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Created April 3, 2022 18:17
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Amazon OO Design Linux Find Command
implemnet linux find command as an api ,the api willl support finding files that has given size requirements and a file with a certain format like
find all file >5mb
find all xml
Assume file class
get name()
create a library flexible that is flexible
Design clases,interfaces.
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
# FileObject and FileSystems are copied directly from LC 588
class FileObject:
def __init__(self, path=None):
self.path = path
# handles subdirectories
self.children = dict()
self.is_file = False
self.contents = []
self.size = 0
class FileSystem:
def __init__(self):
self.rootdir = FileObject()
def root_dir(self):
return self.rootdir
# create directory or file
def create_file(self, path: str) -> None:
paths = path.split('/')
itr = self.rootdir
for p in paths:
if not p:
if p not in itr.children:
itr.children[p] = FileObject(p)
itr = itr.children[p]
itr.is_file = True
itr.type = itr.path.split('.')[-1]
class Filter(ABC):
def apply(self, fileobj):
class SizeFilter(Filter):
def __init__(self, size_limit=0) -> None:
self.size_limit = size_limit
def apply(self, fileobj):
return fileobj.size < self.size_limit
class TypeFilter(Filter):
def __init__(self, filetypes=[]) -> None:
self.filetypes = filetypes
def apply(self, fileobj):
return fileobj.type in self.filetypes
class Finder:
def __init__(self, filterobj, rootdir):
self.filter = filterobj
self.rootdir = rootdir
def find(self):
results = []
self.dfs(self.rootdir, [], results)
return results
def dfs(self, node, prefix, results):
if node.is_file and self.filter.apply(node):
for c in node.children:
self.dfs(node.children[c], prefix, results)
example usage
filesys = FileSystem()
type_finder = Finder(TypeFilter(filetypes=['cpp']), filesys.root_dir)
# output: ['rongrong/coding/soln.cpp', 'rongrong/company/amz.cpp']
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