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Created November 15, 2012 22:47
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#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Python 3 script which converts simple RetroArch Cg shaders to modern XML/GLSL format."""
import sys
import os
def remove_comments(source_lines):
ret = []
killed_comments = [line.split('//')[0] for line in source_lines]
for i in filter(lambda line: len(line) > 0, killed_comments):
return ret
def keep_line_if(func, lines):
ret = []
for i in filter(func, lines):
return ret
def replace_global_vertex(source):
replace_table = [
('POSITION', 'rubyVertexCoord'),
('TEXCOORD0', 'rubyTexCoord'),
('TEXCOORD', 'rubyTexCoord'),
('uniform vec4 _modelViewProj1[4]', 'uniform mat4 rubyMVPMatrix'),
('_modelViewProj1', 'rubyMVPMatrix'),
('dot(rubyMVPMatrix', 'dot(rubyMVPMatrix_'),
('_IN1._video_size', 'rubyInputSize'),
('_IN1._texture_size', 'rubyTextureSize'),
('_IN1._output_size', 'rubyOutputSize'),
('input', 'input_'), # 'input' is reserved in GLSL.
for replacement in replace_table:
source = source.replace(replacement[0], replacement[1])
return source
def translate_varyings(varyings, source):
dictionary = {}
for varying in varyings:
for line in source:
if (varying in line) and ('//var' in line):
print('Found line for', varying + ':', line)
dictionary[varying] = line.split(':')[0].split('.')[-1].strip()
return dictionary
def destructify_varyings(source):
# We have to change varying structs that Cg support to single varyings for GL. Varying structs aren't supported until later versions
# of GLSL.
struct_types = []
for line in source:
if 'struct' in line:
struct_types.append(line.split(' ')[1])
varyings = []
varyings_name = []
# Find all varyings in structs and make them "global" varyings.
for struct in struct_types:
for i, line in enumerate(source):
if 'struct ' + struct in line:
j = i + 1
while (j < len(source)) and ('};' not in source[j]):
j += 1
varyings.extend(['varying ' + string for string in source[i + 1 : j]])
varyings_name.extend([string.strip().split(' ')[1].split(';')[0].strip() for string in source[i + 1 : j]])
varyings_tmp = varyings
varyings = []
variables = []
# Don't include useless varyings like IN.video_size, IN.texture_size, etc as they are not actual varyings ...
for i in filter(lambda v: ('_video_size' not in v) and ('_texture_size' not in v) and '_output_size' not in v, varyings_tmp):
# Find any global variable struct that is supposed to be the output varying, and redirect all references to it to
# the actual varyings we just declared ...
# Globals only come before main() ...
for line in source:
if 'void main()' in line:
for struct in struct_types:
if (struct in line) and ('struct' not in line):
variable = line.split(' ')[1].split(';')[0]
print('Found struct variable:', variable)
print('Varyings:', varyings_name)
varyings_dict = translate_varyings(varyings_name, source)
print('Varyings dict:', varyings_dict)
# Append all varyings. Keep the structs as they might be used as regular values.
for varying in varyings:
source.insert(1, varying)
# Replace struct access with global access, e.g. (_co1._c00 => _c00)
# Also replace mangled Cg name with 'real' name.
for index, _ in enumerate(source):
for variable in variables:
source[index] = source[index].replace(variable + '.', '');
for index, _ in enumerate(source):
for varying_name in varyings_name:
if varying_name in varyings_dict:
source[index] = source[index].replace(varying_name, varyings_dict[varying_name])
return source
def hack_source_vertex(source):
transpose_index = 2
code_index = 0
for index, line in enumerate(source):
if 'void main()' in line:
source.insert(index + 2, ' mat4 rubyMVPMatrix_ = transpose_(rubyMVPMatrix);') # transpose() is GLSL 1.20+, doesn't exist in GLSL ES 1.0
source.insert(index, 'uniform vec2 rubyInputSize;')
source.insert(index, 'uniform vec2 rubyTextureSize;')
source.insert(index, 'uniform vec2 rubyOutputSize;')
source.insert(index, """
mat4 transpose_(mat4 matrix)
mat4 ret;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
ret[i][j] = matrix[j][i];
return ret;
source = destructify_varyings(source)
return source
def replace_global_fragment(source):
replace_table = [
('_IN1._video_size', 'rubyInputSize'),
('_IN1._texture_size', 'rubyTextureSize'),
('_IN1._output_size', 'rubyOutputSize'),
('input', 'input_'),
for replacement in replace_table:
source = source.replace(replacement[0], replacement[1])
return source
def hack_source_fragment(source):
for index, line in enumerate(source):
if 'void main()' in line:
source.insert(index, 'uniform vec2 rubyInputSize;')
source.insert(index, 'uniform vec2 rubyTextureSize;')
source.insert(index, 'uniform vec2 rubyOutputSize;')
for line in source:
if ('TEXUNIT0' in line) and ('semantic' not in line):
sampler = line.split(':')[2].split(' ')[1]
print('Fragment: Sampler:', sampler)
ret = []
for line in source:
ret.append(line.replace(sampler, 'rubyTexture'))
ret = destructify_varyings(ret)
return ret
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print('Usage: {} prog.shader'.format(sys.argv[0]))
source = sys.argv[1]
dest = sys.argv[2]
with os.popen('cgc -profile glesv -entry main_vertex {}'.format(source)) as f:
vertex_source =
ret = f.close()
if ret is not None:
print('Vertex compilation failed ...')
with os.popen('cgc -profile glesf -entry main_fragment {}'.format(source)) as f:
fragment_source =
ret = f.close()
if ret is not None:
print('Fragment compilation failed ...')
vertex_source = replace_global_vertex(vertex_source)
fragment_source = replace_global_fragment(fragment_source)
vertex_source = vertex_source.split('\n')
fragment_source = fragment_source.split('\n')
# Cg think we're using row-major matrices, but we're using column major.
# Also, Cg tends to compile matrix multiplications as dot products in GLSL.
# Hack in a fix for this.
vertex_source = hack_source_vertex(vertex_source)
fragment_source = hack_source_fragment(fragment_source)
# We compile to GLES, but we really just want modern GL ...
vertex_source = keep_line_if(lambda line: 'precision' not in line, vertex_source)
fragment_source = keep_line_if(lambda line: 'precision' not in line, fragment_source)
# Kill all comments. Cg adds lots of useless comments.
# Remove first line. It contains the name of the cg program.
vertex_source = remove_comments(vertex_source[1:])
fragment_source = remove_comments(fragment_source[1:])
out_vertex = '\n'.join(vertex_source)
out_fragment = '\n'.join(fragment_source)
with open(dest, 'w') as f:
f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n')
f.write('<!-- XML/GLSL shader autogenerated by -->\n')
f.write('<shader language="GLSL" style="GLES2">\n')
f.write(' <vertex><![CDATA[\n')
f.write(' ]]></vertex>\n')
f.write(' <fragment><![CDATA[\n')
f.write('#ifdef GL_ES\nprecision mediump float;\n#endif\n')
f.write(' ]]></fragment>\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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