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Created February 8, 2018 06:37
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## ##
## Script for generate new hub apps ##
## run: ##
## .\generate-app.ps1 AppName ##
## ##
Param (
# Init
# Remove exist folder with same name
if ( Test-Path $GitDir ) {
echo "Remove existing folder with same name"
rm -r -force $GitDir
echo "Generating $AppName app..."
# Clone template
git clone $GitDir
# Remove .git
echo "Removing .git"
rm -r -force $GitDir\.git
# Rename files
echo "Renaming files"
mv $GitDir\Hub.InternalApp.Template.sln $GitDir\Hub.InternalApp.$AppName.sln
mv $GitDir\Hub.InternalApp.Template\Hub.InternalApp.Template.csproj $GitDir\Hub.InternalApp.Template\Hub.InternalApp.$AppName.csproj
mv $GitDir\Hub.InternalApp.Template.Tests\Hub.InternalApp.Template.Tests.csproj $GitDir\Hub.InternalApp.Template.Tests\Hub.InternalApp.$AppName.Tests.csproj
# Rename folders
echo "Renaming folders"
mv $GitDir\Hub.InternalApp.Template $GitDir\Hub.InternalApp.$AppName
mv $GitDir\Hub.InternalApp.Template.Tests $GitDir\Hub.InternalApp.$AppName.Tests
# Replace app name
echo "Replace app name"
$filenames = Get-ChildItem $GitDir -Recurse | Where-Object { !$_.PSIsContainer } | select -expand fullname
foreach ($filename in $filenames)
echo "Replacing in file $filename"
(Get-Content $fileName) -creplace 'Template', $AppName | Set-Content $fileName
(Get-Content $fileName) -creplace 'TEMPLATE', $AppNameUpper | Set-Content $fileName
(Get-Content $fileName) -creplace 'template', $AppNameLower | Set-Content $fileName
# Set application name with ASCII II Art
echo "Set application name with ASCII II Art"
$AppNameASCII = Invoke-WebRequest$AppName
(Get-Content $Filename) -creplace 'ASCII_TITLE', "`n$AppNameASCII" | Set-Content $fileName
echo "`n`nFinish!`n`n"
echo $AppNameASCII.Content
echo "`n"
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