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Created April 18, 2018 19:01
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// Game - IOI'13
// Complexidade: O(n* log n)
// Thiago Mota
%:include <bits/stdc++.h>
%:define gc getchar_unlocked
using namespace std;random_device rd;mt19937 gen(rd());typedef long long ll;const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;typedef pair<int, int> pii;int N, M;ll mdc(ll a, ll b) <% return (b==0?a:mdc(b, a%b)); ??>inline int scan()<% int N=0, x=gc(), s=1; for(;x<'0'||x>'9';x=gc()) if(x=='-') s=-1; for(;x>='0'&&x<='9';x=gc()) N = (N<<3) + (N<<1) + x-'0'; return N;??>struct Node<% ll v, gcd; int w; pii key, ini, fim; Node *l, *r; Node(pii key, ll v): key(key), v(v), ini(key), fim(key), w(gen()), gcd(v), l(0), r(0) <% ??>??>;inline ll gcd(Node *t) <% return (t?t->gcd:0); ??>inline void update(Node*& t)<% if(!t) return; t->gcd = mdc(t->v, mdc(gcd(t->l), gcd(t->r))); t->ini = (t->l ? t->l->ini : t->key); t->fim = (t->r ? t->r->fim : t->key);??>void merge(Node*& t, Node *l, Node *r)<% if(!l || !r) return void(t=(l?l:r)); if(l->w >= r->w)<% merge(l->r, l->r, r); t = l; ??>else<% merge(r->l, l, r->l); t = r; ??> update(t);??>void split(Node *t, Node*& l, Node*& r, pii key)<% if(!t) return void(l=r=0); if(t->key < key)<% split(t->r, t->r, r, key); l = t; ??>else<% split(t->l, l, t->l, key); r = t; ??> update(t);??>void fast_insert(Node*& t, Node *it)<% if(!t) t=it; else if(it->w >= t->w) split(t, it->l, it->r, it->key), t=it; else if(it->key < t->key) fast_insert(t->l, it); else fast_insert(t->r, it); update(t);??>bool find(Node*& t, pii key, ll val)<% if(!t) return 0; if(t->key == key)<% t->v = val; update(t); return 1; ??> bool x = find(key<t->key?t->l:t->r,key,val); if(x) update(t); return x;??>inline void insert(Node*& t, pii key, ll val)<% if(find(t, key, val)) return; Node *aux = new Node(key, val); fast_insert(t, aux);??>ll fast_query(Node*& t, pii i, pii j)<% if(!t) return 0; if(i <= t->ini && t->fim <= j) return t->gcd; else if(j < t->key) return fast_query(t->l, i, j); else if(i > t->key) return fast_query(t->r, i, j); return mdc(t->v, mdc(fast_query(t->l, i, j), fast_query(t->r, i, j)));??>ll query(Node*& t, int i, int j)<% return fast_query(t, pii(i, -INF), pii(j, INF));??>ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Node *t)<% if(!t) return out; out << t->l << t->v << " " << t->r; return out;??>struct Seg<% Node *treap; Seg *l, *r; Seg(): treap(0), l(0), r(0) <% ??> void update_seg(int l1, int c1, ll val, int ini=1, int fim=N)<% if(ini == fim)<% insert(treap, pii(c1, l1), val); return; ??> insert(treap, pii(c1, l1), val); int meio = (ini+fim)/2; if(ini <= l1 && l1 <= meio)<% if(!l) l = new Seg; l->update_seg(l1, c1, val, ini, meio); ??>else<% if(!r) r = new Seg; r->update_seg(l1, c1, val, meio+1, fim); ??> ??> ll query_seg(int l1, int c1, int l2, int c2, int ini=1, int fim=N)<% if(l1 <= ini && fim <= l2) return query(treap, c1, c2); int meio = (ini + fim) / 2; if(l1 > meio) return (r?r->query_seg(l1, c1, l2, c2, meio+1, fim):0); else if(l2 <= meio) return (l?l->query_seg(l1, c1, l2, c2, ini, meio):0); ll aux = (r?r->query_seg(l1, c1, l2, c2, meio+1, fim):0); if(aux==1) return 1; return mdc((l?l->query_seg(l1, c1, l2, c2, ini, meio):0), aux); ??>??>;Seg *no;void init(int R, int C)<% no = new Seg; N=R; M=C;??>void update(int P, int Q, ll K)<% no->update_seg(P+1, Q+1, K);??>ll calculate(int P, int Q, int U, int V)<% return no->query_seg(P+1, Q+1, U+1, V+1);??>int main()<% init(2, 3); update(0, 0, 20); update(0, 2, 15); update(1, 1, 12); cout << calculate(0, 0, 0, 2) << "??/n"; cout << calculate(0, 0, 1, 1) << "??/n"; update(0, 1, 6); update(1, 1, 14); cout << calculate(0, 0, 0, 2) << "??/n"; cout << calculate(0, 0, 1, 1) << "??/n"; return 0;??>
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