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Last active August 15, 2018 00:52
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MAAS: Insert a new boot parameter into all existing tags' kernel_opts
maas-insert-boot-param() {
local DESC="\e[1m${FUNCNAME}\e[0m: Insert a boot paramter into a specific, or all existing tags.\n"
maas-insert-boot-param_usage() {
printf "\n${DESC}\n"
printf "\e[1mUsage\e[0m: ${FUNCNAME%%_*} -p <param> [-t <tag>]\n\n"
printf "\e[1mOptions\e[0m:\n"
printf "\e[2G -p, --param \e[20GRequired: boot parameter to add\n"
printf "\e[20GEx: apparmor=0\n"
printf "\e[20GTip: Enclose multiple params in single quotes\n\n"
printf "\e[2G -t, --tag \e[20GOptional: Add only to a specific tag\n"
printf "\e[2G -h, --help\e[20GThis message\n\n"
printf "\n\e[1m\e[2GExample #1\e[0m: Add boot parameter of \"net.ifnames=0\" to an existing tag\n"
printf "\e[14Gcalled \"virtual\"\n"
printf "\e[14Gmaas-insert-boot-param \\ \n"
printf "\e[14G-t virtual -p net.ifnames=0 \n\n"
printf "\n\e[1m\e[2GExample #2\e[0m: Add boot parameters of:\n"
printf "\e[14G\"nodemodeset console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8\" to all tags\n"
printf "\e[14Gmaas-insert-boot-param \\ \n"
printf "\e[14G-p 'nodemodeset console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8' \n\n"
ARGS=$(getopt -o p:t:h --long param:,tag:,help -n ${FUNCNAME} -- "$@")
eval set -- "$ARGS"
while true ; do
case "$1" in
-p|--param) local PARAM="${2}";shift 2;;
-t|--tag) local TAG="${2}";shift 2;;
-d|--desc) printf "${DESC}";return 2;;
-h|--help) ${FUNCNAME}_usage;return;;
--) shift;break;;
if [[ -n ${TAG} ]];then
maas ${MAAS_PROFILE} tag read ${TAG}|jq -r '"\(.name) '"'"'\(.kernel_opts)'"'"'"'|xargs -n2 -P0 bash -c '[[ "$1" =~ ".*'"${PARAM}"'.*" ]] && echo "Tag \"${0}\" already has \"'"${PARAM}"'\" in kernel_opts. Skipping." || maas admin tag update $0 kernel_opts="'"${PARAM}"' $1"'
maas ${MAAS_PROFILE} tags read|jq -r '.[]|"\(.name) '"'"'\(.kernel_opts)'"'"'"'|xargs -n2 -P0 bash -c '[[ "$1" =~ ".*'"${PARAM}"'.*" ]] && echo "Tag \"${0}\" already has \"'"${PARAM}"'\" in kernel_opts. Skipping." || maas admin tag update $0 kernel_opts="'"${PARAM}"' $1"'
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