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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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  • Save TheRusskiy/8843429 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TheRusskiy/8843429 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. with AngularJS
'use strict';
.controller 'ChatCtrl', ($scope, Socket)->
socket = Socket($scope)
socket.emit 'subscribe', {}
$scope.messages = [ ]
socket.on 'message_history', (messages)->
$scope.messages = messages
socket.on 'user_list', (users)->
$scope.users = users
socket.on 'message_created', (msg)->
$scope.messages.push msg
socket.on 'message_deleted', (msg)->
removeFromArray($scope.messages, msg)
$scope.deleteMessage = (msg)->
socket.emit 'delete_message', {id: msg._id}
$scope.submitMessage = (form)->
if form.$valid
socket.emit 'create_message', {text: $scope.currentMessage}
$scope.currentMessage = ""
"use strict"
angular.module("chatApp").controller "LoginCtrl", ($scope, Auth, $location, Socket) ->
$scope.user = {}
$scope.errors = {}
$scope.login = (user) ->
nickname: user.nickname
password: user.password
).then ()->
# Logged in, redirect to home
$location.path "/"
.catch (err)->
err =;
$scope.errors.other = err.message;
"use strict"
angular.module("chatApp").factory "Socket", ($rootScope) ->
# io is a global object available if you included script:
socket = io.connect()
$scope - scope of a controller
global - boolean indicating whether a change applies only
to a local scope or to a $rootScope
(in case perfomansc is an issues)
resultObject = ($scope, global = true)->
scopeOfChange = if global then $rootScope else $scope
# create an array of listeners if there is none (notice '?' operator):
$scope._listeners?= []
# if controller's scope is destroyed then $destroy event is fired
# on this event we should get rid of all listeners on this scope:
$scope.$on '$destroy', (event)->
for lis in $scope._listeners
socket.removeListener(lis.eventName, lis.ngCallback)
# return familiar to us object that can listen to and emit events:
return {
on: (eventName, callback) ->
ngCallback = ()->
args = arguments
# trigger angular $digest cycle on selected scope:
scopeOfChange.$apply ->
callback.apply socket, args # apply function to original object
# save listener to a list on current scope so we can remove it later:
$scope._listeners.push {
# pass our own callback that wraps the one passed by a user
socket.on eventName, ngCallback
emit: (eventName, data, callback) ->
socket.emit eventName, data, ->
args = arguments
scopeOfChange.$apply ->
callback.apply socket, args if callback
# sometimes I find reconnect to be usefull:
resultObject.reconnect = ()->
return resultObject
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