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Created March 20, 2024 03:30
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Updated MAAS debug image, adds password for the root user in case of a bad networking configuration that results in the node being deployed is unable to contact the MAAS server to get its metadata.
maas-build-debug-image() {
local -a UBU_RELS=(bionic)
export IMG_PWD="Ubuntu1+"
# Create salted pw for images
printf "\e[2G - Salting the desired password of \x22${IMG_PWD}\x22 for use in debug-image\n"
export SALTED_PWD="$(echo 'Ubuntu1+'|mkpasswd --method=SHA-512 --rounds=4096 -s)"
# Dowload images
printf '%s\n' ${UBU_RELS[@]}|xargs -rn1 -P0 bash -c '
printf "\e[2G - Fetching Ubuntu release ${0^} from ${IMG_URL}\n"
wget -qO ~/${IMG_URL##*/} --show-progress --inet4-only ${IMG_URL}
# Create directory for extraction
printf "\e[2G - Creating working directory for ${0} in ~/${0} \n"
mkdir -p ~/${0}
# Extract image
printf "\e[2G - Extracting ${0}\x27s squashfs to ~/${0} \n"
sudo tar -C ~/${0} -xpSf ~/${0}-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.xz --numeric-owner --xattrs "--xattrs-include=*"
printf "\e[2G - Adding a password to the root user\x27s account\n"
sudo sed -i "s,^root:[^:]*,root:${SALTED_PWD}," ~/${0}/etc/shadow
printf "\e[2G - Allowing password-based authentication and root login with password over ssh\n"
sudo sed -r -i "s/^#?(PasswordAuthentication|PermitRootLogin)[^$]*/\1 yes/g" ~/${0}/etc/ssh/sshd_config
printf "\e[2G - Removing restrictions in root\x27s authorized_keys file\n"
sudo sed -r -i "s/^no-.*142\x22\x20//g" ~/${0}/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
printf "\e[2G - Re-squashing ${0}\x27s squashfs\n"
sudo mksquashfs ~/${0}/ ~/${0}-maas-debug.squashfs -xattrs -comp xz
ls -altr ~/${0}-maas-debug.squashfs
export NEW_SQUASHFS="~/${0}-maas-debug.squashfs"
printf "\e[2G - Finding existing ${0} image in MAAS\n"
export ORIG_SQUASHFS=$(find 2>/dev/null /var/snap/maas/common/maas/boot-resources/ -type f -regextype posix-extended -regex ".*/ga-[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2}/${0}/stable/squashfs")
[[ -f ${ORIG_SQUASHFS} ]] && { printf "\e[2G - Moving existing ${0} image name from squashfs to sqaushfs.orig\n"; }
[[ -f ${ORIG_SQUASHFS} ]] && { sudo mv ${ORIG_SQUASHFS}{,.orig}; }
[[ -f ${NEW_SQUASHFS} ]] && { printf "\e[2G - Moving ${0}-maas-debug.squashfs to squashfs for ${0}\n"; }
[[ -f ${NEW_SQUASHFS} ]] && { sudo cp ${NEW_SQUASHFS} ${ORIG_SQUASHFS}; }
printf "\e[2G - Setting owner to root for squashfs for ${0}\n"
sudo chown root:root ${ORIG_SQUASHFS}
printf "\n\e[2G\e[1;32mImportant\e[0;1m: To move back non-debug image for ${0}, please run:\n"
echo mv $ORIG_SQUASHFS{.orig,};printf "\e[0m\n"
};export -f maas-build-debug-image
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