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Last active June 9, 2024 05:49
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  • Save ThinkSalat/9710ae4cbeadeb351bd40bbec9985372 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ThinkSalat/9710ae4cbeadeb351bd40bbec9985372 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Syncs your Readwise documents, highlights and annotations to Raindrop. automatically adds new highlights and annotations. Set up the config using the tokens from readwise and raindrop, and leave LASTUPDATE blank as it will gather all your documents and add them to the raindrop collection on the first run. Find RAINDROPCOLLECTIONID using this htt…
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const filePath = path.join(__dirname, 'config.txt');
const logFilePath = path.join(__dirname, 'log.txt');
function readVariables() {
try {
const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8');
const lines = fileContent.trim().split('\n');
const variables = {};
lines.forEach(line => {
const [variableName, variableValue] = line.split('=');
variables[variableName.trim()] = variableValue.trim();
return variables;
} catch (error) {
// Return an empty object if the file doesn't exist yet
return {};
function getCurrentTime() {
return new Date().toISOString();
function writeConfig(variables) {
const variableLines = Object.entries(variables).map(([variableName, variableValue]) => {
return `${variableName}=${variableValue}`;
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, variableLines.join('\n'), 'utf-8');
function updateLastUpdated(config) {
const currentTime = getCurrentTime();
config.LASTUPDATE = currentTime;
function logToFile(text) {
const currentTime = getCurrentTime();
const logEntry = `${currentTime}: ${text}\n`;
fs.appendFileSync(logFilePath, logEntry, 'utf-8');
const main = async () => {
const config = readVariables()
const readwisev3Base = new URL('')
const raindropv1Base = new URL('')
const urls = {
READERDOCS: new URL('list/', readwisev3Base),
RAINDROPBOOKMARKS: new URL(`raindrops/${config.RAINDROPCOLLECTIONID}/`, raindropv1Base),
RAINDROPADDMANY: new URL(`raindrops/`, raindropv1Base),
RAINDROPADDONE: new URL(`raindrop/`, raindropv1Base),
const readerCats = ["article", "rss", "highlight", "note", "pdf", "tweet", "video"]
// get new stuff from readwise
const [articles, rss, highlight, note, pdf, tweet, video] = await Promise.all( category => {
const apiUrl = new URL(urls.READERDOCS)
apiUrl.searchParams.set('category', category)
if (category === 'rss') {
apiUrl.searchParams.set('location', 'archive')
if (config.LASTUPDATE) {
apiUrl.searchParams.set('updatedAfter', config.LASTUPDATE)
return fetchAllPages(apiUrl, {
method: 'GET',
headers: new Headers({ 'Authorization': `Token ${config.READWISETOKEN}` }),
paginateUrlParam: 'pageCursor',
paginateResponseParam: 'nextPageCursor',
dataKey: 'results'
// Combine highlights and notes to their respective items
const readerItemsById = {};
const readerItemsBySource = {};
[...articles, ...rss, ...pdf, ...tweet,].forEach( item => {
readerItemsById[] = item
if (item.source_url) {
readerItemsBySource[item.source_url] = item
logToFile(`${Object.keys(readerItemsById).length} new items`)
logToFile(`${[...note, ...highlight].length} new highlights or notes`)
const highlightsById = highlight.reduce((obj, hl) => ({...obj, []: hl }), {})
const missingHighlightIds = new Set()
const missingDocumentIds = new Set()
note.forEach( note => {
if (highlightsById[note.parent_id]) {
highlightsById[note.parent_id].note = note
} else {
// missing highlight, perhaps added a note to a highlight that was made and synced earlier
if (missingHighlightIds.size) {
// grab missing highlights, add them to highlightsById
const missingHighlights = await Promise.all([...missingHighlightIds].map( id => {
const missingDocUrl = new URL(urls.READERDOCS)
return fetchSingleItem(missingDocUrl, { headers: new Headers({ 'Authorization': `Token ${config.READWISETOKEN}` })})
logToFile("Nex line i missing highlights result promise.all")
// add missing highlights
missingHighlights.forEach( hl => {
highlightsById[] = hl
if (!readerItemsById[hl.parent_id]) {
// highlighted article that's already been saved to Readwise. Need to save the parent_id and then run the document list with a param of id=parent_id
// add new notes to highlights that were missing
note.forEach( note => {
if (highlightsById[note.parent_id]) {
highlightsById[note.parent_id].note = note
} else {
// missing highlight, perhaps added a note to a highlight that was made and synced earlier
logToFile("ERROR: missing note parent after grabbing missing. note.parent_id = " + note.parent_id)
highlight.forEach( hl => {
if (!readerItemsById[hl.parent_id]) {
// highlighted article that's already been saved to Readwise. Need to save the parent_id and then run the document list with a param of id=parent_id
logToFile(`${missingDocumentIds.size} missing docs and ${missingHighlightIds.size} missing highlights`)
// Handle notes and highlights added after original has been saved already
// have to grab all missing items
if (missingDocumentIds.size){
// grab missing documents and add to the readerItemsById and readerItemsBySource
const missingDocs = await Promise.all([...missingDocumentIds].map( id => {
const missingDocUrl = new URL(urls.READERDOCS)
missingDocUrl.searchParams.set('id', id)
return fetchSingleItem(missingDocUrl, { headers: new Headers({ 'Authorization': `Token ${config.READWISETOKEN}` })})
logToFile("Nex line i missindocs result promise.all")
missingDocs.forEach( doc => {
readerItemsById[] = doc
readerItemsBySource[doc.source_url] = doc
highlight.forEach( hl => {
if (readerItemsById[hl.parent_id]) {
readerItemsById[hl.parent_id].highlights ??= []
} else {
// highlighted article that's already been saved to Readwise. Need to save the parent_id and then run the document list with a param of id=parent_id
logToFile("ERROR: Still missing document after grabbing missing document ids: document id missing: " + hl.parent_id + ' The list of missing ids is: ' + JSON.stringify([...missingDocumentIds]))
const bookmarks = await fetchAllPagesRaindrop(urls.RAINDROPBOOKMARKS, {
method: 'GET',
headers: new Headers({ 'Authorization': `Bearer ${config.RAINDROPTOKEN}`}),
dataKey: 'items'
const bookmarksByLink = bookmarks.reduce((obj, el) => ({ ...obj, []: el }), {})
// Data massaging complete. Now update or add bookmarks.
// check if bookmark link already exists and if so, update the highlights, if not add the bookmark
const formatBodyForBookmark = (item) => {
const artBody = {
title: item.title,
link: item.source_url,
pleaseParse: {},
tags: Object.keys(item.tags || {}),
highlights: formHighlights(item.highlights),
note: item.notes + `\n\n[Readwise Version](${item.url})`,
collection: {
return artBody
const formHighlights = (hls = []) => {
return hl => {
return {
text: hl.content + `\n\n[View in Reader](${hl.url})`,
note: hl.note?.content || '',
tags: Object.keys(hl.tags || {})
const bulkBookmarks = []
Object.entries(readerItemsBySource).forEach( async ([sourceUrl, item]) => {
if (bookmarksByLink[sourceUrl]) {
const updatedBookmarkHighlights = formatBodyForBookmark(item).highlights || []
const originalHighlights = bookmarksByLink[sourceUrl].highlights || []
const newHighlights = []
const usedHls = []
// this adds originals
originalHighlights.forEach( (hl) => {
const matchingUpdatedHighlight = updatedBookmarkHighlights.find( uhl => uhl.text === hl.text)
if (matchingUpdatedHighlight) {
newHighlights.push({...hl, note: matchingUpdatedHighlight.note, tags: matchingUpdatedHighlight.tags })
updatedBookmarkHighlights.filter( hl => !usedHls.includes(hl.text)).forEach( hl => usedHls.push(hl))
await updateBookmark(bookmarksByLink[sourceUrl]._id, JSON.stringify({ highlights: updatedBookmarkHighlights }))
} else {
// Doesn't exist, add bookmark
if (bulkBookmarks.length) {
try {
const res = await createManyBookmarks(JSON.stringify({
items: bulkBookmarks
logToFile(`SUCCESS: result: ${res.result} ${res.items?.length || 0} items added`)
} catch(e){
logToFile('ERROR: ' + e)
} else {
logToFile("No new bookmarks added")
async function createBookmark(body) {
const res = await fetch(urls.RAINDROPADDONE, {
method: 'POST',
headers: new Headers({ 'Authorization': `Bearer ${config.RAINDROPTOKEN}`, "Content-Type": "application/json" }),
return await res.json()
async function deleteBookmark(id) {
const res = await fetch(urls.RAINDROPADDONE + `/${id}`, {
method: 'DELETE',
headers: new Headers({ 'Authorization': `Bearer ${config.RAINDROPTOKEN}`, "Content-Type": "application/json" }),
return await res.json()
async function createManyBookmarks(body) {
const res = await fetch(urls.RAINDROPADDMANY, {
method: 'POST',
headers: new Headers({ 'Authorization': `Bearer ${config.RAINDROPTOKEN}`, "Content-Type": "application/json" }),
return await res.json()
async function updateBookmark(id, body) {
const res = await fetch(urls.RAINDROPADDONE + `/${id}`, {
method: 'PUT',
headers: new Headers({ 'Authorization': `Bearer ${config.RAINDROPTOKEN}`, "Content-Type": "application/json" }),
return await res.json()
async function fetchSingleItem(apiUrl, { headers }) {
let apiResponse = await fetch(apiUrl, { method: 'GET', headers });
let responseData = await apiResponse.json();
return responseData.results?.[0] || {}
async function fetchAllPages(apiUrl, { method, headers, paginateUrlParam, paginateResponseParam, dataKey }) {
let allData = [];
let apiResponse = await fetch(apiUrl, { method, headers });
while (apiResponse.ok) {
let responseData = await apiResponse.json();
allData = allData.concat(responseData[dataKey]); // Assuming the data is under 'results' key
if (responseData[paginateResponseParam]) {
apiUrl.searchParams.set(paginateUrlParam, responseData[paginateResponseParam])
apiResponse = await fetch(apiUrl, { method, headers });
} else {
return allData;
async function fetchAllPagesRaindrop(apiUrl, { method, headers, dataKey }) {
let allData = [];
let apiResponse = await fetch(apiUrl, { method, headers });
let page = 0
let count = Infinity
while (allData.length < count) {
let responseData = await apiResponse.json();
count = responseData.count
allData = allData.concat(responseData[dataKey]); // Assuming the data is under 'results' key
if (allData.length < count) {
apiUrl.searchParams.set('page', ++page)
apiResponse = await fetch(apiUrl, { method, headers });
} else {
return allData;
try {
} catch(e) {
logToFile('ERROR: ' + e)
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Are you running this locally? Can this be hosted in AWS? Thx

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Are you running this locally? Can this be hosted in AWS? Thx

I run from my NAS on a 5 minute interval. You should be able to run this anywhere with node as that's the only dependency!

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