.door.garland",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 25.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 267,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "pookie.bear",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"en": "",
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"ID": 268,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "snowman",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 90.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "stocking.large",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "stocking.small",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
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"ShortName": "xmas.window.garland",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 25.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 25.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "xmasdoorwreath",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 20.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
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"ShortName": "xmas.tree",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 120.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "map",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
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"en": "Items",
"fr": "Items"
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"Permission": "",
"Sort Type": "None",
"Items": [
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"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "aiming.module.mlrs",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 104.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "bleach",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 277,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "ducttape",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 6.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "carburetor1",
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"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 40.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "carburetor2",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 280,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "carburetor3",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 170.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 281,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "crankshaft1",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 25.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 282,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "crankshaft2",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 70.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 283,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "crankshaft3",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 120.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 284,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "piston1",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 25.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 25.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "piston2",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 70.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 70.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"Title": "",
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "piston3",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 120.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "sparkplug1",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 25.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"en": "",
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"ID": 288,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "sparkplug2",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 70.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"ID": 289,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "sparkplug3",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 120.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 120.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "valve1",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 25.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"en": "",
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "valve2",
"Skin": 0,
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"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 70.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 70.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 292,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "valve3",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 120.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 120.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"ID": 293,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "fuse",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"ID": 294,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "gears",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "glue",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 1.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "metalblade",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 297,
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "propanetank",
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"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "roadsigns",
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"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "rope",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 1.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "sewingkit",
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"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "sheetmetal",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "sticks",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 20.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "tarp",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 1.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "techparts",
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"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 1.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "semibody",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "smgbody",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "vehicle.chassis.2mod",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 30.0,
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"Sell Price": 30.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 42.0,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "vehicle.chassis.4mod",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 52.0,
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"Sell Price": 52.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"ID": 313,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "vehicle.chassis",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 3.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "vehicle.1mod.cockpit",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 250.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 155.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.with.engine",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 255.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "vehicle.1mod.engine",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 103.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 103.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "vehicle.1mod.flatbed",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 200.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "vehicle.1mod.passengers.armored",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 155.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 155.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "vehicle.1mod.rear.seats",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 250.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 175.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 305.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 300.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "vehicle.2mod.flatbed",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 300.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "vehicle.2mod.fuel.tank",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 275.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 275.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "vehicle.2mod.passengers",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 300.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 300.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "vehicle.module",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "weapon.mod.burstmodule",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 1.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"fr": ""
"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
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"fr": "Component"
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"Title": "Ammunition",
"Permission": "",
"Sort Type": "None",
"Items": [
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"ID": 329,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "ammo.rocket.mlrs",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 204.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 204.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 10.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 331,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "ammo.grenadelauncher.he",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 16.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 16.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "ammo.grenadelauncher.smoke",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 16.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 16.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 333,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "arrow.hv",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 12.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 334,
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "arrow.wooden",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 18.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "arrow.bone",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 12.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 12.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
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"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 16.0,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"ID": 337,
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
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"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 5.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "ammo.nailgun.nails",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 2.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "ammo.pistol",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 4.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 8.0,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "ammo.pistol.hv",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 10.0,
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"Sell Price": 10.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "ammo.rifle",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 5.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 5.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "ammo.rifle.explosive",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 20.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 20.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "ammo.rifle.incendiary",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 12.0,
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"Sell Price": 12.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "ammo.rifle.hv",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 15.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "ammo.rocket.basic",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 503.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "ammo.rocket.hv",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 101.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "ammo.rocket.smoke",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 305.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "ammo.shotgun",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 8.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 18.0,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "ammo.shotgun.slug",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 8.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 8.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "speargun.spear",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 17.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "submarine.torpedo.straight",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 10.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "ammo.snowballgun",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "ammo.rocket.sam",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 5.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "Ammunition",
"fr": "Ammunition"
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"Title": "Construction",
"Permission": "",
"Sort Type": "None",
"Items": [
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "door.double.hinged.metal",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 200.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "door.double.hinged.toptier",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 30.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
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"ID": 359,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "door.double.hinged.wood",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 350.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "door.hinged.metal",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 150.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "door.hinged.toptier",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 25.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "door.hinged.wood",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 300.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 300.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 363,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "floor.grill",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 364,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "floor.ladder.hatch",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 304.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 304.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 365,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "floor.triangle.grill",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 366,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "floor.triangle.ladder.hatch",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 304.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 304.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 367,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "gates.external.high.stone",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 3005.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 3005.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 368,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "gates.external.high.wood",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 3002.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 3002.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 369,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "ladder.wooden.wall",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 370,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "wall.external.high.stone",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1500.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1500.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 371,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "wall.external.high",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1500.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1500.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 372,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "wall.frame.cell.gate",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 150.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 150.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 373,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "wall.frame.cell",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 150.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 150.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 374,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "wall.frame.fence.gate",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 75.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 375,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "wall.frame.fence",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 75.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 376,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "wall.frame.garagedoor",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 302.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 302.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"ID": 377,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "wall.frame.netting",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"ID": 378,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "wall.frame.shopfront",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 150.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 150.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 379,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "wall.frame.shopfront.metal",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 250.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 250.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "wall.window.bars.metal",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 25.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 25.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 381,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "wall.window.bars.toptier",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 4.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 382,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "wall.window.bars.wood",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 50.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 383,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "shutter.metal.embrasure.a",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 100.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "shutter.metal.embrasure.b",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 100.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 385,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 50.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "shutter.wood.a",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 200.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 200.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 387,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "watchtower.wood",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 250.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 250.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "barricade.concrete",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 200.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 200.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 389,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "barricade.wood.cover",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 250.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 250.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 390,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "barricade.metal",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 202.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 202.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 391,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "barricade.sandbags",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 110.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 110.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 392,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "barricade.stone",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 100.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 393,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "barricade.wood",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 301.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 301.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 394,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "barricade.woodwire",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 351.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 351.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 395,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "mining.pumpjack",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
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"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "mining.quarry",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "cupboard.tool",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1000.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "water.catcher.large",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 702.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "water.catcher.small",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 151.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 151.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "lock.key",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "lock.code",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "door.closer",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 51.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "factorydoor",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 150.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "door.hinged.industrial.a",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 150.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
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"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 300.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 1500.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "Construction",
"fr": "Construction"
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"Title": "Traps",
"Permission": "",
"Sort Type": "None",
"Items": [
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "trap.bear",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 51.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "spikes.floor",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 150.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "trap.landmine",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 80.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "guntrap",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 754.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
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"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
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"": 10
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "samsite",
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
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"": 10
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"": 0
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"fr": ""
"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "Traps",
"fr": "Traps"
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"Permission": "",
"Sort Type": "None",
"Items": [
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
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"": 10
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"ShortName": "computerstation",
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "elevator",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "modularcarlift",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.audioalarm",
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"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
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"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "smart.switch",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 4.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
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"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "storage.monitor",
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"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 12.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 6.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 5.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 75.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 75.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.hbhfsensor",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 75.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.laserdetector",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 429,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.pressurepad",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 152.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 430,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.doorcontroller",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.furnace",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 205.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.heater",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 200.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 200.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "fluid.combiner",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "fluid.splitter",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Title": "",
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "fluid.switch",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 150.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.andswitch",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.blocker",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electrical.branch",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electrical.combiner",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electrical.memorycell",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.orswitch",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.random.switch",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"ID": 443,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.rf.broadcaster",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"ID": 444,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.rf.receiver",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 1.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 1.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 445,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.xorswitch",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 446,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.fuelgenerator.small",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 7.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Force Buy": false,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.generator.small",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 35.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 35.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.solarpanel.large",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 6.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.igniter",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "storageadaptor",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "industrial.combiner",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "industrial.conveyor",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 75.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "industrial.crafter",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 5.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 5.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "industrial.splitter",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 75.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.flasherlight",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 120.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 120.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.simplelight",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 125.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 125.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.sirenlight",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 120.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 120.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 458,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "powered.water.purifier",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 420.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 420.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.switch",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 100.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.splitter",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 100.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 100.0,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 461,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.sprinkler",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 462,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.teslacoil",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 4.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 463,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.timer",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 75.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 464,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "electric.cabletunnel",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 10.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 465,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "waterpump",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 451.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 451.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 466,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
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"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 151.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 467,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "target.reactive",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 251.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 251.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 468,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "searchlight",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 700.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 700.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 469,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "generator.wind.scrap",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 516.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 516.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 470,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 30.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"ID": 471,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "industrial.wall.light",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 30.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 30.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 472,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 30.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
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"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 473,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "sign.neon.125x125",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 150.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 150.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 474,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "sign.neon.125x215.animated",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 302.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 302.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 475,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "sign.neon.125x215",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 200.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 200.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"fr": ""
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"ID": 476,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "sign.neon.xl.animated",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 355.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 355.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Localization": {
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"en": "",
"fr": ""
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"ID": 477,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "sign.neon.xl",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 250.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 250.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "xmas.lightstring.advanced",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
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"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "autoturret",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 12.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
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"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "hosetool",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 2.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "rf_pager",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "pipetool",
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"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 2.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "wiretool",
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"Amount": 1,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"fr": ""
"Localization": {
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"fr": "Electrical"
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"Sort Type": "None",
"Items": [
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"Title": "",
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "firework.boomer.champagne",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"": 0
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"fr": ""
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"Title": "",
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"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
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"ShortName": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 70.0,
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"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
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"ShortName": "",
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"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 70.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "firework.boomer.pattern",
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"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 95.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 70.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "firework.boomer.violet",
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"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 70.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
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"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"Price": 35.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"Plugin Name": "",
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"ShortName": "",
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"Price": 35.0,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Plugin": {
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"ShortName": "",
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"Amount": 1,
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"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
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"": 0
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"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "firework.romancandle.violet",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 35.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 35.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 495,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
"Amount": 0
"DisplayName (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "firework.volcano",
"Skin": 0,
"Is Blueprint": false,
"Amount": 1,
"Enable item buying?": true,
"Price": 35.0,
"Enable item selling?": true,
"Sell Price": 35.0,
"Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0,
"Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0.0,
"": 0.0
"Discount (%)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 10
"Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {
"shop.default": 0,
"": 0
"Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0,
"Force Buy": false,
"Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false,
"Localization": {
"Enabled": false,
"Text (language - text)": {
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"Type": "Item",
"ID": 496,
"Image": "",
"Title": "",
"Description": "",
"Command (%steamid%)": "",
"Kit": "",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "",
"Plugin Name": "",
View raw

(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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