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Created August 8, 2021 03:27
Conways Game of Life in Minima
include "random.min"
rem Instance of one game of conways game of life
record cell_batch {
rem initializes an instance with a specified number of cells and rows
proc init (rows, cols) {
set this.epoch to 0
set this.matrix to alloc[rows]
set ri to rows
while dec ri {
set this.matrix[ri] to alloc[cols]
set ci to cols
while dec ci {
set this.matrix[ri][ci] to goproc randbit
rem default initializer
proc init {
goproc init as this(10, 10)
rem prints the cell_game onto the console
proc print {
set ri to extern len(this.matrix)
while dec ri {
set cols to extern len(this.matrix[ri])
set ci to 0
while ci < cols {
if this.matrix[ri][ci] {
extern print('#')
else {
extern print(' ')
inc ci
extern printl
rem calculates the amount of living neighboors of a cell
proc neighboors(row, col) {
set dx to {0 - 1, 0, 1}
set dy to {0 - 1, 0, 1}
set neighboors to 0
set dxi to 3
while dec dxi {
set crow to row + dx[dxi]
if crow >= 0 and crow < extern len(this.matrix) {
set dyi to 3
set cols to extern len(this.matrix[crow])
while dec dyi {
set ccol to col + dy[dyi]
if ccol >= 0 and ccol < cols {
set neighboors to neighboors + this.matrix[crow][ccol]
return neighboors
rem evolves the cell game by one generation, according to the rules of conways game of life
proc evolve {
set ri to extern len(this.matrix)
set next_gen to alloc[ri]
while dec ri {
set next_gen[ri] to alloc[extern len(this.matrix[ri])]
set ri to extern len(this.matrix)
while dec ri {
set ci to extern len(this.matrix[ri])
while dec ci {
set neighboors to goproc neighboors as this(ri, ci)
if this.matrix[ri][ci] {
if neighboors < 2 or neighboors > 3 {
set next_gen[ri][ci] to false
else {
set next_gen[ri][ci] to true
else {
if neighboors == 3 {
set next_gen[ri][ci] to true
else {
set next_gen[ri][ci] to false
set this.matrix to next_gen
inc this.epoch
include "conways.min"
set cells to new cell_batch(40, 100)
set i to 0
while true {
extern system("cls")
goproc print as cells
goproc evolve as cells
inc i
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