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Created January 17, 2024 04:58
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Absolute April Tag Localization with the FTC SDK
import com.acmerobotics.roadrunner.geometry.Pose2d;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;
import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.matrices.GeneralMatrixF;
import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.matrices.MatrixF;
import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.matrices.VectorF;
import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.Quaternion;
import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.Rotation;
import kotlin.math.MathKt;
* Class for transformations in 3D Space. Only uses libraries in the FTC SDK,
* with the optional addition of RoadRunner for ease of use with relocalization.
public class Transform3d {
* Vector to describe a 3-dimensional position in space
VectorF translation;
* Quaternion to describe a 3-dimensional orientation in space
Quaternion rotation;
private final static VectorF zeroVector = new VectorF(0,0,0);
public Transform3d() {
translation = new VectorF(0f,0f,0f);
rotation = new Quaternion();
public Transform3d(VectorF t, Quaternion Q) {
translation = t;
rotation = Q;
public Transform3d unaryMinusInverse() {
Quaternion Q = rotation.inverse();
VectorF t = rotation.applyToVector(zeroVector.subtracted(translation));
return new Transform3d(t,Q);
public Transform3d plus(Transform3d P) {
VectorF t = translation.added(rotation.applyToVector(P.translation));
Quaternion Q = rotation.multiply(P.rotation, System.nanoTime());
return new Transform3d(t,Q);
public double getZ() {
return Math.atan2(2.0*(rotation.y*rotation.z + rotation.w*rotation.x),
rotation.w*rotation.w - rotation.x*rotation.x - rotation.y*rotation.y + rotation.z*rotation.z);
public static Quaternion MatrixToQuaternion(MatrixF m1) {
float w = (float) (Math.sqrt(1.0 + m1.get(0,0) + m1.get(1,1) + m1.get(2,2)) / 2.0);
float w4 = (float) (4.0 * w);
float x = (m1.get(2,1) - m1.get(1,2)) / w4 ;
float y = (m1.get(0,2) - m1.get(2,0)) / w4 ;
float z = (m1.get(1,0) - m1.get(0,1)) / w4 ;
return new Quaternion(w,x,y,z, System.nanoTime());
public Pose2d toPose2d() {
return new Pose2d(
public ArrayList<Pose2d> getAprilTagPoses() {
ArrayList<AprilTagDetection> tags = new ArrayList<>();
if (visionPortal.getProcessorEnabled(tagProcessor)) {
tags = tagProcessor.getDetections();
ArrayList<Pose2d> poses = new ArrayList<>();
for (AprilTagDetection tag: tags) {
if (tag.metadata != null) {
// Get the tag absolute position on the field
Transform3d tagPose = new Transform3d(
// Get the relative location of the tag from the camera
Transform3d cameraToTagTransform = new Transform3d(
new VectorF(
(float) tag.rawPose.x,
(float) tag.rawPose.y,
(float) tag.rawPose.z
// Inverse the previous transform to get the location of the camera from the tag
Transform3d tagToCameraTransform = cameraToTagTransform.unaryMinusInverse();
// Add the tag position and the relative position of the camera to the tag
Transform3d cameraPose =;
// The the relative location of the camera to the robot
//TODO: You have to tune this value for your camera
Transform3d robotToCameraTransform = new Transform3d(
new VectorF(
new Quaternion(0,0,1f,0, System.nanoTime())
// Inverse the previous transform again to get the location of the robot from the camera
Transform3d cameraToRobotTransform = robotToCameraTransform.unaryMinusInverse();
// Add the relative location of the robot to location of the Camera
Transform3d robotPose =;
// Convert from a 3D transform to a 2D pose
return poses;
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