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Created June 16, 2020 02:06
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  • Save TheRinger/bba693eeb9434859500e5728b095832d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Completed NULL Scan at 17:06, 2767.65s elapsed (1000 total ports)
Nmap scan report for
Host is up, received arp-response (0.0043s latency).
Scanned at 2020-06-15 16:20:01 PDT for 2768s
Not shown: 958 closed ports
Reason: 958 resets
26/tcp open|filtered rsftp no-response
43/tcp open|filtered whois no-response
143/tcp open|filtered imap no-response
427/tcp open|filtered svrloc no-response
500/tcp open|filtered isakmp no-response
545/tcp open|filtered ekshell no-response
548/tcp open|filtered afp no-response
554/tcp open|filtered rtsp no-response
555/tcp open|filtered dsf no-response
563/tcp open|filtered snews no-response
587/tcp open|filtered submission no-response
1030/tcp open|filtered iad1 no-response
1031/tcp open|filtered iad2 no-response
1032/tcp open|filtered iad3 no-response
1033/tcp open|filtered netinfo no-response
1056/tcp open|filtered vfo no-response
1094/tcp open|filtered rootd no-response
1149/tcp open|filtered bvtsonar no-response
1217/tcp open|filtered hpss-ndapi no-response
1236/tcp open|filtered bvcontrol no-response
1328/tcp open|filtered ewall no-response
1524/tcp open|filtered ingreslock no-response
1688/tcp open|filtered nsjtp-data no-response
2013/tcp open|filtered raid-am no-response
2046/tcp open|filtered sdfunc no-response
2049/tcp open|filtered nfs no-response
2126/tcp open|filtered pktcable-cops no-response
2394/tcp open|filtered ms-olap2 no-response
2604/tcp open|filtered ospfd no-response
2998/tcp open|filtered iss-realsec no-response
3005/tcp open|filtered deslogin no-response
3269/tcp open|filtered globalcatLDAPssl no-response
3323/tcp open|filtered active-net no-response
3324/tcp open|filtered active-net no-response
3689/tcp open|filtered rendezvous no-response
3690/tcp open|filtered svn no-response
3737/tcp open|filtered xpanel no-response
3766/tcp open|filtered sitewatch-s no-response
3784/tcp open|filtered bfd-control no-response
3801/tcp open|filtered ibm-mgr no-response
5009/tcp open|filtered airport-admin no-response
5051/tcp open|filtered ida-agent no-response
MAC Address: 00:05:04:03:02:01 (Naray Information & Communication Enterprise)
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