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Created January 10, 2014 15:36
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FSharp Lesson
open System
(*Version 1
let rec handle (command:string) =
match command.ToLower() with
| "quit" -> printfn "Bye Bye!"//exit condition first!
| _ ->
printfn "I don't understand %s" command
Console.ReadLine() |> handle
Console.ReadLine() |> handle
(*Version 2
let quitMessage() = printfn "Bye Bye!"
let processCommand command = printfn "Can't do %s" command
let rec handle (command:string) =
match command.ToLower() with
| "quit" -> quitMessage()
| _ ->
processCommand command
Console.ReadLine() |> handle
Console.ReadLine() |> handle
(*Version 3
let processCommand command = printfn "Can't do %s" command
let rec handle (command:string) =
let quit() = printfn "Bye Bye!"
let evaluate() =
processCommand command
Console.ReadLine() |> handle
match command.ToLower() with
| "quit" -> quit()
| _ -> evaluate()
Console.ReadLine() |> handle
(*Version 4
type Result =
| Quit
| Continue
let isQuit (command:string) = command.ToLower() = "quit"
let execute command = printfn "Can't do %s" command
let evaluate command =
if command |> isQuit then Quit
else execute command; Continue
let rec handle (command:string) =
match evaluate command with
| Quit -> printfn "Bye Bye!"
| Continue -> Console.ReadLine() |> handle
Console.ReadLine() |> handle
(*Version 5
type Result =
| Quit
| Continue
let isQuit (command:string) = command.ToLower() = "quit"
let execute command = printfn "Can't do %s" command
let evaluate command =
if command |> isQuit then Quit
else execute command; Continue
let next fn =
Console.Write("> ")
Console.ReadLine() |> fn
let rec handle (command:string) =
match evaluate command with
| Quit -> printfn "Bye Bye!"
| Continue -> handle |> next
handle |> next
(*Version 6*)
type Result =
| Quit
| Continue
type ColouredConsole(colour) =
do Console.ForegroundColor <- colour
member this.Write message = Console.Write(message:string)
interface IDisposable with
member this.Dispose() = Console.ResetColor()
let execute command = printfn "Can't do %s" command
let isQuit (command:string) = command.ToLower() = "quit"
let evaluate command =
if command |> isQuit then Quit
else execute command; Continue
let writeIn colour message =
use cc = new ColouredConsole(colour)
cc.Write message
let next fn =
writeIn ConsoleColor.DarkGray "> "
Console.ReadLine() |> fn
let rec handle (command:string) =
match evaluate command with
| Quit -> printfn "Bye Bye!"
| Continue -> handle |> next
writeIn ConsoleColor.Cyan "Welcome! (type 'quit' to exit)\n"
handle |> next
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