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Created January 6, 2014 20:50
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Save TheRealCodeBeard/8289612 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Hi. Having run out of time/momentum to work on this I wanted to 'get it out there' in the hope that someone can finish it. This python file is for Sublime Text 3. When installed as a plugin it parses an fsharp file when loaded and post save and then calls for auto complete options. I was a little inspired by this:…
import sublime, sublime_plugin
import sys,os,re
#script should go in Pacakges/FSharpAutocomplete/
#pexpect should go in Packages/FSharpAutocomplete/lib
#to make it load 'everything' from the lib folder.
def installpath(path):
if path not in sys.path:
sys.path.insert(0, path)
__file__ = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(__file__))
__path__ = os.path.dirname(__file__)
lib_path = os.path.join(__path__, 'lib')
#Now do the import
import pexpect #3.0b1 for Python>3.2 from
#An object wrapping the pexepct calls to 'mono fsautocomplete.exe'
class AutocompleteService():
#I am not sure where this should 'go' maybe in the lib folder as above?
prog = "<WHERE YOU PUT IT>/fsharp-lib/fsharpbinding-master/FSharp.AutoComplete/bin/Debug/fsautocomplete.exe"
service = pexpect.spawn("mono " + prog)#create the process when you create the object
service.setecho(False)#so what we send is not printed
def read_from_service(self):
response = self.service.expect(['<<EOF>>'])
return self.service.before.strip().decode("UTF-8")
def get_service_data(self):
data = self.read_from_service()
match = re.match(".+?([A-Z]+:.+)",data,re.DOTALL)
if match:
return data
def sendrequest(self,request):
return self.get_service_data()
def sendrequest_dontwait(self,request):
def sendfile(self,path):
#using strip because of trailing lines
for line in open(path,'r'): self.service.sendline(line.strip('\n'))
return self.get_service_data()
def terminate(self):
acs = AutocompleteService()#create the object
def isFsharp(filename):#simple check could be a lot smarter I imagine
if filename:
return '.fs' in filename or '.fsx' in filename
return False
#send the file for parsing, don't wait for it to complete.
def parsefile(filename):
acs.sendrequest_dontwait('parse "'+filename+'"')
result = acs.sendfile(filename)
def prepcomp(item):
return (item+"\tFSharp Autocomplete",item)
#when the file is parsed, this can be called to get the completions list
def getcompletions(filename,rowcol):
result = acs.sendrequest('completion "'+filename+'" '+str(rowcol[0])+' '+str(rowcol[1]))
if 'INFO:' not in result and 'ERROR:' not in result:
lines = result.split('\r\n')
comps = list(list(map(prepcomp,lines))[1:])
return comps
else: print(result)
return 0
#Listen for the actual events
class FSharpAutocomplete(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_query_completions(self, view, prefix, locations):
if isFsharp(view.file_name()):
return getcompletions(view.file_name(),view.rowcol(locations[0]))
else: return 0#do nothing
def on_load(self,view):
if isFsharp(view.file_name()): parsefile(view.file_name())
def on_post_save(self,view):
if isFsharp(view.file_name()): parsefile(view.file_name())
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