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Created June 4, 2021 22:46
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Conway's Game of Life, in FastCode
rem Conways Game of Life
rem Rules:
rem 1. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if by underpopulation.
rem 2. Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.
rem 3. Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overpopulation.
rem 4. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
rem sets the console title
system("title Conways Game of Life!")
const rows = 70
const cols = 200
const alive = 1 rem Constants cannot be applied to constants
const dead = 0
rem cell related procedures, variables go here. Since this code-segment is "grouped", any function, variable or structure prototype declarations won't be directly accessible outside.
group cells
rem initialize cells and set them to dead
proc init() {
new_cells = array(rows)
for row in range(rows) {
new_cells[row] = array(cols)
for col in new_cells[row] =>
col = dead
return new_cells
rem prints the cells
proc draw() {
for row in cells {
for col in row =>
if col == alive =>
else =>
print(' ')
rem produces a deep copy of a cell-matrix
proc clone(to_clone) {
cloned = init()
for row in range(rows) =>
for col in range(cols) =>
cloned[row][col] = to_clone[row][col]
return cloned
rem counts how many alive neigbors there are
proc neighboors(row, col) {
delta = [-1, 0, 1]
count = 0
for dx in delta =>
for dy in delta =>
if !(dx == 0 and dy == 0) and
row + dy >= 0 and row + dy < rows and col + dx >= 0 and col + dx < cols =>
if cells[row + dy][col + dx] == alive =>
return count
rem initialize cell-matrix
static cells = init@cells()
rem put hard-coded initial state here.
group fill_cells
for row in range(rows) =>
for col in range(cols) =>
if random([0,1]) =>
cells[row][col] = alive
rem evolves cells by one epoch
proc evolve() {
new_state = clone@cells(cells)
for row in range(rows) =>
for col in range(cols) {
neighboors = neighboors@cells(row, col);
if cells[row][col] == alive {
if neighboors < 2 or neighboors > 3 => rem checks rule 1 & 2
new_state[row][col] = dead
elif neighboors == 3 => rem checks rule 4
new_state[row][col] = alive
cells = new_state
epoch = 0
while true {
printl(epoch++, ':')
system("timeout 1")
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