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Last active August 29, 2015 13:55
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NodeJS authorization
auth = (role_middleware_hash)->
return (req, res, next)->
# transform to [{role: function}, {another_role: true}] format:
role_middleware_array = for key, value of role_middleware_hash then obj={}; obj[key]=value; obj
if not req.user? then res.send(403); return; # no user == no access
nextFn = (allowed)->
if allowed is true # previous call allowed access
else if role_middleware_array.length is 0 or allowed is false # all middleware behind, still no explicit access
[[role,fn]]=for key, value of role_middleware_array.splice(0,1)[0] then [key, value];
if req.user.role is role
if typeof(fn) is "function" # User with this role can do stuff only if provided function allows it, res, nextFn)
else # User with this role is allowed without any conditions
nextFn() # this middleware says nothing, try next
nextFn() # start recursion
module.exports = auth
# Everyone is allowed to see a list of all products
app.get "/api/products", products.index
# Only authenticated users should see product details and create new ones (so guests can't)
app.get "/api/products/:id", auth(), "/api/products", auth(), products.create
# Only admins and product owners can delete and change product details
app.del "/api/products/:id", auth(admin: true, user: auth.checkOwner), products.delete
app.put "/api/products/:id", auth(admin: true, user: auth.checkOwner), products.update
# Only admins can delete users
app.del "/api/users/:id", auth(admin: true), users.delete
# "checkOwner" is some custom function written in middleware style.
auth.checkOwner = ()-> (req, res, next)->
getResource(req).findOne {_id:}, (err, resource)->
# toString() is used because mongoose key doesn't equal to otherkey just like that
if resource._creator.toString() is req.user._id.toString()
res.send(403) # or next(false)
# It can allow action by next(true), it can forbid it by res.send(403) or it can let next middleware decide by next()
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