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Last active October 26, 2023 15:44
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Save ThinGuy/30998b4c89a3d050feb359baf96627fc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Get Ubuntu repository size for multiple releases/architectures
# 8 Mar 2021: Added debug and workdir option, start of work on adding Ubuntu Cloud Archive and (Partner)
ubuntu-repo-size() {
ubuntu-repo-size_usage() {
printf "\n\e[1m\e[2G${FUNCNAME%%_*}\e[0m\n\n"
printf "\e[1m\e[2GUsage\e[0m: ${FUNCNAME%%_*} [options]\n\n"
printf "\e[1m\e[2GOptions\e[0m:\n\n"
printf "\e[3G -a, --arch \e[28GArchitecture to display, i.e. amd64,arm64,armhf,i386,ppc64el,s390x (Default: amd64)\n"
printf "\e[3G -s, --series \e[28GRelease nicknames to get information for, (Default: current LTS)\n"
printf "\e[3G -c, --components \e[28GList of repo components to query (Default: main,universe,multiverse,restricted)\n"
printf "\e[3G -p, --pockets \e[28GList of repo pockets components to query (Default: \$series \$series-updates \$series-backports \$series-security \$series-proposed)\n"
printf "\e[3G -i, --intel-repo-uri \e[28GURI of ubuntu archive for amd64/i386 (Default:\n"
printf "\e[3G -P, --ports-repo-uri \e[28GURI of ubuntu archive for arm64,armhf,i386,ppc64el,s390 (Default:\n"
printf "\e[3G -o, --cloud \e[28GInclude Ubuntu-Cloud Openstack Archive (Default: false)\n"
printf "\e[3G -C, --canonical \e[28GInclude Canonical's Partner Archive (Default: false)\n"
printf "\e[3G -S, --scale \e[28GNumber of decimal places allowed in repository size calculation (Default: 0)\n"
printf "\e[3G -f, --footnote \e[28GDisplay Ubuntu Advantage footnotes (Default: false)\n"
printf "\e[3G -I, --iec \e[28GUse IEC binary prefixes, i.e. multiples of 1024, when reporting repo sizes (Default: Use SI decimal prefixes, i.e. powers of 10)\n"
printf "\e[3G -k, --keep \e[28GKeep repo indices after script completes (Default: false)\n"
printf "\e[3G -D, --debug \e[28GVerbose mode (Default: false)\n"
printf "\e[3G -w, --work-dir\e[28GWorking directory (Default: /tmp})\n"
printf "\e[3G -h, --help\e[28GThis message\n\n"
};export -f ubuntu-repo-size_usage
export SMODE='si' SMODEK='10^3' SMODEM='10^6' SMODEG='10^9' MB='MB' GB='GB'
export SC=0 KEEP=false FN=false MAIN_FN='' UNIVERSE_FN='';
declare -ag ARCHES=(amd64)
declare -ag SERIES=(focal)
declare -ag COMPONENTS=(main universe multiverse restricted)
declare -ag POCKETS=(release updates backports security proposed)
export REPO_URI_PORTS=""
export REPO_URI_CLOUD=""
declare -ag SUITES_CLOUD=($(curl -sSlL ${REPO_URI_CLOUD}|awk -F'>|/' '/folder/{print $11}'))
declare -ag SUITES_CLOUD_O7K=($((for ((i=0; i<${#SUITES_CLOUD[@]}; i++)); do printf '%s/%s\n' ${REPO_URI_CLOUD} ${SUITES_CLOUD[$i]} ;done|xargs -rn1 -P0 bash -c 'curl -sSlL ${0}|awk -vURI=${0##*/} -F'"'"'>|/'"'"' '"'"'/folder/{print URI"/"$11}'"'"'')|sort -uV))
declare -ag SERIES_CLOUD=($(printf '%s\n' ${SUITES_CLOUD[@]%-*}|sort -uV))
declare -ag POCKETS_CLOUD=($(printf '%s\n' ${SUITES_CLOUD[@]##*-}|sort -uV))
declare -ag COMPONENTS_PARTNER=(main)
declare -ag SUITES_PARTNER=($(curl -sSlL ${REPO_URI_PARTNER}|awk -F'>|/' '/folder/$11 ~ /-/{print $11}'|sort -uV))
declare -ag SERIES_PARTNER=($(printf '%s\n' ${SUITES_PARTNER[@]%-*}|sort -uV))
declare -ag POCKETS_PARTNER=($(printf '%s/partner\n' ${SUITES_PARTNER[@]##*-}|sort -uV))
export WARGS='--retry-connrefused --waitretry=1 --timeout=25 --tries=5 --continue --no-dns-cache -qN'
export CARGS='-sSlL --connect-timeout 5 --max-time 20 --retry 5 --retry-delay 1'
export WORK_DIR='/tmp'
export DEBUG=false
declare -ag REPO_EXT=(xz gz)
ARGS=$(getopt -o a:s:c:p:oCi:P:S:fIkdw:h --long arch:,series:,components:,pockets:,intel-repo-uri:,ports-repo-uri:,cloud,canonical,debug,scale:,iec,keep,footnote,work-dir:,help -n ${FUNCNAME} -- "$@")
eval set -- "$ARGS"
while true ; do
case "$1" in
-a|--arch) declare -ag ARCHES=("${2//[,|:| ]/ }");shift 2;;
-s|--series) declare -ag SERIES=("${2//[,|:| ]/ }");shift 2;;
-c|--components) declare -ag COMPONENTS=("${2//[,|:| ]/ }");shift 2;;
-p|--pockets) declare -ag POCKETS=("${2//[,|:| ]/ }");shift 2;;
-i|--intel-repo-uri) export REPO_URI_INTEL="${2}";shift 2;;
-P|--ports-repo-uri) export REPO_URI_PORTS="${2}";shift 2;;
-o|--cloud) export CLOUD=true;shift 1;;
-C|--canonical) export PARTNER=true;shift 1;;
-S|--scale) export SC="${2}";shift 2;;
-f|--footnote) export FN=true MAIN_FN='\b\e[1m\u2020\e[0m' UNIVERSE_FN='\b\e[1m\u00A7\e[0m';shift 1;;
-I|--iec) export SMODE='iec' SMODEK='2^10' SMODEM='2^20' SMODEG='2^30' MB="MiB" GB="GiB";shift 1;;
-k|--keep) export KEEP=true;return;;
-w|--work-dir) export WORK_DIR=${2};shift 2;;
-d|--debug) export DEBUG=true;shift 1;;
--) shift;break;;
(tput clear;tput civis
NOW=$(date +%s)sec
[[ ${DEBUG} = true ]] && { set -x > /dev/null 2>&1; }
[[ ${DEBUG} = true ]] && { export WARGS="${WARGS//-q/-}"; }
[[ ${DEBUG} = true ]] && { export CARGS="${CARGS//-sS/-v}"; }
tput clear;tput civis
printf '\e[1mUbuntu Repository Size\e[0m\n\n'
((for w in ${ARCHES[@]};do
[[ ! ${w} = amd64 && ! ${w} = i386 ]] && export REPO_URI=${REPO_URI_PORTS} || export REPO_URI=${REPO_URI_UBUNTU}
for x in ${SERIES[@]};do
[[ ${x} = trusty ]] && export FEXT="gz" || export FEXT="xz"
for y in $(printf "${x}-%s\n" ${POCKETS[@]//release/${x}}|sed "s/${x}-${x}/${x}/g");do
#[[ ${y} = $(curl 2>/dev/null ${CARGS} ${REPO_URI}|grep 2>/dev/null -oP "(^|\s|\")\K${y}(/)"|sed "s/\/$//g") ]] || { printf "Cannot find Suite ${y} @ ${REPO_URI}\n";continue; };
for z in ${COMPONENTS[@]};do
echo "${WORK_DIR}/Ubuntu-Repo_${y}_${z}_Sources-${w}.${FEXT} ${REPO_URI}/${y}/${z}/source/Sources.${FEXT}";
echo "${WORK_DIR}/Ubuntu-Repo_${y}_${z}_Packages-${w}.${FEXT} ${REPO_URI}/${y}/${z}/binary-${w}/Packages.${FEXT}"
done)|xargs -rn2 -P0 bash -c 'printf 1>&2 "\r\e[2G- Downloading $(echo $0|awk -F_ "{print \$4\" index for \"\$2\"/\"\$3}")\e[K";wget ${WARGS} -O $0 $1';printf "\r\e[K\r")
[[ ${#SERIES[@]} = 1 ]] && export SWORD="release" || export SWORD="releases"
[[ ${#ARCHES[@]} = 1 ]] && export AWORD="arch" || export AWORD="arches"
export ACNT=${#ARCHES[@]} SCNT=${#SERIES[@]}
export REPO_FILE_SZE=$(du -acb $(find ${WORK_DIR:-/tmp} -maxdepth 1 -type f -regextype "posix-extended" -iregex '.*Ubuntu-Repo.*(Sources|Packages).*([x|g]z)')|awk '/total/{printf "%.'${SC}'f",$1/'${SMODEM}'}')
export REPO_FILE_CNT=$(find ${WORK_DIR:-/tmp} -maxdepth 1 -type f -regextype "posix-extended" -iregex '.*Ubuntu-Repo.*(Sources|Packages).*([x|g]z)'|wc -l)
printf 1>&2 "\r\e[2G- Fetched ${REPO_FILE_CNT//,} Package/Source indices totaling ${REPO_FILE_SZE//,} ${MB} in $(TZ=UTC date --date now-${NOW} '+%Hh:%Mm:%Ss')\e[K"
sleep 2
printf 1>&2 "\r\e[K\r"
(declare -ag HEADERS=('Series (Arch)' 'Suite' 'Component' 'Src Count' 'Src Size('$MB'/'$GB')' 'Pkg Count' 'Pkg Size('$MB'/'$GB')')
(printf "%s\n" "${HEADERS[@]}"|paste -sd'|'
for h in ${!HEADERS[@]};do eval printf "%.3s" "─"{1..${#HEADERS[$h]}};printf '\n';done|paste -sd'|')
for w in ${ARCHES[@]};do
for x in ${SERIES[@]};do
[[ ${x} = trusty ]] && export FEXT="gz" || export FEXT="xz"
for y in $(printf "${x}-%s\n" ${POCKETS[@]//release/${x}}|sed "s/${x}-${x}/${x}/g");do
[[ ${y} = ${x} ]] && { printf "\e[0;1;38;2;255;255;255m\e[1;48;2;233;84;32m${x^} (${w})\e[0m|||||\n"; }
#[[ ${y} = $(curl 2>/dev/null ${CARGS} ${REPO_URI}|grep 2>/dev/null -oP "(^|\s|\")\K${y}(/)"|sed "s/\/$//g") ]] || { printf "Cannot find suite ${y} @ ${REPO_URI}\n";continue; };
for z in ${COMPONENTS[@]};do
[[ ${FEXT} = gz ]] && export RCAT=zcat
[[ ${FEXT} = xz ]] && export RCAT=xzcat
printf 1>&2 "\r\e[2G- Processing ${WORK_DIR}/Ubuntu-Repo_${y}_${z}_Sources-${w}.${FEXT}\e[K\r"
export S="$(${RCAT} ${WORK_DIR}/Ubuntu-Repo_${y}_${z}_Sources-${w}.${FEXT}|awk '/^Files:/,/^Checksums-Sha1/{if(/^Files:/) SCNT++;SSZE+=$2}END { printf "%'"'"'d|%'"'"'.'${SC}'f/%.'$SC'f\n",SCNT,(SSZE/'${SMODEM}'),(SSZE/'${SMODEG}')}')"
export SRC_CNT=${S%%|*}
export SRC_SZE=${S##*|}
export SRC_SZE_MB=${SRC_SZE%%/*}
export SRC_SZE_GB=${SRC_SZE##*/}
export TOTAL_SRC_CNT=$(echo "scale=${SC};${TOTAL_SRC_CNT//,}+${SRC_CNT//,}"|bc)
export TOTAL_SRC_SZE=$(echo "scale=${SC};${TOTAL_SRC_SZE//,}+${SRC_SZE_MB//,}"|bc)
printf 1>&2 "\r\e[2G- Processing ${WORK_DIR}/Ubuntu-Repo_${y}_${z}_Packages-${w}.${FEXT}\e[K\r"
export P="$(${RCAT} ${WORK_DIR}/Ubuntu-Repo_${y}_${z}_Packages-${w}.${FEXT}|awk -vSM="${SMODE}" '/^Size: /{PSZE+=$2;PCNT++}END { printf "%'"'"'d|%'"'"'.'$SC'f/%.'$SC'f\n",PCNT,(PSZE/'${SMODEM}'),(PSZE/'${SMODEG}')}')"
export PKG_CNT=${P%%|*}
export PKG_SZE=${P##*|}
export PKG_SZE_MB=${PKG_SZE%%/*}
export PKG_SZE_GB=${PKG_SZE##*/}
export TOTAL_PKG_CNT=$(echo "scale=${SC};${TOTAL_PKG_CNT//,}+${PKG_CNT//,}"|bc)
export TOTAL_PKG_SZE=$(echo "scale=${SC};${TOTAL_PKG_SZE//,}+${PKG_SZE_MB//,}"|bc)
[[ ${y} = ${x} ]] && { printf "|${y} \e[3m(release)\e[0m|"; } || { printf "|${y}|"; }
printf "${z}|${SRC_CNT}|${SRC_SZE_MB}/${SRC_SZE_GB}|${PKG_CNT}|${PKG_SZE_MB}/${PKG_SZE_GB}\e[0m\n"
for h in ${!HEADERS[@]};do [[ ${#HEADERS[$h]} -ne 0 ]] && { eval printf "%.3s" "─"{1..${#HEADERS[$h]}};printf '\n';};done|paste -sd'|'|sed 's/^/|||/'
printf "|${x^} (${w}) Totals:||${TOTAL_SRC_CNT}|${TOTAL_SRC_SZE}/$(echo "scale=${SC};${TOTAL_SRC_SZE//,}/${SMODEK}"|bc)|${TOTAL_PKG_CNT}|${TOTAL_PKG_SZE}/$(echo "scale=${SC};${TOTAL_PKG_SZE//,}/${SMODEK}"|bc)\n"
export GTOTAL_SRC_CNT=$(echo "scale=${SC};${GTOTAL_SRC_CNT//,}+${TOTAL_SRC_CNT//,}"|bc);
export GTOTAL_SRC_SZE=$(echo "scale=${SC};${GTOTAL_SRC_SZE//,}+${TOTAL_SRC_SZE//,}"|bc);
export GTOTAL_PKG_CNT=$(echo "scale=${SC};${GTOTAL_PKG_CNT//,}+${TOTAL_PKG_CNT//,}"|bc);
export GTOTAL_PKG_SZE=$(echo "scale=${SC};${GTOTAL_PKG_SZE//,}+${TOTAL_PKG_SZE//,}"|bc);
for h in ${!HEADERS[@]};do [[ ${#HEADERS[$h]} -ne 0 ]] && { eval printf "%.3s" "═"{1..${#HEADERS[$h]}};printf '\n';};done|paste -sd'|'|sed 's/^/|||/'
printf "\e[0;1;38;2;255;255;255m\e[1;48;2;233;84;32mGrand Totals:|||${GTOTAL_SRC_CNT}|${GTOTAL_SRC_SZE} ${MB}/$(echo "scale=${SC};${GTOTAL_SRC_SZE//,}/${SMODEK}"|bc) ${GB}|${GTOTAL_PKG_CNT}|${GTOTAL_PKG_SZE} ${MB}/$(echo "scale=${SC};${GTOTAL_PKG_SZE//,}/${SMODEK}"|bc) ${GB}\e[0m\n"
)|column -ts"|"|sed -r 's/^.*release.*.main\s\s|^.*updates.*.main\s\s|^.*security.*.main\s\s/'$(printf "&${MAIN_FN}")'/g;s/^.*release.*.universe\s\s|^.*updates.*.universe\s\s|^.*security.*.universe\s\s/'$(printf "&${UNIVERSE_FN}")'/g'
tput cnorm
[[ ${FN} = true ]] && { printf "\n\e[$(($(printf '%s\n' ${SERIES[@]}|wc -L)+3))G\e[1m\u2020\u00A0\e[0mEligble for Extended Security Maintenance (ESM) with Ubuntu Advantage for Infrastructure\n"; }
[[ ${FN} = true ]] && { printf "\e[$(($(printf '%s\n' ${SERIES[@]}|wc -L)+3))G\e[1m\u00A7\u00A0\e[0mEligble for Extended Security Maintenance (ESM) with Ubuntu Advantage for Applications\n\n"; }
[[ ${KEEP} = false ]] && { find ${WORK_DIR} -maxdepth 1 -type f -regextype "posix-extended" -iregex '.*Ubuntu-Repo.*(Sources|Packages).*([x|g]z)' -delete; }
[[ ${DEBUG} = true ]] && { set +x > /dev/null 2>&1; }
};export -f ubuntu-repo-size
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ThinGuy commented Mar 8, 2021

craig@ob20:~$ ubuntu-repo-size -s trusty,xenial,bionic,focal -a amd64,arm64

Ubuntu Repository Size

Series (Arch)   Suite                   Component   Src Count  Src Size(MB/GB)   Pkg Count  Pkg Size(MB/GB)
─────────────   ─────                   ─────────   ─────────  ───────────────   ─────────  ───────────────
Trusty (amd64)
                trusty (release)        main        3,171      8,033/8           8,566      11,649/12
                trusty (release)        universe    18,510     37,797/38         35,524     45,849/46
                trusty (release)        multiverse  508        6,384/6           741        4,973/5
                trusty (release)        restricted  12         761/1             49         341/0
                trusty-updates          main        1,338      6,053/6           8,894      51,677/52
                trusty-updates          universe    574        3,713/4           3,122      8,463/8
                trusty-updates          multiverse  14         381/0             65         274/0
                trusty-updates          restricted  15         1,565/2           86         438/0
                trusty-backports        main        20         20/0              63         24/0
                trusty-backports        universe    86         1,408/1           244        1,479/1
                trusty-backports        multiverse  3          1/0               4          0/0
                trusty-backports        restricted  0          0/0               0          0/0
                trusty-security         main        366        4,921/5           6,475      48,278/48
                trusty-security         universe    232        2,301/2           1,807      6,155/6
                trusty-security         multiverse  5          93/0              17         128/0
                trusty-security         restricted  12         1,197/1           77         198/0
                trusty-proposed         main        1          7/0               18         57/0
                trusty-proposed         universe    53         351/0             56         339/0
                trusty-proposed         multiverse  0          0/0               0          0/0
                trusty-proposed         restricted  1          6/0               1          2/0
                                                    ─────────  ───────────────   ─────────  ───────────────
                Trusty (amd64) Totals:              24921      74992/74          65809      180324/180
Xenial (amd64)
                xenial (release)        main        2,470      8,124/8           7,322      9,623/10
                xenial (release)        universe    22,593     46,668/47         45,688     61,366/61
                xenial (release)        multiverse  506        8,015/8           782        5,882/6
                xenial (release)        restricted  11         710/1             45         252/0
                xenial-updates          main        979        6,931/7           10,137     72,102/72
                xenial-updates          universe    701        4,929/5           5,472      19,355/19
                xenial-updates          multiverse  17         298/0             85         437/0
                xenial-updates          restricted  5          415/0             39         200/0
                xenial-backports        main        9          32/0              36         19/0
                xenial-backports        universe    16         73/0              43         107/0
                xenial-backports        multiverse  0          0/0               0          0/0
                xenial-backports        restricted  0          0/0               0          0/0
                xenial-security         main        348        5,580/6           8,221      66,237/66
                xenial-security         universe    295        2,919/3           3,652      13,838/14
                xenial-security         multiverse  6          64/0              31         31/0
                xenial-security         restricted  4          408/0             38         198/0
                xenial-proposed         main        31         1,360/1           350        914/1
                xenial-proposed         universe    9          349/0             33         122/0
                xenial-proposed         multiverse  0          0/0               0          0/0
                xenial-proposed         restricted  0          0/0               0          0/0
                                                    ─────────  ───────────────   ─────────  ───────────────
                Xenial (amd64) Totals:              28000      86875/86          81974      250683/250
Bionic (amd64)
                bionic (release)        main        2,323      7,577/8           6,391      6,070/6
                bionic (release)        universe    26,217     55,830/56         53,596     66,778/67
                bionic (release)        multiverse  512        7,055/7           830        4,700/5
                bionic (release)        restricted  11         1,020/1           50         118/0
                bionic-updates          main        920        9,896/10          10,005     69,922/70
                bionic-updates          universe    658        5,545/6           8,339      23,342/23
                bionic-updates          multiverse  15         904/1             103        684/1
                bionic-updates          restricted  30         1,385/1           1,455      12,519/13
                bionic-backports        main        7          61/0              36         53/0
                bionic-backports        universe    7          25/0              36         41/0
                bionic-backports        multiverse  0          0/0               0          0/0
                bionic-backports        restricted  0          0/0               0          0/0
                bionic-security         main        342        8,707/9           8,401      64,195/64
                bionic-security         universe    415        4,319/4           5,439      17,452/17
                bionic-security         multiverse  5          187/0             76         601/1
                bionic-security         restricted  26         1,023/1           1,344      11,669/12
                bionic-proposed         main        219        3,117/3           618        1,582/2
                bionic-proposed         universe    15         699/1             71         122/0
                bionic-proposed         multiverse  1          110/0             18         131/0
                bionic-proposed         restricted  17         768/1             344        1,253/1
                                                    ─────────  ───────────────   ─────────  ───────────────
                Bionic (amd64) Totals:              31740      108228/108        97152      281232/281
Focal (amd64)
                focal (release)         main        2,371      8,666/9           6,090      6,727/7
                focal (release)         universe    27,916     63,363/63         53,206     73,116/73
                focal (release)         multiverse  489        8,248/8           813        5,707/6
                focal (release)         restricted  13         629/1             143        459/0
                focal-updates           main        714        7,517/8           4,151      22,288/22
                focal-updates           universe    199        1,378/1           3,596      11,968/12
                focal-updates           multiverse  14         646/1             83         299/0
                focal-updates           restricted  16         1,019/1           831        7,544/8
                focal-backports         main        0          0/0               0          0/0
                focal-backports         universe    2          23/0              13         14/0
                focal-backports         multiverse  0          0/0               0          0/0
                focal-backports         restricted  0          0/0               0          0/0
                focal-security          main        164        4,619/5           2,672      18,247/18
                focal-security          universe    40         348/0             2,785      9,757/10
                focal-security          multiverse  2          110/0             54         199/0
                focal-security          restricted  14         912/1             709        6,331/6
                focal-proposed          main        71         2,837/3           443        1,578/2
                focal-proposed          universe    17         23/0              133        99/0
                focal-proposed          multiverse  1          110/0             53         199/0
                focal-proposed          restricted  12         640/1             238        1,001/1
                                                    ─────────  ───────────────   ─────────  ───────────────
                Focal (amd64) Totals:               32055      101088/101        76013      165533/165
Trusty (arm64)
                trusty (release)        main        3,171      8,033/8           7,790      9,057/9
                trusty (release)        universe    18,510     37,797/38         33,298     40,612/41
                trusty (release)        multiverse  508        6,384/6           612        4,440/4
                trusty (release)        restricted  12         761/1             0          0/0
                trusty-updates          main        1,338      6,053/6           5,963      32,881/33
                trusty-updates          universe    574        3,713/4           2,788      5,783/6
                trusty-updates          multiverse  14         381/0             45         164/0
                trusty-updates          restricted  15         1,565/2           0          0/0
                trusty-backports        main        20         20/0              59         22/0
                trusty-backports        universe    86         1,408/1           237        1,380/1
                trusty-backports        multiverse  3          1/0               1          0/0
                trusty-backports        restricted  0          0/0               0          0/0
                trusty-security         main        366        4,921/5           4,086      30,529/31
                trusty-security         universe    232        2,301/2           1,574      3,781/4
                trusty-security         multiverse  5          93/0              7          42/0
                trusty-security         restricted  12         1,197/1           0          0/0
                trusty-proposed         main        1          7/0               10         16/0
                trusty-proposed         universe    53         351/0             69         345/0
                trusty-proposed         multiverse  0          0/0               0          0/0
                trusty-proposed         restricted  1          6/0               0          0/0
                                                    ─────────  ───────────────   ─────────  ───────────────
                Trusty (arm64) Totals:              24921      74992/74          56539      129052/129
Xenial (arm64)
                xenial (release)        main        2,470      8,124/8           6,808      7,803/8
                xenial (release)        universe    22,593     46,668/47         44,089     55,546/56
                xenial (release)        multiverse  506        8,015/8           645        4,930/5
                xenial (release)        restricted  11         710/1             0          0/0
                xenial-updates          main        979        6,931/7           5,725      46,098/46
                xenial-updates          universe    701        4,929/5           5,220      18,308/18
                xenial-updates          multiverse  17         298/0             53         278/0
                xenial-updates          restricted  5          415/0             0          0/0
                xenial-backports        main        9          32/0              36         17/0
                xenial-backports        universe    16         73/0              36         82/0
                xenial-backports        multiverse  0          0/0               0          0/0
                xenial-backports        restricted  0          0/0               0          0/0
                xenial-security         main        348        5,580/6           4,132      42,404/42
                xenial-security         universe    295        2,919/3           3,469      13,330/13
                xenial-security         multiverse  6          64/0              10         7/0
                xenial-security         restricted  4          408/0             0          0/0
                xenial-proposed         main        31         1,360/1           127        513/1
                xenial-proposed         universe    9          349/0             35         144/0
                xenial-proposed         multiverse  0          0/0               0          0/0
                xenial-proposed         restricted  0          0/0               0          0/0
                                                    ─────────  ───────────────   ─────────  ───────────────
                Xenial (arm64) Totals:              28000      86875/86          70385      189460/189
Bionic (arm64)
                bionic (release)        main        2,323      7,577/8           6,083      5,182/5
                bionic (release)        universe    26,217     55,830/56         51,776     59,764/60
                bionic (release)        multiverse  512        7,055/7           675        3,752/4
                bionic (release)        restricted  11         1,020/1           1          0/0
                bionic-updates          main        920        9,896/10          5,905      42,441/42
                bionic-updates          universe    658        5,545/6           7,211      16,151/16
                bionic-updates          multiverse  15         904/1             17         50/0
                bionic-updates          restricted  30         1,385/1           13         0/0
                bionic-backports        main        7          61/0              36         53/0
                bionic-backports        universe    7          25/0              35         31/0
                bionic-backports        multiverse  0          0/0               0          0/0
                bionic-backports        restricted  0          0/0               0          0/0
                bionic-security         main        342        8,707/9           4,521      38,136/38
                bionic-security         universe    415        4,319/4           4,651      11,781/12
                bionic-security         multiverse  5          187/0             8          5/0
                bionic-security         restricted  26         1,023/1           10         0/0
                bionic-proposed         main        219        3,117/3           390        864/1
                bionic-proposed         universe    15         699/1             85         169/0
                bionic-proposed         multiverse  1          110/0             1          0/0
                bionic-proposed         restricted  17         768/1             8          0/0
                                                    ─────────  ───────────────   ─────────  ───────────────
                Bionic (arm64) Totals:              31740      108228/108        81426      178379/178
Focal (arm64)
                focal (release)         main        2,371      8,666/9           5,867      5,863/6
                focal (release)         universe    27,916     63,363/63         52,044     69,215/69
                focal (release)         multiverse  489        8,248/8           632        3,874/4
                focal (release)         restricted  13         629/1             6          0/0
                focal-updates           main        714        7,517/8           3,181      15,363/15
                focal-updates           universe    199        1,378/1           3,326      10,082/10
                focal-updates           multiverse  14         646/1             15         54/0
                focal-updates           restricted  16         1,019/1           9          0/0
                focal-backports         main        0          0/0               0          0/0
                focal-backports         universe    2          23/0              13         14/0
                focal-backports         multiverse  0          0/0               0          0/0
                focal-backports         restricted  0          0/0               0          0/0
                focal-security          main        164        4,619/5           1,786      12,018/12
                focal-security          universe    40         348/0             2,520      8,122/8
                focal-security          multiverse  2          110/0             3          0/0
                focal-security          restricted  14         912/1             8          0/0
                focal-proposed          main        71         2,837/3           297        944/1
                focal-proposed          universe    17         23/0              127        86/0
                focal-proposed          multiverse  1          110/0             3          0/0
                focal-proposed          restricted  12         640/1             5          0/0
                                                    ─────────  ───────────────   ─────────  ───────────────
                Focal (arm64) Totals:               32055      101088/101        69842      125635/125
                                                    ═════════  ═══════════════   ═════════  ═══════════════
Grand Totals:                                       233432     742366 MB/742 GB  599140     1500298 MB/1500 GB

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