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screen2dToWorld3d for Fivem !
-- Original :
function screen2dToWorld3d(absoluteX, absoluteY) {
var camPos = GetGameplayCamCoords()
var rX, rY = processCoordinates(absoluteX, absoluteY)
var target = s2w(camPos, rX, rY)
var dir = sub(target, camPos)
var from = add(camPos, mulNumber(dir, 0.5))
var to = add(camPos, mulNumber(dir, 300))
var ray = CastRayPointToPoint(from, to, undefined, 287)
return ray === undefined ? undefined : ray.position
function s2w(camPos, relX, relY) {
var camRot = GetGameplayCamRot()
var camForward = rotationToDirection(camRot)
var rotUp = add(camRot, vector3(10, 0, 0))
var rotDown = add(camRot, vector3(-10, 0, 0))
var rotLeft = add(camRot, vector3(0, 0, -10))
var rotRight = add(camRot, vector3(0, 0, 10))
var camRight = sub(rotationToDirection(rotRight), rotationToDirection(rotLeft))
var camUp = sub(rotationToDirection(rotUp), rotationToDirection(rotDown))
var rollRad = -degToRad(camRot.y)
var camRightRoll = sub(mulNumber(camRight, Math.cos(rollRad)), mulNumber(camUp, Math.sin(rollRad)))
var camUpRoll = add(mulNumber(camRight, Math.sin(rollRad)), mulNumber(camUp, Math.cos(rollRad)))
var point3D = add(
add(camPos, mulNumber(camForward, 10.0)),
var point2D = w2s(point3D)
if (point2D === undefined) {
return add(camPos, mulNumber(camForward, 10.0))
var point3DZero = add(camPos, mulNumber(camForward, 10.0))
var point2DZero = w2s(point3DZero)
if (point2DZero === undefined) {
return add(camPos, mulNumber(camForward, 10.0))
var eps = 0.001
if (math.abs(point2D.x - point2DZero.x) < eps || math.abs(point2D.y - point2DZero.y) < eps) {
return add(camPos, mulNumber(camForward, 10.0))
var scaleX = (relX - point2DZero.x) / (point2D.x - point2DZero.x)
var scaleY = (relY - point2DZero.y) / (point2D.y - point2DZero.y)
var point3Dret = add(
add(camPos, mulNumber(camForward, 10.0)),
mulNumber(camRightRoll, scaleX)
mulNumber(camUpRoll, scaleY))
return point3Dret
function processCoordinates(x, y) {
var screenX, screenY = GetActiveScreenResolution()
let relativeX = (1 - ((x / screenX) * 1.0) * 2)
let relativeY = (1 - ((y / screenY) * 1.0) * 2)
if (relativeX > 0.0) {
relativeX = -relativeX
} else {
relativeX = math.abs(relativeX)
if (relativeY > 0.0) {
relativeY = -relativeY
} else {
relativeY = math.abs(relativeY)
return relativeX, relativeY
function w2s(position) {
var result = World3dToScreen2d(position.x, position.y, position.z)
if (result === nil) {
return nil
return vector3((result.x - 0.5) * 2, (result.y - 0.5) * 2, 0)
function rotationToDirection(rotation) {
var z = degToRad(rotation.z)
var x = degToRad(rotation.x)
var num = math.abs(Math.cos(x))
return vector3((-Math.sin(z) * num), (Math.cos(z) * num), Math.sin(x))
function degToRad(deg) {
return deg * Math.PI / 180.0
function add(vector1, vector2) {
return vector3(vector1.x + vector2.x, vector1.y + vector2.y, vector1.z + vector2.z)
function sub(vector1, vector2) {
return vector3(vector1.x - vector2.x, vector1.y - vector2.y, vector1.z - vector2.z)
function mulNumber(vector1, value) {
return vector3(vector1.x * value, vector1.y * value, vector1.z * value)
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