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Forked from jamiees2/sheet.tex
Created November 29, 2017 17:41
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A template for LaTeX cheat sheets
% \documentclass[9pt,a4paper,twocolumn,landscape,oneside]{amsart}
\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb, amsfonts}
% \usepackage{listings}
\usepackage{caption, subcaption}
% Minted (For code stuff)
% \usepackage{minted}
% \newcommand{\code}[1]{\inputminted[fontsize=\footnotesize]{c}{#1}}
% This sets the margins to .5cm
% Turn off header and footer
% \pagestyle{empty}
% Redefine section commands to use less space
{-1ex plus -.5ex minus -.2ex}%
{0.5ex plus .2ex}%x
{-1explus -.5ex minus -.2ex}%
{0.5ex plus .2ex}%
{-1ex plus -.5ex minus -.2ex}%
{1ex plus .2ex}%
% Don't print section numbers
\setlength{\parskip}{0pt plus 0.5ex}
% Header/Footer
% \geometry{includeheadfoot}
% \fancyhf{}
\lhead{Reykjavík University - - Formúlublað}
\rhead{James Elías Sigurðarson\quad\thepage}
% Title/Author
% Output Verbosity
% \verbosefalse
% Some list helpers from graph theory
\begin{list}{{\bf \arabic{ilist_counter}}}{
% \setcounter{ilist_counter}{\value{temp}}
% \setcounter{temp}{\value{ilist_counter}}
\begin{list}{{\bf \alph{iilist_counter}}}{
\begin{list}{{\bf $\bullet$}}{
% Theorems and solutions
% For writing vectors
\newcommand{\cvect}[2]{ \begin{pmatrix} #1 \\ #2 \end{pmatrix} }
\newcommand{\ctvect}[3]{ \begin{pmatrix} #1 \\ #2 \\ #3 \end{pmatrix} }
\newcommand{\vect}[2]{ \langle #1 , #2 \rangle }
\newcommand{\tvect}[3]{ \langle #1 , #2 , #3 \rangle }
\newcommand{\qvect}[4]{ \langle #1 , #2 , #3 \rangle }
% For equations
\newcommand{\eqn}[1]{\begin{formula} #1 \end{formula}}
% The actual document
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