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Created May 17, 2019 14:09
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from __future__ import unicode_literals
import itertools
from marshmallow_enum import EnumField
from indico.core.db.sqlalchemy.principals import PrincipalType
from import ProtectionMode
from indico.core.marshmallow import mm
from indico.modules.attachments import Attachment
from import Event
from import EventType
from import EventPersonLink
def _get_location(obj):
if obj.venue_name and obj.room_name:
return '{}: {}'.format(obj.venue_name, obj.room_name)
elif obj.venue_name or obj.room_name:
return obj.venue_name or obj.room_name
return None
def _get_identifiers(principal):
if principal.principal_type == PrincipalType.user:
# Instead of using the email this uses `User:ID`.
# Since the user can change the email this is better as
# it will ensure that only this given Indico user has access.
# If you want to stick with email, simply replace it with
# 'User:{}'.format(
yield principal.identifier
elif principal.principal_type == PrincipalType.event_role:
for user in principal.members:
# same thing here
yield user.identifier
elif principal.is_group:
yield principal.identifier
def _get_event_acl(event):
acl = set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(_get_identifiers(x.principal) for x in event.acl_entries))
if event.effective_protection_mode == ProtectionMode.public:
# Probably we could skip sending any other ACL entries in this case...
return {'read': sorted(acl), 'owner': [], 'update': [], 'delete': []}
def _get_attachment_acl(attachment):
linked_object = attachment.folder.object
if attachment.is_self_protected:
principals = {p for p in attachment.acl} | set(linked_object.get_manager_list(recursive=True))
elif attachment.is_inheriting and attachment.folder.is_self_protected:
principals = {p for p in attachment.folder.acl} | set(linked_object.get_manager_list(recursive=True))
principals = linked_object.get_access_list()
acl = set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(_get_identifiers(x) for x in principals))
return {'read': sorted(acl), 'owner': [], 'update': [], 'delete': []}
class PersonLinkSchema(mm.Schema):
# Not using a ModelSchema here so this can be used for contribution person links etc. as well!
name = mm.String(attribute='full_name')
affiliation = mm.String()
class Meta:
model = EventPersonLink
fields = ('name', 'affiliation')
class EventSchema(mm.ModelSchema):
url = mm.String(attribute='external_url')
category_path = mm.Function(lambda event: event.category.chain_titles[1:])
event_type = EnumField(EventType, attribute='type_')
creation_date = mm.DateTime(attribute='created_dt')
start_date = mm.DateTime(attribute='start_dt')
end_date = mm.DateTime(attribute='end_dt')
location = mm.Function(_get_location)
speakers_chairs = mm.Nested(PersonLinkSchema, attribute='person_links', many=True)
_access = mm.Function(_get_event_acl)
class Meta:
model = Event
fields = ('_access', 'category_path', 'creation_date', 'description', 'end_date', 'event_type', 'id',
'location', 'speakers_chairs', 'start_date', 'title', 'url')
class AttachmentSchema(mm.ModelSchema):
_access = mm.Function(_get_attachment_acl)
url = mm.String(attribute='absolute_download_url')
name = mm.String(attribute='title')
class Meta:
model = Event
fields = ('_access', 'id', 'url', 'name')
# If you want to test this quickly, keep the code below and the file as indico/web/
# and go to https://yourinstance/schema-test/event/EVENTID
from indico.web.flask.wrappers import IndicoBlueprint
bp = IndicoBlueprint('test', __name__)
def event_test(event_id):
event = Event.get_one(event_id)
return EventSchema().jsonify(event)
def attachment_test(attachment_id):
attachment = Attachment.get_one(attachment_id)
return AttachmentSchema().jsonify(attachment)
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