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Created April 10, 2017 07:28
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Code for Decade Counter using Assembly.
;File: decade_counter.asm
;Author: TheRealMentor
;Created on: 10/04/17
.include "/usr/share/avra/"
ldi r16 , 0b000000000
out SREG , r16
ldi r16 , low(RAMEND)
out SPL , r16
ldi r16 , high(RAMEND)
out SPH , r16
ldi r31, 0b00111100 ;defining the pins 2,3,4,5
out DDRD, r31 ;declaring pins as output
ldi r16, 0b00000001 ;W
ldi r17, 0b00000000 ;X
ldi r18, 0b00000000 ;Y
ldi r19, 0b00000001 ;Z
ldi r20, 0b00000001
mov r21,r16
eor r21,r20 ; complementing W
mov r22,r17
eor r22,r20 ; complementing X
mov r23,r18
eor r23,r20 ; complementing Y
mov r24,r19
eor r24,r20 ; complementing Z
mov r25,r16
and r25,r22
and r25,r24
mov r26,r21
and r26,r17
or r26,r25 ; logic for B in r26
mov r25,r16
and r25,r17
and r25,r23
mov r27,r22
and r27,r18
mov r28,r21
and r28,r18
or r27,r25
or r27,r28 ; logic for C in r27
mov r25,r16
and r25,r17
and r25,r18
mov r28,r21
and r28,r19
or r28,r25
mov r29,r28 ; logic for D in r28
lsl r28 ; shifting the bit D by 1
or r28,r27 ; D or C
lsl r28 ; shifting the DC by 1
or r28,r26 ; D or C or B
lsl r28 ; shifting the DCB by 1
or r28,r21 ; D or C or B or A
lsl r28
lsl r28
out PORTD, r28
mov r16,r21
mov r17,r26
mov r18,r27
mov r19,r29
call wait
rjmp mainloop
; D E L A Y
push r16
push r17
push r18
ldi r16,0x40
ldi r17,0x00
ldi r18,0x00
dec r18
brne w0
dec r17
brne w0
dec r16
brne w0
pop r18
pop r17
pop r16
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