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Created June 1, 2021 06:01
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A Simplified Array System written in C#, made for Functionality.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace App
class SuperArray<R> : IEnumerable<R>
R[] BaseArray;
int Length
return BaseArray.Length;
public SuperArray()
BaseArray = new R[0];
public SuperArray(int capacity)
BaseArray = new R[capacity];
public SuperArray(params R[] values)
BaseArray = values;
public SuperArray(SuperArray<R> values)
BaseArray = values.BaseArray;
public SuperArray<R> Add(params R[] values)
int size1 = BaseArray.Length,
size2 = values.Length;
R[] newArray = new R[size1 + size2];
int i = 0;
for (; i < size1 + size2; i++)
if (i < size1) newArray[i] = BaseArray[i];
else newArray[i] = values[i - size1];
BaseArray = newArray;
return this;
public SuperArray<R> Add(SuperArray<R> values)
return Add(values.BaseArray);
public static SuperArray<int> range(int start, int stop, int step = 1)
var array = new SuperArray<int>();
for (int i = start; i < stop; i += step)
return array;
public static SuperArray<int> range(int stop)
return range(0, stop);
public SuperArray<T> Map<T>(Func<R, T> func)
var array = new SuperArray<T>();
foreach (var item in BaseArray)
return array;
public T Fold<T>(T acc, Func<R, T, T> func)
foreach (var item in BaseArray) acc = func(item, acc);
return acc;
public SuperArray<R> Filter(Func<R, bool> pred)
var array = new SuperArray<R>();
foreach (var item in BaseArray)
if (pred(item)) array.Add(item);
return array;
public SuperArray<R> Filter(R pred)
return Filter(element => element.Equals(pred));
public int Find(Func<R, bool> pred)
for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++)
var value = BaseArray[i];
if (pred(value)) return i;
return -1;
public int Find(R pred)
return Find(element => element.Equals(pred));
public int IndexOf(R pred)
return Find(pred);
public int IndexOf(Func<R, bool> pred)
return Find(pred);
public int LastIndexOf(Func<R, bool> pred)
int reversedIndex = Reverse().IndexOf(pred);
return Length - 1 - reversedIndex;
public int LastIndexOf(R pred)
return LastIndexOf(element => element.Equals(pred));
public SuperArray<int> FindAll(Func<R, bool> pred)
var indices = new SuperArray<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++)
if (pred(BaseArray[i])) indices.Add(i);
return indices;
public SuperArray<int> FindAll(R pred)
return FindAll(element => element.Equals(pred));
public SuperArray<R> ForEach(Action<R> func)
foreach (var item in BaseArray) func(item);
return this;
public String Join(String sep = " ", String prefix = "", String postfix = "")
String str = "";
for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++)
str += BaseArray[i].ToString();
if (i + 1 < Length) str += sep;
return str;
public SuperArray<R> Reverse()
var array = new SuperArray<R>();
for (int i = Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) array.Add(BaseArray[i]);
BaseArray = array.BaseArray;
return this;
public R Pop()
return Pop(Length - 1);
public R Pop(int index)
index %= Length;
R[] newArray = new R[Length - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) newArray[i] = BaseArray[i];
for (int i = index + 1; i < Length; i++) newArray[i - 1] = BaseArray[i];
R poppedValue = BaseArray[index];
BaseArray = newArray;
return poppedValue;
public SuperArray<R> Sort(bool descending = false)
if (descending) Reverse();
return this;
private void remove(int index)
index %= Length;
R[] newArray = new R[Length - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) newArray[i] = BaseArray[i];
for (int i = index + 1; i < Length; i++) newArray[i - 1] = BaseArray[i];
BaseArray = newArray;
public SuperArray<R> Remove(params int[] indices)
SuperArray<int> arr = new SuperArray<int>(indices).Sort(descending: true);
return this;
public SuperArray<R> Remove(SuperArray<int> indices)
return Remove(indices.BaseArray);
public SuperArray<R> RemoveAll(Func<R, bool> pred)
return this;
public SuperArray<R> RemoveAll(R value)
return RemoveAll(pred: element => element.Equals(value));
public SuperArray<R> Replace(Func<R, bool> pred, Func<R, R> replacer)
for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++)
var value = BaseArray[i];
if (pred(value)) BaseArray[i] = replacer(value);
return this;
public SuperArray<R> Replace(Func<R, bool> pred, R replacer)
return Replace(pred, element => replacer);
public SuperArray<R> Replace(R pred, Func<R, R> replacer)
return Replace(element => element.Equals(pred), replacer);
public SuperArray<R> Replace(R pred, R replacer)
return Replace(element => element.Equals(pred), element => replacer);
public int Push(params R[] values)
return Length;
public R Shift()
return Pop(0);
public SuperArray<R> Slice(int start = 0, int end = -1, int step = 1)
if (end == -1) end = Length;
var array = new SuperArray<R>();
foreach (var i in range(start, end, step))
array.Add(BaseArray[i % Length]);
return array;
public SuperArray<R> Slice(int end)
return Slice(0, end);
public SuperArray<R> Unshift(params R[] values)
BaseArray = new SuperArray<R>(values).Add(this).BaseArray;
return this;
public bool Any(Func<R, bool> callback)
foreach (var i in BaseArray)
if (callback(i)) return true;
return false;
public bool Some(Func<R, bool> callback)
return Any(callback);
public bool All(Func<R, bool> callback)
foreach (var i in BaseArray)
if (!callback(i)) return false;
return true;
public bool All(Func<R, int, bool> callback)
for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++)
if (!callback(get(i), i)) return false;
return true;
public bool Every(Func<R, bool> callback)
return All(callback);
public bool Every(Func<R, int, bool> callback)
return All(callback);
public T Reduce<T>(Func<T, R, int, SuperArray<R>, T> callback, T acc)
for (int i = 0; i < BaseArray.Length; i++)
acc = callback(acc, BaseArray[i], i, this);
return acc;
public SuperArray<R> Fill(Func<R, R> callback)
return Replace(element => true, callback);
public bool Contains(Func<R, bool> pred)
foreach (var item in BaseArray)
if (pred(item)) return true;
return false;
public bool Contains(R pred)
return Contains(element => element.Equals(pred));
public bool Includes(Func<R, bool> pred)
return Contains(pred);
public bool Includes(R pred)
return Includes(pred);
public SuperArray<R> Splice(int start, int number, params R[] replacements)
var before = Slice(end: start);
var after = Slice(start: start + number);
BaseArray = before.Add(replacements).Add(after).BaseArray;
return this;
public SuperArray<R> Insert(int index, params R[] items)
return Splice(index, 0, items);
public R get(int index)
return this[index];
public bool Equals(SuperArray<R> other)
if (Length != other.Length) return false;
return Every((element, index) => element.Equals(other[index]));
public IEnumerator<R> GetEnumerator()
foreach (var item in BaseArray)
return item;
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
public static SuperArray<R> operator +(SuperArray<R> a, SuperArray<R> b)
return a.Add(b);
public static SuperArray<R> operator -(SuperArray<R> a, SuperArray<R> b)
foreach (var item in b)
return a;
public R this[int index]
return BaseArray[index % Length];
BaseArray[index % Length] = value;
public override String ToString()
return Join(sep: ", ", postfix: "{ ", prefix: " }");
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