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he Scheduled Production and Release Of Content To The Code 365 Startup Lab

The Scheduled Production and Release Of Content To The Code 365 Startup Lab

Where aspiring developrenuers learn to write code for fun and profit

HTML Beyond The Primer ( In Development )

Current Completion Schedule: Oct 2019

  1. A basic HTML Document ( Online )
  2. The HTML Head Section, Head Element, and Attributes ( Online )
  3. The HTML Head Element - Part 2 - The Link Tag ( Online )
  4. The HTML Head Element - Part 3 - The Meta Tag ( Online )
  5. The HTML Head ERlement - Part 4 - The Script tag ( Online )
  6. The HTML Head Element - Part 5 - The NoScript tag ( Online )

0. HTML building Blocks ( In Development )

  1. HTML Elements ( Online )
  2. HTML Attributes ( Online )
  3. HTML Tables ( Online )
  4. HTML Styles ( Online )
  5. HTML Block and Inline Elements ( Online )
  6. HTML Blocks Expanded and Explained ( Online )
  7. HTML iFrame ( Online )
  8. HTML Layout - Putting it all together ( Online )
  9. Where to Go From Here? ( Planned )
  • Build stuff
  • learn, build, and teach with others on the Code 365 StartUp Lab Discord

HTML Mastery ( Planned )

Current release schedule: Oct 2019

0. HTML Forms A Intro to Programming

  1. Example Form ( recorded )
  2. The Form and Input Element ( Planned )
  3. Form Inputs ( Planned )
  4. The Action Attribute ( Planned )
  5. The Target Attribute ( Planned )
  6. The Method Attribute ( Planned )
  7. When to use GET ( Planned )
  8. When to use POST ( Planned )
  9. The Name Attribute ( Planned )
  10. Grouping ( Planned )
  11. Form Elements ( Planned )
  12. Form Input Types ( Planned )
  13. Form Input Attributes ( Planned )

0. HTML5 The current and future of the internet ( Planned )

  1. HTML5 Browser Support ( Planned )
  2. HTML5 New Elements ( Planned )
  3. HTML Sematic Elements ( Planned )
  4. HTML(4) to HTML 5 ( Planned )
  5. HTML5 Coding Conventions ( Planned )

0. HTML5 Graphics ( Planned )

  1. The HTML5 Canvas ( Planned )
  2. The HTML5 SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) ( Planned )

0. HTML5 Media ( Planned )

  1. Browser Support and Formats ( Planned )
  2. HTML5 Video ( Planned )
  3. HTML5 Audio ( Planned )
  4. HTML5 Plugins ( Planned )
  5. HTML5 and YouTube ( Planned )

0. HTML5 APis ( Application Programming Interfaces ) ( Planned )

  1. HTML5 Geolocation ( Planned )
  2. HTML5 Drag and Drop ( Planned )
  3. HTML5 WEB Storage ( Planned )
  4. HTML5 Web Workers ( Planned )
  5. HTML5 Server Sent Events ( Planned )

HTML5 Accessability and Searchability

Where to go from here

  • Build stuff
  • learn, build, and teach, with others on the Code 365 StartUp Lab Discord

CSS Alchemy ( Planned )

Current release schedule: Nov 2019

Entered Apprentice - level 1

  1. Introduction ( planned )
  2. Syntax ( planned )
  3. Selectors ( Planned )
  4. How to use css ( Planned )
  5. Colors ( Planned )
  6. Backgrounds ( Planned )
  7. borders ( Planned )
  8. Margins ( Planned )
  9. Padding ( Planned )
  10. width and Height ( Planned )
  11. Box Model ( Planned )
  12. Outline ( Planned )
  13. Text ( Planned )
  14. Fonts ( Planned )
  15. Icons ( Planned )
  16. Links ( Planned )
  17. Lists ( Planned )
  18. Tables ( Planned )
  19. Display ( Planned )
  20. Max-width ( Planned )
  21. Position ( Planned )
  22. Overflow ( Planned )
  23. Float ( Planned )
  24. Inline-block ( Planned )
  25. Align ( Planned )
  26. Combinators ( Planned )
  27. Pseudo-class ( Planned )
  28. Pseudo-elements ( Planned )
  29. Opacity ( Planned )
  30. Navigation Bar ( Planned )
  31. Drop Down ( Planned )
  32. Image gallery ( Planned )
  33. Image Sprites ( Planned )
  34. Attr Selectors ( Planned )
  35. Forms ( Planned )
  36. Counters ( Planned )
  37. Units ( Planned )
  38. Specicivity ( Planned )
  39. Layout ( Planned )

Fellowcraft - level 2

  1. Rounded Corners ( Planned )
  2. Border Images ( Planned )
  3. Backgrounds ( Planned )
  4. Colors ( Planned )
  5. Gradients ( Planned )
  6. Shadows ( Planned )
  7. Text Effects ( Planned )
  8. Web Fonts ( Planned )
  9. 2D Transforms ( Planned )
  10. 3D Transforms ( Planned )
  11. Transitions ( Planned )
  12. Animations ( Planned )
  13. Tool Tips ( Planned )
  14. Style Images ( Planned )
  15. Object-fit ( Planned )
  16. Buttons ( Planned )
  17. Pagination ( Planned )
  18. Myultiple Columns ( Planned )
  19. Unser Interface ( Planned )
  20. Variable ( Planned )
  21. Box Sizing ( Planned )
  22. Flexbox ( Planned )
  23. Media Queries ( Planned )

Alchemist - level 3

  1. Introduction to Responsive Web Design (RWD) ( Planned )
  2. The View Port ( Planned )
  3. Grid View ( Planned )
  4. Media Queries ( Planned )
  5. Images ( Planned )
  6. Videos ( Planned )
  7. Frameworks ( Planned )
  8. Templates ( Planned )
The CSS GRID Another Way to layout
  1. Intro ( Planned )
  2. Grid Container ( Planned )
  3. Grid Item ( Planned )

JavaScript Wizardry ( Planned )

Current Release Schedule: Dec 2019 - Jan 2020

JavaScript Entered Apprentice - level 1

  1. Intro ( Planned )
  2. How to Use JavaScript ( Planned )
  3. Output ( Planned )
  4. Statement ( Planned )
  5. Syntax ( Planned )
  6. Comments ( Planned )
  7. Variables ( Planned )
  8. Operators ( Planned )
  9. Arithmitic ( Planned )
  10. Assignment ( Planned )
  11. Data Types ( Planned )
  12. Fuctions ( Planned )
  13. Objects ( Planned )
  14. Events ( Planned )
  15. Strings ( Planned )
  16. String Methods ( Planned )
  17. Numbers ( Planned )
  18. Number Methods ( Planned )
  19. Arrays ( Planned )
  20. Array Methods ( Planned )
  21. Array Sorty ( Planned )
  22. Array Iteration ( Planned )
  23. Dates ( Planned )
  24. Date Format ( Planned )
  25. Date Get Methodes ( Planned )
  26. Date Set Methodes ( Planned )
  27. Math ( Planned )
  28. Random ( Planned )
  29. Booleans ( Planned )
  30. Comparisons ( Planned )
  31. Conditions ( Planned )
  32. Switch ( Planned )
  33. Loop For ( Planned )
  34. Loop While ( Planned )
  35. Break ( Planned )
  36. Type Conversion ( Planned )
  37. Bitwise ( Planned )
  38. RegEx ( Planned )
  39. Errors ( Planned )
  40. Scope ( Planned )
  41. Hoisting ( Planned )
  42. String Mode ( Planned )
  43. This Keyword ( Planned )
  44. let ( Planned )
  45. const ( Planned )
  46. Arrow Functions ( Planned )
  47. Classes ( Planned )
  48. Debugging ( Planned )
  49. Style Guide ( Planned )
  50. Best Practices ( Planned )
  51. Performance ( Planned )
  52. Reserved Word ( Planned )
  53. Versions ( Planned )
  54. ES5 ( Planned )
  55. ES6 ( Planned )
  56. JSON ( Planned )

JavaScript Fellowcraft - level 2

JS Forms
  1. Forms ( Planned )
  2. Forms AP ( Planned )
JS Objects
  1. Definitions ( Planned )
  2. Properties ( Planned )
  3. Methods ( Planned )
  4. Accessors ( Planned )
  5. Constructors ( Planned )
  6. Prototypes ( Planned )
  7. Objects in ES6 and Beyond ( Planned )
  1. Definitions ( Planned )
  2. Parameters ( Planned )
  3. Invocastion ( Planned )
  4. call ( Planned )
  5. Apply ( Planned )
  6. Closures ( Planned )
The JS DOM (Document Object Model)
  1. Intro to the DOM ( Planned )
  2. Methodes ( Planned )
  3. The DOM Document ( Planned )
  4. DOM Elements ( Planned )
  5. DOM CSS ( Planned )
  6. DOM Animation ( Planned )
  7. DOM Events ( Planned )
  8. DOM event Listener ( Planned )
  9. DOM Navigation ( Planned )
  10. DOM Nodes ( Planned )
  11. DOM Collections ( Planned )
  12. DOM Node Lists ( Planned )

JavaScript Wizard - level 3

The BOM (Browswer Object Model)
  1. The Window ( Planned )
  2. The Screen ( Planned )
  3. The Locaton ( Planned )
  4. The History ( Planned )
  5. The Navigator ( Planned )
  6. The Popup ( Planned )
  7. Timing ( Planned )
  8. Cookies ( Planned )
AJAX (Asyncronous JavaScript)
  1. Intro ( Planned )
  2. XMLHttp ( Planned )
  3. Request ( Planned )
  4. Response ( Planned )
  5. XML File ( Planned )
  6. PHP ( Planned )
  7. ASP ( Planned )
  8. Database ( Planned )
  9. Application ( Planned )
  10. Examples ( Planned )
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
  1. Intro ( Planned )
  2. Sytax ( Planned )
  3. JSON vs XML ( Planned )
  4. Data Types ( Planned )
  5. Parse ( Planned )
  6. Stringify ( Planned )
  7. Object ( Planned )
  8. Arrays ( Planned )
  9. PHP ( Planned )
  10. HTML ( Planned )
  11. JSONP ( Planned )
JavaScript Vs Jquery
  1. Jquery Selectors ( Planned )
  2. Jquery HTML ( Planned )
  3. Jquery CSS ( Planned )
  4. Jquery DOM ( Planned )
  • Build stuff
  • learn, build, and teach with others on the Code 365 StartUp Lab Discord
# The Scheduled Production and Release Of Content To The Code 365 Startup Lab
## Where aspiring developrenuers learn to write code for fun and profit
### HTML Beyond The Primer ( In Development )
Current Completion Schedule: Oct 2019
1. A basic HTML Document ( Online )
2. The HTML Head Section, Head Element, and Attributes ( Online )
3. The HTML Head Element - Part 2 - The Link Tag ( Online )
4. The HTML Head Element - Part 3 - The Meta Tag ( Online )
5. The HTML Head ERlement - Part 4 - The Script tag ( Online )
6. The HTML Head Element - Part 5 - The NoScript tag ( Online )
#### 0. HTML building Blocks ( In Development )
1. HTML Elements ( Online )
2. HTML Attributes ( Online )
3. HTML Tables ( Online )
4. HTML Styles ( Online )
5. HTML Block and Inline Elements ( Online )
6. HTML Blocks Expanded and Explained ( Online )
7. HTML iFrame ( Online )
8. HTML Layout - Putting it all together ( In Development)
9. Where to Go From Here? ( Planned )
- Build stuff
- learn, build, and teach with others on the Code 365 StartUp Lab Discord
### HTML Mastery ( Planned )
Current release schedule: Oct 2019
#### 0. HTML Forms A Intro to Programming
1. Example Form ( Planned )
2. The Form and Input Element ( Planned )
3. Form Inputs ( Planned )
4. The Action Attribute ( Planned )
5. The Target Attribute ( Planned )
6. The Method Attribute ( Planned )
7. When to use GET ( Planned )
8. When to use POST ( Planned )
9. The Name Attribute ( Planned )
10. Grouping ( Planned )
11. Form Elements ( Planned )
12. Form Input Types ( Planned )
13. Form Input Attributes ( Planned )
#### 0. HTML5 The current and future of the internet ( Planned )
1. HTML5 Browser Support ( Planned )
2. HTML5 New Elements ( Planned )
3. HTML Sematic Elements ( Planned )
4. HTML(4) to HTML 5 ( Planned )
5. HTML5 Coding Conventions ( Planned )
#### 0. HTML5 Graphics ( Planned )
1. The HTML5 Canvas ( Planned )
2. The HTML5 SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) ( Planned )
#### 0. HTML5 Media ( Planned )
1. Browser Support and Formats ( Planned )
2. HTML5 Video ( Planned )
3. HTML5 Audio ( Planned )
4. HTML5 Plugins ( Planned )
5. HTML5 and YouTube ( Planned )
#### 0. HTML5 APis ( Application Programming Interfaces ) ( Planned )
1. HTML5 Geolocation ( Planned )
2. HTML5 Drag and Drop ( Planned )
3. HTML5 WEB Storage ( Planned )
4. HTML5 Web Workers ( Planned )
5. HTML5 Server Sent Events ( Planned )
#### HTML5 Accessability and Searchability
#### Where to go from here
- Build stuff
- learn, build, and teach, with others on the Code 365 StartUp Lab Discord
### CSS Alchemy ( Planned )
Current release schedule: Nov 2019
#### Entered Apprentice - level 1
1. Introduction ( planned )
2. Syntax ( planned )
3. Selectors ( Planned )
4. How to use css ( Planned )
5. Colors ( Planned )
6. Backgrounds ( Planned )
7. borders ( Planned )
8. Margins ( Planned )
9. Padding ( Planned )
10. width and Height ( Planned )
11. Box Model ( Planned )
12. Outline ( Planned )
13. Text ( Planned )
14. Fonts ( Planned )
15. Icons ( Planned )
16. Links ( Planned )
17. Lists ( Planned )
18. Tables ( Planned )
19. Display ( Planned )
20. Max-width ( Planned )
21. Position ( Planned )
22. Overflow ( Planned )
23. Float ( Planned )
24. Inline-block ( Planned )
25. Align ( Planned )
26. Combinators ( Planned )
27. Pseudo-class ( Planned )
28. Pseudo-elements ( Planned )
29. Opacity ( Planned )
30. Navigation Bar ( Planned )
31. Drop Down ( Planned )
32. Image gallery ( Planned )
33. Image Sprites ( Planned )
34. Attr Selectors ( Planned )
35. Forms ( Planned )
36. Counters ( Planned )
37. Units ( Planned )
38. Specicivity ( Planned )
39. Layout ( Planned )
#### Fellowcraft - level 2
1. Rounded Corners ( Planned )
2. Border Images ( Planned )
3. Backgrounds ( Planned )
4. Colors ( Planned )
5. Gradients ( Planned )
6. Shadows ( Planned )
7. Text Effects ( Planned )
8. Web Fonts ( Planned )
9. 2D Transforms ( Planned )
10. 3D Transforms ( Planned )
11. Transitions ( Planned )
12. Animations ( Planned )
13. Tool Tips ( Planned )
14. Style Images ( Planned )
15. Object-fit ( Planned )
16. Buttons ( Planned )
17. Pagination ( Planned )
18. Myultiple Columns ( Planned )
19. Unser Interface ( Planned )
20. Variable ( Planned )
21. Box Sizing ( Planned )
22. Flexbox ( Planned )
23. Media Queries ( Planned )
#### Alchemist - level 3
1. Introduction to Responsive Web Design (RWD) ( Planned )
2. The View Port ( Planned )
3. Grid View ( Planned )
4. Media Queries ( Planned )
5. Images ( Planned )
6. Videos ( Planned )
7. Frameworks ( Planned )
8. Templates ( Planned )
##### The CSS GRID Another Way to layout
1. Intro ( Planned )
2. Grid Container ( Planned )
3. Grid Item ( Planned )
### JavaScript Wizardry ( Planned )
Current Release Schedule: Dec 2019 - Jan 2020
#### JavaScript Entered Apprentice - level 1
1. Intro ( Planned )
2. How to Use JavaScript ( Planned )
3. Output ( Planned )
4. Statement ( Planned )
5. Syntax ( Planned )
6. Comments ( Planned )
7. Variables ( Planned )
8. Operators ( Planned )
9. Arithmitic ( Planned )
10. Assignment ( Planned )
11. Data Types ( Planned )
12. Fuctions ( Planned )
13. Objects ( Planned )
14. Events ( Planned )
15. Strings ( Planned )
16. String Methods ( Planned )
17. Numbers ( Planned )
18. Number Methods ( Planned )
19. Arrays ( Planned )
20. Array Methods ( Planned )
21. Array Sorty ( Planned )
22. Array Iteration ( Planned )
23. Dates ( Planned )
24. Date Format ( Planned )
25. Date Get Methodes ( Planned )
26. Date Set Methodes ( Planned )
27. Math ( Planned )
28. Random ( Planned )
29. Booleans ( Planned )
30. Comparisons ( Planned )
31. Conditions ( Planned )
32. Switch ( Planned )
33. Loop For ( Planned )
34. Loop While ( Planned )
35. Break ( Planned )
36. Type Conversion ( Planned )
37. Bitwise ( Planned )
38. RegEx ( Planned )
39. Errors ( Planned )
40. Scope ( Planned )
41. Hoisting ( Planned )
42. String Mode ( Planned )
43. This Keyword ( Planned )
44. let ( Planned )
45. const ( Planned )
46. Arrow Functions ( Planned )
47. Classes ( Planned )
48. Debugging ( Planned )
49. Style Guide ( Planned )
50. Best Practices ( Planned )
51. Performance ( Planned )
52. Reserved Word ( Planned )
53. Versions ( Planned )
54. ES5 ( Planned )
55. ES6 ( Planned )
56. JSON ( Planned )
#### JavaScript Fellowcraft - level 2
##### JS Forms
1. Forms ( Planned )
2. Forms AP ( Planned )
##### JS Objects
1. Definitions ( Planned )
2. Properties ( Planned )
3. Methods ( Planned )
4. Accessors ( Planned )
5. Constructors ( Planned )
6. Prototypes ( Planned )
7. Objects in ES6 and Beyond ( Planned )
##### Functions
1. Definitions ( Planned )
2. Parameters ( Planned )
3. Invocastion ( Planned )
4. call ( Planned )
5. Apply ( Planned )
6. Closures ( Planned )
##### The JS DOM (Document Object Model)
1. Intro to the DOM ( Planned )
2. Methodes ( Planned )
3. The DOM Document ( Planned )
4. DOM Elements ( Planned )
5. DOM CSS ( Planned )
6. DOM Animation ( Planned )
7. DOM Events ( Planned )
8. DOM event Listener ( Planned )
9. DOM Navigation ( Planned )
10. DOM Nodes ( Planned )
11. DOM Collections ( Planned )
12. DOM Node Lists ( Planned )
#### JavaScript Wizard - level 3
##### The BOM (Browswer Object Model)
1. The Window ( Planned )
2. The Screen ( Planned )
3. The Locaton ( Planned )
4. The History ( Planned )
5. The Navigator ( Planned )
6. The Popup ( Planned )
7. Timing ( Planned )
8. Cookies ( Planned )
##### AJAX (Asyncronous JavaScript)
1. Intro ( Planned )
2. XMLHttp ( Planned )
3. Request ( Planned )
4. Response ( Planned )
5. XML File ( Planned )
6. PHP ( Planned )
7. ASP ( Planned )
8. Database ( Planned )
9. Application ( Planned )
10. Examples ( Planned )
##### JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
1. Intro ( Planned )
2. Sytax ( Planned )
3. JSON vs XML ( Planned )
4. Data Types ( Planned )
5. Parse ( Planned )
6. Stringify ( Planned )
7. Object ( Planned )
8. Arrays ( Planned )
9. PHP ( Planned )
10. HTML ( Planned )
11. JSONP ( Planned )
##### JavaScript Vs Jquery
1. Jquery Selectors ( Planned )
2. Jquery HTML ( Planned )
3. Jquery CSS ( Planned )
4. Jquery DOM ( Planned )
- Build stuff
- learn, build, and teach with others on the Code 365 StartUp Lab Discord
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