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Last active October 2, 2015 06:37
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  • Save TheRayTracer/2191639 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TheRayTracer/2191639 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This example in C++ demonstrates two techniques to detect a loop in a linked list. This example determines if a linked list has a cycle. Note that the cycle can occur anywhere - not just the tail node linking back to the head. For example, if the list bec
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <cassert>
#include <climits>
namespace std { };
using namespace std;
struct node
node* next;
struct bin_node
bin_node* left, * right;
size_t value;
node* build_linked_list(size_t n)
node* head = NULL;
if (n > 0)
head = new node;
head->next = NULL;
node* p = head;
for (size_t i = 1; i < n; ++i)
p->next = new node;
p->next->next = NULL;
p = p->next;
return head;
node* corrupt_linked_list_tail(node* head, size_t n)
if (head != NULL && n > 0)
n >>= 1;
size_t r = rand() % n;
node* p = head;
for (size_t i = 0; i < r; p = p->next, ++i);
node* tail = head;
for (; tail->next != NULL; tail = tail->next);
tail->next = p;
return head;
bool detect_loop_using_hash_map(node* head)
bool result = false;
map<const node*, bool> detect;
while (head != NULL)
if (detect[head] != false)
result = true;
detect[head] = true;
head = head->next;
return result;
bool detect_loop_using_tortoise_and_hare_algorithm(node* head)
node* tortoise = head;
node* hare = head;
if (hare != NULL)
hare = hare->next;
if (hare != NULL)
hare = hare->next;
tortoise = tortoise->next;
while (tortoise != hare);
return head != NULL && tortoise == hare;
bool validate_bin_tree(const bin_node* head = NULL, const size_t my_min = 0, const size_t my_max = 0)
bool result = true;
if (head != NULL)
result = head->value > my_min && head->value < my_max &&
validate_bin_tree(head->left, my_min, head->value) && validate_bin_tree(head->right, head->value, my_max);
return result;
void flip_bin_tree(bin_node* head = NULL)
if (head != NULL)
bin_node* p = head->left;
head->left = head->right;
head->right = p;
/* This function shall "rotate" a binary tree "90 degrees" clockwise.
Alas, the result shall not be a valid search binary tree. */
bin_node* invert_bin_tree(bin_node* head = NULL)
bin_node* p = NULL;
if (head != NULL)
if (head->left == NULL && head->right == NULL)
p = head;
p = invert_bin_tree(head->left);
head->left->left = head->right;
head->left->right = head;
head->left = NULL;
head->right = NULL;
return p;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
node* head = build_linked_list(1000);
corrupt_linked_list_tail(head, 1000);
assert(detect_loop_using_hash_map(head) != false);
assert(detect_loop_using_tortoise_and_hare_algorithm(head) != false);
// Invalid tree:
// 37
// 21 56
// 40
bin_node bin_tree[4];
bin_tree[0].value = 37;
bin_tree[0].left = &bin_tree[1];
bin_tree[0].right = &bin_tree[2];
bin_tree[1].value = 21;
bin_tree[1].left = &bin_tree[3];
bin_tree[1].right = NULL;
bin_tree[2].value = 56;
bin_tree[2].left = NULL;
bin_tree[2].right = NULL;
bin_tree[3].value = 40;
bin_tree[3].left = NULL;
bin_tree[3].right = NULL;
assert(validate_bin_tree(bin_tree, 0, SIZE_MAX) == false);
// Valid tree:
// 37
// 21 56
// 16
bin_tree[3].value = 16;
assert(validate_bin_tree(bin_tree, 0, SIZE_MAX) != false);
assert(bin_tree[0].value == 37);
assert(bin_tree[0].left->value == 56);
assert(bin_tree[0].right->value == 21);
return 0;
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