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Created January 15, 2020 17:45
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Prototype Blocking Streams Over SharedArrayBuffer With Web Workers
// this could take advantage of other text encodings using existing JS libraries, but for now just using UTF16 with no BOM and both state and current buffer length slots
// also could stand to be updated to use "let" where appropriate, etc. it was just a quick demo
function StreamWriter(sharedBuffer) {
// This could be optimized, but for simplicity, stateView is 2 UInt16s
// stateView[0] = stream state (
// 0 = ready for initialization,
// 1 = ready for final read
// 2 = ready for partial read,
// 3 = ready for next write
// 4 = complete
// stateView[1] = string length to read
// additional members could be added to identify if the stream is ready for reuse, etc.
console.log("Initializing StreamWriter State. Buffer Length: " + sharedBuffer.byteLength)
var stateView = new Uint16Array(sharedBuffer, 0, 2); // buffer, byteStart = 0, typed length (aka 2 UInt16 = 4 bytes)
var bufferView = new Uint16Array(sharedBuffer, 2 * 2, (sharedBuffer.byteLength - (2 * 2)) / 2); // byteStart = 4, typed length = (bytes - 4) / 2
if (stateView[0] != 0) throw "Shared Buffer is not ready for stream initialization";
stateView[0] = 3;
this.writeString = function (text) {
if (stateView[0] < 3) throw "Shared Buffer is not ready for writing";
if (stateView[0] > 3) stateView[0] = 2;
console.log("Text Length: " + text.length + ", Buffer View Length: " + bufferView.length)
if (text.length <= bufferView.length) {
console.log("Writing single block")
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
bufferView[i] = text.charCodeAt(i);
console.log("Setting length");
stateView[1] = text.length;
console.log("Setting state to: 1, ready for final read");
// we always set the state flag last to ensure all other data/length is written
stateView[0] = 1; // ready for final read
else {
console.log("Writing multiple blocks");
var writtenSoFar = 0;
while (writtenSoFar < text.length) {
console.log("Written so far: " + writtenSoFar)
// block until the reader has read the buffer
while (stateView[0] != 3) { } // 3 = ready for next write
// this could use a ternary staement, but it's written long form for readability
var toWriteThisTime = text.length - writtenSoFar;
if (toWriteThisTime > bufferView.length)
toWriteThisTime = bufferView.length;
console.log("To write this time: " + writtenSoFar)
for (var textIndex = writtenSoFar, outputIndex = 0; outputIndex < toWriteThisTime; textIndex++ , outputIndex++) {
bufferView[outputIndex] = text.charCodeAt(textIndex);
writtenSoFar += toWriteThisTime;
console.log("Setting length")
stateView[1] = toWriteThisTime;
if (writtenSoFar < text.length) {
console.log("Setting state to: 2, ready for partial read")
stateView[0] = 2; // ready for partial read
} else {
console.log("Setting state to: 1, ready for final read");
stateView[0] = 1; // ready for final read
// we could also implement a writeAsync that employs setTimeout loops or microtasks but this initial prototype was built to block on purpose
function StreamReader(sharedBuffer) {
console.log("Initializing StreamWriter State. Buffer Length: " + sharedBuffer.byteLength)
var stateView = new Uint16Array(sharedBuffer, 0, 2);
// commented because one side or the other has to perform initialization; might be a better way to coordinate this
// if (stateView[0] > 2) throw "Shared Buffer is not ready for stream initialization";
this.readString = function () {
var text = "";
while (stateView[0] != 4) {
console.log("Waiting for stream state to be readable; current state: " + stateView[0]);
var waitCount = 0;
// block until there is text to be read
while (stateView[0] == 0 || stateView[0] > 2) { // 1 = ready for final read, 2 = ready for partial read
if ((waitCount % 100000) == 0) {
console.log("Still waiting for readable state; current state: " + stateView[0]);
var bufferTextLength = stateView[1];
console.log("Preparing to read; current buffer size: " + bufferTextLength);
var bufferView = new Uint16Array(sharedBuffer, 2 * 2, bufferTextLength);
if (stateView[0] == 1) { // 1 = ready for final read
console.log("Reading final text");
text += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, bufferView);
stateView[0] = 4; // 4 = complete
} else if (stateView[0] == 2) { // 2 = ready for partial read
console.log("Reading partial text");
text += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, bufferView);
stateView[0] = 3; // 3 = ready for next write
} else {
throw "Unexpected state transation; current state: " + stateView[0];
console.log("Read completed");
return text;
/// <refererence path="Stream.js" />
var streamWorker = new Worker("StreamWorker.js");
function reverseText(text) {
var requestBuffer = new SharedArrayBuffer(65536);
var responseBuffer = new SharedArrayBuffer(65536);
var requestWriter = new StreamWriter(requestBuffer);
var responseReader = new StreamReader(responseBuffer);
requestBuffer: requestBuffer,
responseBuffer: responseBuffer
console.log("About to write to request stream");
console.log("About to read from response stream");
var result = responseReader.readString();
//console.log("REUSLT: " + result);
return result;
function reverseString(str) {
// Check input
if (!str || str.length < 2 ||
typeof str !== 'string') {
return 'Not valid';
// Take empty array revArray
const revArray = [];
const length = str.length - 1;
// Looping from the end
for (let i = length; i >= 0; i--) {
// Joining the array elements
return revArray.join('');
// this was a self.addListener-type thing before and probably should be; was changed during troubleshooting
onmessage = function (e) {
console.log("Received data streams");
var requestReader = new StreamReader(;
var responseWriter = new StreamWriter(;
var reqText = requestReader.readString();
var respText = reverseString(reqText);
console.log("Loaded StreamWorker");
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These streams are blocking, which is not exactly advisable, but this sample shows how to use typed array views over shared buffers in a way that coordinates data transfer with a web worker without using postMessage. It's very much a quick prototype so there's plenty of cleanup that could be done (read: "includes free typos and outdated JS practices!"), but I thought it might be worth sharing, if only for basic demonstration of some newer/less blogged about technologies.

String reverse logic from here:

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