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Last active March 1, 2021 00:49
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CircuitPython library for the M62429 volume controller IC
import digitalio
import time
class M62429(object):
"""docstring for MS62429"""
def __init__(self, pin_data, pin_clock, speed=0.001):
super(M62429, self).__init__()
self.pin_data = digitalio.DigitalInOut(pin_data)
self.pin_data.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
self.pin_clock = digitalio.DigitalInOut(pin_clock)
self.pin_clock.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
self.speed = speed
def deinit(self):
def setVolumeLeft(self, volume):
self.setVolumeInternal(volume, channel=0, both=False)
def setVolumeRight(self, volume):
self.setVolumeInternal(volume, channel=1, both=False)
def setVolume(self, volume):
self.setVolumeInternal(volume, channel=0, both=True)
def setVolumeInternal(self, volume, channel=0, both=False):
volume = 0 if volume > 100 else (((volume * 83) // -100) + 83)
data = 0
data |= (1 << 0) if channel else (0 << 0) # D0 (channel select: 0=ch1, 1=ch2)
data |= (0 << 1) if both else (1 << 1) # D1 (individual/both select: 0=both, 1=individual)
data |= ((21 - (volume // 4)) << 2) # D2...D6 (0...84 in steps of 4)
data |= ((3 - (volume % 4)) << 7) # D7 & D8 (0...3)
data |= (0b11 << 9); # D9 and D10 must both be 1
for bit in range(0,11):
self.pin_data.value = False
self.pin_clock.value = False
self.pin_data.value = 1 if ((data >> bit) & 0x01) else 0
self.pin_clock.value = True
self.pin_data.value = True
self.pin_clock.value = False
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