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Last active July 9, 2023 12:04
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Craft.js - a Craft.zs Equivalent
** craft.js -- a craft.zs equivalent?
*! Created by Theonlytazz
* Date - 08.07.2023
*? Thanks to Lexxie for her amazing utils <3
*? Thanks to Daddy Aurug for all their help
*? Thanks to many many more <3
* For all Containers with 9 Slots per Row, use 1 triggerItem
* if a Container has more than 9 Slots, use n-Amount of triggerItems
* (ex 12 triggerItems for a Diamond Chest)
onEvent('block.right_click', event =>{
const { block,item,player,level,server,target,entity, hand } = event
if(hand != 'MAIN_HAND') return
const triggerItem = 'minecraft:nether_star'
const typeRemoval = 'minecraft:iron_nugget'
const allRemoval = 'minecraft:lava_bucket'
// If Container smaller than Vanilla Chest, return
let totalsize = block.inventory.width
if (item != triggerItem ||
totalsize < 27) return
let keys = 'ABCDEFGHI'
let inv = block.inventory
let width
let spacingW
let spacingH
// Variable Width, useable if more than 9 slots per row
if (item.count > 1 && totalsize != [27 || 54]) {width = item.count}
else {width = 9}
let height = block.inventory.width / width
let maxOffsetX = Math.floor(width / 4)
let maxOffsetY = Math.floor(height / 3)
let allRecipes = []
//Recipe Handler
for(let offsetY = 0; offsetY < maxOffsetY; offsetY++){
for(let offsetX = 0; offsetX < maxOffsetX; offsetX++){
let offset = offsetX*4 + offsetY*(3*width)
let index = offsetY*2+offsetY+offsetX+1
// Skip if no Output Item
let output = inv.get(offset+3 + width)
if(output.toString() == 'Item.empty') continue
// Raw Crafting Grid Map
let mapRaw = {
1: inv.get(offset+0),2: inv.get(offset+1),3: inv.get(offset+2),
4: inv.get(offset+0 + width),5: inv.get(offset+1 + width),6: inv.get(offset+2 + width),
7: inv.get(offset+0 + (width*2)),8: inv.get(offset+1 + (width*2)),9: inv.get(offset+2 + (width*2))
// Create KeyMap / GridList / Shapeless List
let itemList = []
let keyMap = []
let gridList = []
let shapelessList = []
for (let i = 1; i <= Object.values(mapRaw).length; i++) {
let item = mapRaw[i]
if(item.toString() != 'Item.empty') shapelessList.push(item.toString())
if(item.toString() != 'Item.empty' && !itemList.includes(item.toString())){
keyMap.push(`${keys[Object.values(keyMap).length]}: ${item.toString()}`)
if(item.toString() == 'Item.empty') gridList.push(' ')
else gridList.push(keys[itemList.indexOf(item.toString())])
let input = gridList.join('').match(/.{1,3}/g).toString().split(',').join(`','`) ?? []
// Removing Recipe Handler
let removeStr
let type
let removalItem = inv.get(offset+3 + (width*2)) ?? ''
case typeRemoval:{
case 'minecraft:stonecutter': {type = 'minecraft:stonecutter';break}
case 'minecraft:campfire': {type = 'minecraft:campfire_cooking';break}
case 'minecraft:smoker': {type = 'minecraft:smoking';break}
case 'minecraft:blast_furnace': {type = 'minecraft:blasting';break}
case 'minecraft:furnace': {type = 'minecraft:smelting';break}
case 'minecraft:glass_pane': {type = 'minecraft:shapeless';break}
case 'Item.empty': {type = 'minecraft:shaped';break}
removeStr = `event.remove({type: '${type}', output: ${output}})`
case allRemoval:{removeStr = `event.remove({output: ${output}})`;break}
// Recipe Handler
let recipe
type = "Shaped"
let modifier = inv.get(offset+3)
case 'minecraft:stonecutter': {recipe = `event.stonecutting(${output}, ${mapRaw[5]})`; type='Stonecutting'; break}
case 'minecraft:campfire': {recipe = `event.campfireCooking(${output}, ${mapRaw[5]})`; type='Campfire'; break}
case 'minecraft:smoker': {recipe = `event.smoking(${output}, ${mapRaw[5]})`; type='Smoking'; break}
case 'minecraft:blast_furnace': {recipe = `event.blasting(${output}, ${mapRaw[5]})`; type = 'Blasting'; break}
case 'minecraft:furnace': {recipe = `event.smelting(${output}, ${mapRaw[5]})`; type = 'Smelting';break}
case 'minecraft:glass_pane':{recipe = `event.shapeless(${output}, [${shapelessList.toString()}])`; type = 'Shapeless'; break}
default:{recipe = `event.shaped(${output}, ['${input}'], {${keyMap.toString()}})`}
// Printing Lines
// Removal Recipe String Print
if(removalItem.toString() != 'Item.empty'){
let removeString
if (removalItem == allRemoval) removeString = buildString(index, output, recipe, 'All', true)
else if (removalItem == typeRemoval) removeString = buildString(index, output, recipe, type, true)
// Crafting Recipe String Print
let craftString = buildString(index, output, recipe, type)
// All Recipe String Print
if(allRecipes.length <= 1) return
player.tell(Component.join(' ', [Component.darkRed(`\n[A]`).click(`copy:${allRecipes.join('\n')}`).hover(`All Recipes`),
Component.white(`- all Recipes`)]))
** Thanks to ChiefArug and Lexxie
** Custom Parser for Components
* @param {int} index Index of the Recipe to print
* @param {ItemStackJS} output Output of Recipe
* @param {ListJS} recipe List of Item Inputs
* @param {String} type Type of Recipe
* @param {boolean} removal Optional, only needed for removing Recipes
* @returns
function buildString(index, output, recipe, type, removal){
removal = removal ?? false
let itemName = Item.of(output).name.getString()
let clickEvent = 'copy:' + recipe
let hoverText
let recipeInfo
hoverText = Component.join('', [Component.white(`Removal Recipe of: \n `),Component.white(`${Item.of(output).name.getString()}`),Component.white(`\n Type: ${type.toString()}`)])
recipeInfo = Component.white(` - Removal Recipe: `).append(itemName)
} else {
hoverText = Component.join(' ', [Component.white(`${type}`), Component.white('Recipe of:\n '), Component.white(`${itemName}`)])
recipeInfo = Component.white(` - ${type} Recipe: `).append(itemName)
let pinkNumber = Component.lightPurple(`[${index}]`).click(clickEvent).hover(hoverText)
let textOutput = pinkNumber.append(recipeInfo)
return textOutput
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