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Last active June 15, 2023 23:18
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Laravel Model Bindings with Hashids
namespace App;
use Vinkla\Hashids\HashidsManager;
* Bind a model to a route based on the hash of
* its id (or other specified key).
* @package App
* @mixin \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
trait HashidsRoutable
* Instantiate appropriate Hashids connection
* @return \Hashids\Hashids
protected function getHashidsInstance()
return app(HashidsManager::class)->connection($this->getHashidsConnection());
* Determine Hashids connection to use
* @return null|string
protected function getHashidsConnection()
return null;
* Encode a parameter
* @param int $parameter
* @return string
protected function encodeParameter($parameter)
return $this->getHashidsInstance()->encode($parameter);
* Decode parameter
* @param string $parameter
* @return null|int Decoded value or null on failure
protected function decodeParameter($parameter)
if (count($decoded = $this->getHashidsInstance()->decode($parameter)) != 1) {
// We are expecting a single value from the decode parameter,
// if none or multiple are returned we just fail
return null;
return $decoded[0];
* Instruct implicit route binding to use
* our custom hashed parameter.
* This is long and crazy to avoid parameters
* collisions.
* @return string
public function getRouteKeyName()
return 'hashidsRoutableHashParam';
* Determine which attribute to encode
* @return string
public function getRouteHashKeyName()
return $this->getKeyName();
* Get beginning value
* @return string
public function getRouteHashKey()
return $this->getAttribute($this->getRouteHashKeyName());
* Encode real parameter to url value for bindings
* @return string
public function getHashidsRoutableHashParamAttribute()
return $this->encodeParameter($this->getRouteHashKey());
* Transform a checking by hashed key to real query
* @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
public function where()
$params = func_get_args();
if ($params[0] == $this->getRouteKeyName()) {
if (is_null($decoded = $this->decodeParameter($params[1]))) {
// Decoding failed so we return a query with no results
return parent::whereRaw('0 = 1');
return parent::where($this->getRouteHashKeyName(), $decoded);
return parent::where(...$params);

HashIds Routable Models

Turns a model binding from /profile/1 to /profile/XDBoYzYE just by using a trait.


This trait is based on laravel-hashids, require it first using composer. Then just copy paste the trait below somewhere in your laravel project.


Basic Usage

To use the encoded version of model's id just use the trait like:

// ...
class User extends Authenticatable
    use HashidsRoutable;
    // ....

Custom Attribute

To use another attribute rather then id override the getRouteHashKeyName() method:

// ...
class User extends Authenticatable
    use HashidsRoutable;
    public function getRouteHashKeyName()
        return 'another_attribute_name';
    // ....

Custom connection

By default the trait will use laravel-hashids's default connection, to change it on a per-model base override the getHashidsConnection() method:

// ...
class User extends Authenticatable
    use HashidsRoutable;
    public function getHashidsConnection()
        return 'alternative';
    // ....

Without laravel-hashids

If you don't want to use laravel-hashids (Why shouldn't you?), change the getHashidsInstance() method to return a new instance of hashids.php:

// ...
trait HashidsRoutable
    protected function getHashidsInstance()
        return new Hashids\Hashids('your-salt', 0, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz');
    // ...


Overriding the where() method of the Model class might be consider dirty. If you don't like it, use Explicit Binding instead of this trait to build your urls.

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Thanks man! It really helps.

However, I have one little question. I get an error when I'm trying to use where statically.

So just for an example:

 return Comment::where('commentable_type', $data['commentable_type'])
		->where('commentable_id', \Hashids::decode($data['commentable_id'])[0])
		->where('id', $filter, $lastCommentId)

Would give me an error with:

"Non-static method App\Comment::where() should not be called statically"

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Thanks man! It really helps.

However, I have one little question. I get an error when I'm trying to use where statically.

So just for an example:

 return Comment::where('commentable_type', $data['commentable_type'])
		->where('commentable_id', \Hashids::decode($data['commentable_id'])[0])
		->where('id', $filter, $lastCommentId)

Would give me an error with:

"Non-static method App\Comment::where() should not be called statically"

any solution?

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ruaq commented Dec 11, 2018

@pmochine @hakimihamdan88 I found a solution!

Remove the public function where() from the trait.


Route::bind('id', function ($id) { return \Hashids::decode($id)[0] ?? $id; });

in app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php in the public function boot() section and everything is fine!

I've forked it under (quick & dirty).

Hope it helps!

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