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Created January 18, 2023 11:27
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Static Image as Picture In Picture | Pure JavaScript
const video = document.createElement('video') // video element to then ask for pip
// we can't use display = 'none' cause else, pip is blank = '0' // hides it so it doesn't destroy the flow, and shows ONLY the pip = '0' // hides it so it doesn't destroy the flow, and shows ONLY the pip
video.playsInline = true // useful, but not an obligation
video.autoplay = true // obligation
video.muted = true // useful, but not an obligation
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas') // creates the canvas in which we'll put the image = 'none' // hides it so it doesn't destroy the flow, and shows ONLY the pip
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') // get the 2d context of it
const image = new Image(60, 60) // square image but can be any size, it will be resized in the start function
image.addEventListener('load', start) // once loaded, generates the fake video
image.src = YOUR-IMG-PATH // load your image
function start() {
canvas.width = this.naturalWidth // sets the width to the natural width of the image
canvas.height = this.naturalHeight // same for height
ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0) // clears canvas (and so, the video)
ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0, this.width, this.height) // displays the image
const stream = canvas.captureStream(1) // 1fps so static image
video.srcObject = stream // uses the stream of the canvas (static image) and uses it for src object of the video
document.getElementByID('YOUR BUTTON TO SHOW PIP').addEventListener('click', _ => video.requestPictureInPicture()) // shows pip on click
document.body.appendChild(video) // required else, pip is blank
document.body.appendChild(canvas) // required else, pip is blank
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