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Created September 27, 2023 23:24
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A file to test my understanding of Space and Time Complexities
animals = [
'alligator', 'bear', 'cat', 'dog', 'elephant',
'fish', 'goose', 'hamster', 'iguana', 'jaguar', 'kangaroo'
// Count how many animals are in the list
// Time complexity: O(?) // O(n)
// Space complexity: O(?) // o(1)
function countAnimals(animals) {
let count = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < animals.length; i++) {
return count;
// Count how many animals are in the list
// Time complexity: O(?) // o(1);
// Space complexity: O(?) // O(1)
function countAnimals2(animals) {
return animals.length;
// Print the first 10 animals in the list
// Time complexity: O(?) // O(1)
// Space complexity: O(?) // O(1)
function printTenAnimals(animals) {
if (animals.length < 10) {
throw Error("not enough animals")
// Print out all the animals
// Time complexity: O(?) // O(n)
// Space complexity: O(?) // O(1)
function printAnimals(animals) {
for (let i = 0; i < animals.length; i++) {
// Print out all the animals twice
// Time complexity: O(?) // O(n)
// Space complexity: O(?) // O(1)
function printAnimalsTwice(animals) {
for (let i = 0; i < animals.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < animals.length; j++) {
// Print all possible pairs of animals
// Time complexity: O(?) // O(n^2)
// Space complexity: O(?) // O(1)
function printAnimalPairs(animals) {
for (let i = 0; i < animals.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < animals.length; j++) {
console.log(`${animals[i]} - ${animals[j]}`);
// Return an array containing all possible pairs of animals
// Time complexity: O(?) // O(n^2)
// Space complexity: O(?) // O(n)
function getAnimalPairs(animals) {
const pairs = [];
for (let i = 0; i < animals.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < animals.length; j++) {
pairs.push([animals[i], animals[j]]);
return pairs;
// Return an array containing all possible pairs of animals
// Time complexity: O(?) // O(n^3)
// Space complexity: O(?) // O(n)
function getAnimalTriples(animals) {
const triples = [];
for (let i = 0; i < animals.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < animals.length; j++) {
for (let k = 0; k < animals.length; k++) {
triples.push([animals[i], animals[j], animals[k]]);
return triples;
// Returns the index of the animal if it is in the array
// Returns -1 if it is not in the array
// Time complexity: O(?) // O(n)
// Space complexity: O(?) // O(1)
function findAnimal(animals, target) {
for (let i = 0; i < animals.length; i++) {
if (animals[i] === target) return i;
return -1;
Here's Bing Ai's evaluation of the Complexities, Please confirm if it's right!
1. `countAnimals(animals)`: Time complexity is **O(n)** because you're iterating through the list once, and space complexity is **O(1)** because you're only using a single variable to store the count.
2. `countAnimals2(animals)`: Time complexity is **O(1)** because you're directly accessing the length property of the array, and space complexity is also **O(1)** because no additional space is used.
3. `printTenAnimals(animals)`: Both time and space complexities are **O(1)** because you're only printing a fixed number of elements.
4. `printAnimals(animals)`: Time complexity is **O(n)** because you're iterating through all the animals, and space complexity is **O(1)** because no additional space is used.
5. `printAnimalsTwice(animals)`: Time complexity is **O(n)** because you're iterating through all the animals twice, but since constants are ignored in Big O notation, it remains O(n). Space complexity is **O(1)**.
6. `printAnimalPairs(animals)`: Time complexity is **O(n^2)** because for each animal, you're printing pairs with every other animal. Space complexity is **O(1)** because no additional space is used.
7. `getAnimalPairs(animals)`: Time complexity is **O(n^2)** for the same reason as above, but space complexity is now **O(n^2)** because you're storing all pairs in an array.
8. `getAnimalTriples(animals)`: Time complexity is **O(n^3)** because you're generating triples of animals, and space complexity is also **O(n^3)** because you're storing all triples in an array.
9. `findAnimal(animals, target)`: Time complexity is **O(n)** because in the worst case, you might have to look at every animal in the list. Space complexity is **O(1)**.
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