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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Save TheSeamau5/fcb3af91a3fc262a5834 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Button in Elm with animation
import Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Attributes exposing (style)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onMouseOver, onMouseOut)
import Signal exposing (Signal, Address)
import Time
(=>) = (,)
type alias Options =
{ label : String
, color : String
type ButtonState
= Idle
| Active ButtonState
| Hovered
type alias Animation =
{ currentFrame : Int
, frameCount : Int
, isRunning : Bool
step : Animation -> Animation
step animation =
if animation.isRunning
if animation.currentFrame < animation.frameCount
{ animation | currentFrame <- animation.currentFrame + 1 }
{ animation | isRunning <- False }
play : Animation -> Animation
play animation =
{ animation | isRunning <- True }
restart : Animation -> Animation
restart animation =
{ animation | currentFrame <- 0 }
animation : Int -> Animation
animation n =
Animation 0 n False
type alias Button =
{ idle : Options
, hovered : Options
, active : Options
, state : ButtonState
, animation : Animation
type Action
= NoOp
| Click
| Hover
| Release
button : Button
button =
{ idle =
{ label = "Idle"
, color = "white"
, hovered =
{ label = "Hovered"
, color = "rgba(46, 204, 113,0.5)"
, active =
{ label = "Active"
, color = "rgba(46, 204, 113,1.0)"
, state = Idle
, animation = animation 10
update : Action -> Button -> Button
update action button =
case action of
NoOp ->
case button.state of
Active previousState ->
{ button | state <- previousState
, animation <- step (button.animation)
_ ->
{ button | animation <- step (button.animation) }
Click ->
case button.state of
Active _ ->
{ button | animation <- play (restart button.animation)
_ ->
{ button | state <- Active button.state
, animation <- play (restart button.animation)
Hover ->
{ button | state <- Hovered
, animation <- step (button.animation)
Release ->
{ button | state <- Idle
, animation <- step (button.animation)
currentState : Button -> Options
currentState button =
if button.animation.isRunning
case button.state of
Idle -> button.idle
Hovered -> button.hovered
Active _ ->
view : Address Action -> Button -> Html
view address button =
{label, color} = currentState button
buttonStyles =
[ "background-color" => color
, "transition" => "background-color 0.2s ease-out"
, "border" => "none"
, "width" => "160px"
, "height" => "90px"
, "font-size" => "16pt"
, "border-radius" => "5%"
, "cursor" => "pointer"
[ style buttonStyles
, onClick address Click
, onMouseOver address Hover
, onMouseOut address Release
[ Html.text label ]
{address, signal} = Signal.mailbox NoOp
signal' =
Signal.merge signal
(Signal.sampleOn (Time.fps 60) (Signal.constant NoOp))
main = (view address)
(Signal.foldp update button signal')
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