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Last active October 22, 2019 09:16
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THM Moodle Adjustments
// ==UserScript==
// @name THM Moodle Adjustments
// @namespace
// @version 0.2
// @description Fixes various inconveniences in THM Moodle
// @author TheTimmaeh
// @match *://*
// @exclude *://
// @updateURL
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// Configuration
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'AIABMI': 'Aktuelle Infos',
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'MIB5 SoSe 2019': 'MIB5: MG1',
'WPR2': 'MIB7: WPR2',
'MIB8 Softwareentwicklung 2': 'MIB8: SWE2',
'MGS2/MIB9': 'MIB9: MGS2',
'MGS2 Praktikum SoSe19': 'MIB9: MGS2 PRK',
'MIB10 Mathematik für Medieninformatik': 'MIB10: MATH',
'MIB11 GDVA': 'MIB11: GDVA',
'MIB12 WiSe 2019/20': 'MIB12: AVM2',
'MT17_DBS (WS 19/20)': 'MIB13: DB',
'SWEP': 'MIB14: SWEP',
'TheoInfAlg': 'MIB15: TIA',
'WS 19 20 WSK': 'MIB16: BWL'
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