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Last active April 7, 2017 09:43
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Save TheRealMentor/4f43b1c97b8f79cf82bd1740f5b438f8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Blinking of LED's sequentially in circular fashion. Follow this project on :
;File: circle.asm
;Author: TheRealMentor
;Created on: 07/04/17
.include "/usr/share/avra/"
;Initializing the pins
ldi r16, 0b00001111 ;Pins of Port B : 8,9,10,11
out DDRB, r16
ldi r20, 0b11111100 ;Pins of Port D : 2,3,4,5,6,7
out DDRD, r20
;Main function
in r28,PINC ;Taking input from Port C and storing it in R28
cpi r28,0x00 ;Comparing value of R28 with 0x00
breq mainloop ;If equal, then mainloop will again run
call circle ;If not equal, then circle function is called
rjmp mainloop ;Running mainloop infinite times
ldi r16, 0b00000010 ;Making 1st LED high
out PORTB, r16
call wait
ldi r16, 0b00000000 ;Making it low
out PORTB, r16
ldi r19, 0b00000001 ;Making 2nd LED high
out PORTB, r19
call wait
ldi r19, 0b00000000 ;Making it low
out PORTB, r19
ldi r26, 0b00000100 ;Making 3rd LED high
out PORTB, r26
call wait
ldi r26, 0b00000000 ;Making it low
out PORTB, r26
ldi r27, 0b00001000 ;Making 4th LED high
out PORTB, r27
call wait
ldi r27, 0b00000000 ;Making it low
out PORTB, r27
ldi r20, 0b00000100 ;Making 5th LED high
out PORTD, r20
call wait
ldi r20, 0b00000000 ;Making it low
out PORTD, r20
ldi r21, 0b00001000 ;Making 6th LED high
out PORTD, r21
call wait
ldi r21, 0b00000000 ;Making it low
out PORTD, r21
ldi r22, 0b00010000 ;Making 7th LED high
out PORTD, r22
call wait
ldi r22, 0b00000000 ;Making it low
out PORTD, r22
ldi r23, 0b00100000 ;Making 8th LED high
out PORTD, r23
call wait
ldi r23, 0b00000000 ;Making it low
out PORTD, r23
ldi r24, 0b01000000 ;Making 9th LED high
out PORTD, r24
call wait
ldi r24, 0b00000000 ;Making it low
out PORTD, r24
ldi r25, 0b10000000 ;Making 10th LED high
out PORTD, r25
call wait
ldi r25, 0b00000000 ;Making it low
out PORTD, r25
; D E L A Y
ldi r16, 0x20
ldi r17, 0x00
ldi r18, 0x00
dec r18
brne w0
dec r17
brne w0
dec r16
brne w0
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