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Created August 15, 2023 21:24
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#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int MAXN = 1e5 + 10;
const int MAXK = 21;
const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
array<vector<pair<int, int>>, MAXN> grafo;
array<array<int, MAXK>, MAXN> dp, dpMin;
array<int, MAXN> prof;
vector<int> pai, sub;
int find(int v) {return pai[v] = (pai[v] == v ? v : find(pai[v]));}
void une(int x, int y)
x = find(x); y = find(y);
if (x == y) return; //estao na mesma componente
if (sub[x] < sub[y]) swap(sub[x], sub[y]);
pai[y] = x;
sub[x] += sub[y];
void dfs(int v, int p, int peso)
prof[v] = prof[p] + 1;
dp[v][0] = p; dpMin[v][0] = peso;
for (int k = 1; k < MAXK; k++)
dp[v][k] = dp[dp[v][k-1]][k-1];
dpMin[v][k] = min(dpMin[v][k-1], dpMin[dp[v][k-1]][k-1]);
for (auto [viz, vizP] : grafo[v])
if (viz == p) continue;
dfs(viz, v, vizP);
int calcPath(int x, int y)
if (prof[x] < prof[y]) swap(x, y);
int jump = prof[x] - prof[y], resp = INF;
for (int k = 0; k < MAXK; k++) if (jump & (1 << k))
resp = min(resp, dpMin[x][k]);
x = dp[x][k];
if (x == y) return resp;
for (int k = MAXK-1; k >= 0; k--) if (dp[x][k] != dp[y][k])
resp = min({resp, dpMin[x][k], dpMin[y][k]});
x = dp[x][k], y = dp[y][k];
return min({resp, dpMin[x][0], dpMin[y][0]});
int main()
int N, B;
cin >> N >> B;
vector<tuple<int, int, int>> arestas(M); //peso, vertice 1, vertice 2
for (auto &[p, x, y] : arestas)
cin >> p >> x >> y;
//Ordena as aretas por maior peso
sort(arestas.rbegin(), arestas.rend());
pai.resize(N+1); sub.resize(N+1); //Vetores do union-find da mst
iota(pai.begin(), pai.end(), 0);
fill(sub.begin(), sub.end(), 1);
for (auto [p, x, y] : arestas)
if (find(x) == find(y)) continue; //aresta nao esta na mst
une(x, y);
//Adiciono a aresta
grafo[x].emplace_back(y, p);
grafo[y].emplace_back(x, p);
//Pre-calcula a sparse table
dfs(1, 1, INF);
int C;
cin >> C;
//Queries usando a sparse table e algoritmo de lca
while (C--)
int X, Y;
cin >> X >> Y;
cout << calcPath(X, Y) << '\n';
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Hacv16 commented Aug 15, 2023

Belo código.

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