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Last active March 8, 2024 14:56
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My Opinionated Notes on React Development

Check out these other projects!

React - The library for web and native user interfaces

Package manager

  • pnpm - Fast, disk space efficient package manager

Version manager

  • nvm - Node version manager, for *NIX/macOS
  • nvm-windows - Node version manager, for Windows

Platforms where you can use React

  • Next.js - The React Framework for the Web
  • Remix - Build Better Websites
  • Astro - The web framework for content-driven websites



  • Testing Library - Simple and complete testing utilities that encourage good testing practices
  • Vitest - A Vite-native testing framework
  • Playwright - Reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps
  • Cypress - Testing Frameworks for Javascript | Write, Run, Debug


  • Storybook - Frontend workshop for UI development
  • Docusaurus - Build optimized websites quickly, focus on your content
  • Pridepack - Zero-config CLI for building TypeScript packages


  • awesome-react - A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem

Write up 20240309

  • Remember that software in the browser started out as Web pages, documents that display information.
    • Then it evolved into documents that accept information.
    • Alongside, JavaScript was made to complement this use case, which led to interactivity, user experience improvements, and other client-side logic in the browser.
  • Component-based development came out as a sort of way to make dynamic HTML consistent in implementation and design
    • One of the earliest technologies that were used for component-based development is jQuery
      • Authors define their own extensions to jQuery after querying markup already defined in the page.
        • One example is the component library Bootstrap, which incorporates jQuery into adding interactivity to static markup
    • Then came out Angular.js, which tried to iterate jQuery by defining a full-fledged framework.
      • Besides markup, it also managed an early form of dependency handling through its built-in dependency injection container, upon which components, business logic, and anything in between are compartmentalized
      • jQuery still powers the component interactivity of Angular.js
    • React was born as a solution to further formalizing the data flow between components and modules
      • It changed the way of writing components, while maintaining the level of granularity that other frameworks have to offer
      • It popularized the unidirectional data flow, which Angular.js started near the end of version 1
      • Soon after React matured in the Web, it was also implemented for other rendering targets such as mobile, and eventually desktop (React Native)
      • React became more popular when it changed its licensing from BSD-3-Clause to MIT in 15.6.2 (2018,
    • React is still the most downloaded framework as of 2024-03-09 (25M downloads)
  • How to start a React project in 2024?
    • Please don’t use Create React App!
    • Use the popular platforms for kickstarting your projects
      • Next.js is the most popular option, backed by Vercel which is a vital advisor to the future of React features.
      • Remix is a decent alternative to Next.js, offering different approaches to routing and configuration.
      • Astro is a viable choice for content-driven Web sites and apps, supporting many frameworks including React
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