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Created June 7, 2021 10:29
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4x4 KV Diagram LaTeX Macro
%%% KV Table Macro
%%% USAGE:
%%% \kvtable{/*function name; e.g. f(x)*/}
%%% {{ 0}{ 1}{ 5}{ 4}}
%%% {{ 2}{ 3}{ 7}{ 6}}
%%% {{10}{11}{15}{14}}
%%% {{ 8}{ 9}{13}{12}}
%%% {
%%% /*Insert draw command for this scope*/
%%% }
\node at (1,3) {#1};
\draw[|-|] (0.75,-2) -- (0.75,0) node[midway, left]{$x_{3}$};
\draw[|-|] (1.5,-1) -- (1.5,1) node[midway, left]{$x_{1}$};
\draw[|-|] (6,3.25) -- (4,3.25) node[midway, anchor=south]{$x_{2}$};
\draw[|-|] (5,2.5) -- (3,2.5) node[midway, anchor=south]{$x_{0}$};
\draw[step=1cm, gray, very thin] (2,-2) grid (6,2);
\node[anchor=south west, scale=.5] at (2,1) {0};
\node[anchor=south west, scale=.5] at (3,1) {1};
\node[anchor=south west, scale=.5] at (2,0) {2};
\node[anchor=south west, scale=.5] at (3,0) {3};
\node[anchor=south west, scale=.5] at (5,1) {4};
\node[anchor=south west, scale=.5] at (4,1) {5};
\node[anchor=south west, scale=.5] at (5,0) {6};
\node[anchor=south west, scale=.5] at (4,0) {7};
\node[anchor=south west, scale=.5] at (2,-2) {8};
\node[anchor=south west, scale=.5] at (3,-2) {9};
\node[anchor=south west, scale=.5] at (2,-1) {10};
\node[anchor=south west, scale=.5] at (3,-1) {11};
\node[anchor=south west, scale=.5] at (5,-2) {12};
\node[anchor=south west, scale=.5] at (4,-2) {13};
\node[anchor=south west, scale=.5] at (5,-1) {14};
\node[anchor=south west, scale=.5] at (4,-1) {15};
\node[anchor=center, scale=1.25] at (2.5,##5) {##1};
\node[anchor=center, scale=1.25] at (3.5,##5) {##2};
\node[anchor=center, scale=1.25] at (4.5,##5) {##3};
\node[anchor=center, scale=1.25] at (5.5,##5) {##4};
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