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Last active July 19, 2020 20:59
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When a column of period-delimited numerical hierarchy identifiers is selected, this macro automatically groups them together. Sourced from which I dug up because this SuperUser answer ( )…
Sub SetLevel()
' SETLEVEL sets the outline level for each selected row based on the depth of a structured number.
' When there is no structured number, the level is set to one higher than the previous number.
' Sets the level 0 to the first cell highlighted by the user. For example if 1.2.3 is the first
' cell, then is level 1 and is level 2 and so forth.
' If the first cell is not a number, then it is set to level 0, and all numbers start at 1.
' The user selects the range of structured numbers within the sheet, then runs this macro.
' Let the first cell be "1." this outline level is set to 1
' Let the next cell be "1.1." this outline level is set to 2, etc.
' OR
' Let the first cell be "N/A" this outline level is set to 1
' Let the next cell be "1." this outline level is set to 2,
' Let the next cell be "1.1." this outline level is set to 3, etc.
' Author: Andrew O'Connor <>
' Date: 23 Apr 2013
' Copyright: 2014 Relken Engineering
Dim WBSRange As Range 'Range of selected cells
Dim c As Variant 'Cell used in loop
Dim cdepth As Long 'Depth of previous WBS (based on outline level
Dim cValue As String 'Previous WBS Value
Dim i As Long 'Loop counter
Dim endwithstop As Boolean 'True if the WBS item ends in a fullstop
Dim startDepth As Long 'The depth of the first row
'If Cells references not provided then use the selection
'If WBSRange Is Nothing Then
Set WBSRange = Application.Selection
'End If
'Get the depth of the first row
'Find the depth of the WBS
cValue = WBSRange.Cells(1, 1).Value
i = -1
dotpos = 1
Do While dotpos > 0
i = i + 1
dotpos = InStr(cValue, ".")
If dotpos - 1 > 0 Then
cValue = Mid(cValue, dotpos + 1)
End If
startDepth = i
'Loop through each row if the selection
For Each c In WBSRange
'Get the WBS Value
cValue = CStr(c.Value)
If cValue = "" Then
Set pCell = c.End(xlUp)
cValue = pCell.Value
cdepth = 1
cdepth = 0
End If
'Determine if trailing fullstops are being used
endwithstop = Right(cValue, 1) = "."
If Not endwithstop Then
cValue = cValue & "."
End If
'Find the depth of the WBS
i = -1
dotpos = 1
Do While dotpos > 0
i = i + 1
dotpos = InStr(cValue, ".")
If dotpos - 1 > 0 Then
cValue = Mid(cValue, dotpos + 1)
End If
cdepth = cdepth + i
'Set Depth if not zero
If cdepth - startDepth > 0 Then
'Set the depth
c.Rows.OutlineLevel = cdepth - startDepth
End If
Next c
End Sub
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