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Last active June 5, 2021 17:42
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A Point class in CPP.
// Created by ThePyProgrammer on 5/6/2021.
#include <iostream>
#include "Point.cpp"
// #include <cassert>
auto main() -> int {
auto o = *(new Point()); // (0, 0)
o.setX(-10); // (-10, 0)
o.setY(-5); // (-10, -5)
o.translateX(15); // (5, -5)
o.translateY(15); // (5, 10)
double magnitude = o.hypotenuse();
auto p = *(new Point(1, 2)); // (1, 2)
p.scale(5); // (5, 10)
double angle = p.angle();
double x = magnitude * std::cos(angle); // should output 5
double y = magnitude * std::sin(angle); // should output 10
// assert(x * y == 50.0);
return 0;
// Created by ThePyProgrammer on 5/6/2021.
#include <cmath>
#include "Point.h"
#include <limits>
Point::Point(double x, double y) {
set(x, y);
Point::Point(double x) {
auto Point::getX() const -> double {
return x;
auto Point::getY() const -> double {
return y;
auto Point::set(double xNew, double yNew) -> void {
setX(xNew); setY(yNew);
auto Point::setX(double xNew) -> void {
this->x = xNew;
auto Point::setY(double yNew) -> void {
this->y = yNew;
* @return angle from origin
auto Point::angle() const -> double {
return std::atan(y / x);
* @return distance from origin
auto Point::hypotenuse() const -> double {
return std::sqrt( std::pow(x, 2) + std::pow(y, 2) );
* @param o: The new origin
* @return The object pointer of reset origin
auto Point::resetOrigin(Point o) const -> Point * {
auto p = copy();
p->translate(-o.x, -o.y);
return p;
* @param p The point to reset the origin to
* @return The hypotenuse of the reset origin
auto Point::hypotenuseFrom(Point p) const -> double {
return resetOrigin(p)->hypotenuse();
* @param dx Change in x
* @param dy Change in y
auto Point::translate(double dx, double dy) -> void {
translateX(dx); translateY(dy);
* @param dx Change in x
auto Point::translateX(double dx) -> void {
x += dx;
* @param dy Change in y
auto Point::translateY(double dy) -> void {
x += dy;
* @param factorX Scale Factor for x-axis
* @param factorY Scale Factor for y-axis
auto Point::scale(double factorX, double factorY) -> void {
scaleX(factorX); scaleY(factorY);
* @param factor Scale Factor for x-axis and y-axis
auto Point::scale(double factor) -> void {
scale(factor, factor);
* @param factorX Scale Factor for x-axis
auto Point::scaleX(double factor) -> void {
x *= factor;
* @param factorY Scale Factor for y-axis
auto Point::scaleY(double factor) -> void {
y *= factor;
auto Point::reflectX() -> void {
auto Point::reflectY() -> void {
auto Point::reflect() -> void {
auto Point::absX() -> void {
if(x < 0) reflectX();
auto Point::absY() -> void {
if(y < 0) reflectY();
auto Point::abs() -> void {
absX(); absY();
auto Point::inverseX() -> void {
auto inf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
if(std::abs(x) == inf) x = 0;
else if(x == 0.0) x = inf;
else x = 1 / x;
auto Point::inverseY() -> void {
auto inf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
if(std::abs(y) == inf) y = 0;
else if(y == 0.0) y = inf;
else y = 1 / y;
auto Point::inverse() -> void {
inverseX(); inverseY();
auto Point::copy() const -> Point * {
return new Point(x, y);
auto Point::clone() const -> Point * {
return copy();
auto Point::compareTo(Point p) const -> int {
if(x != p.x) return (int) (x - p.x);
else if(x != p.y ) return (int) (y - p.y);
else return 0;
// Created by ThePyProgrammer on 5/6/2021.
#include <cmath>
#ifndef APP_POINT_H
#define APP_POINT_H
class Point {
double x = 0, y = 0;
// Constructors
Point() = default;
Point(double x, double y);
explicit Point(double x);
// Getters and Setters
auto getX() const -> double;
auto getY() const -> double;
auto set(double xNew, double yNew) -> void;
auto setX(double xNew) -> void;
auto setY(double yNew) -> void;
// Mathematical Values
auto angle() const -> double;
auto hypotenuse() const -> double;
// Mathematical Operations
auto resetOrigin(Point o) const -> Point *;
auto hypotenuseFrom(Point o) const -> double;
// Translation
auto translate(double dx, double dy) -> void;
auto translateX(double dx) -> void;
auto translateY(double dy) -> void;
// Scaling
auto scale(double factorX, double factorY) -> void;
auto scale(double factor) -> void;
auto scaleX(double factor) -> void;
auto scaleY(double factor) -> void;
// Reflection
auto reflectX() -> void;
auto reflectY() -> void;
auto reflect() -> void;
// Modulus of Point
auto absX() -> void;
auto absY() -> void;
auto abs() -> void;
// Inverse of Point
auto inverseX() -> void;
auto inverseY() -> void;
auto inverse() -> void;
// Class Operations
auto copy() const -> Point *;
auto clone() const -> Point *;
auto compareTo(Point p) const -> int;
#endif //APP_POINT_H
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